[Beta testers needed] Squishy Hoops - arcade AR game coming to the Appstore

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by piotrbuczkowski, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. piotrbuczkowski

    piotrbuczkowski New Member

    Oct 20, 2017
    #1 piotrbuczkowski, Oct 26, 2017
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
    Hi guys!

    Since we're getting pretty close to the release of our first AR game, we wanted
    to let you know what we've been working on for the past 2 months So, without further ado - this is


    When life flips you the bird, spread your wings and fight back with Squishy Hoops!
    Impersonate a friendly bird and guide it through dangerous hoops!

    Squishy Hoops is a free-as-a-bird AR arcade game. Thanks to augmented reality,
    a selected character will fly with you wherever you want.

    Your winged friend is in a life-threatening situation – sharpen your senses, set out
    to rescue and save it from being crushed by terrifying hoops.

    Get ready for a good fly!
    Combine reality with a virtual world, thanks to AR you can do it now! Play in a park,
    during a camping or even bungee jumping – your character will keep up with you!
    Get enchanted with fantastic graphics and uniquely created sound effects.
    Fall in love with 10 winged characters – Bakman, Gandaf, Inah, Kakti, Kiki, Laly,
    Luke, Peko, Pipi, Smart and Tart are waiting to be rescued!
    Get ready for hours of amazing fun and make the best of your mobile device.

    Technical information:
    Authors: Piotr Buczkowski, Paweł Kozakowski and Krzysztof Homa
    Video game genre: arcade game created with the use of AR technology
    OS: iOS 11 AR Kit


    Here are some gifs:

    And a trailer video:

    If you would like to help us test the app please leave me a message.

    My website
    SH Facebook page

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