[BETA] Taco Cat Taco - Hand-Eye Coordination, Pattern Recognition game for young kids

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Eat the Moon, Aug 23, 2017.

  1. Eat the Moon

    Eat the Moon Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2017
    Founder, Eat the Moon, LLC
    Washington, USA
    Hi Everyone, we're Eat the Moon!

    Our second game, Taco Cat Taco, is getting close to world wide release (sometime in September!) and we could definitely use some more help beta testing the game and getting impressions from younger gamers as well as older gamers who want something fun and easy to play.

    Obviously, we don't expect 3-7 year olds to be cruising around on this forum, but if you have kids or know anyone who has young kids, we would love to get this game into their hands to see what they think. Our internal testing of the game, and the small sample of kids that we've shown the game to have loved it, but we could always use more play tests!

    Studio Background

    We are a small indie team made up of a game developer, two artists and a writer. We formed at the start of 2017 and decided that for our first game, we wanted to go big... thus we created Idle Realm! The title was a huge undertaking and as a way to relax and refresh ourselves, we put together our next game, Taco Cat Taco, for our kids and their friends!

    Game Details


    First off, Taco Cat Taco will be a premium app with no ads and no IAP. We want parents to feel comfortable letting their kids play the game and have fun!

    Taco Cat Taco is very easy to pick up and play. You are presented with a five ingredient taco and you need to create the same taco by selecting ingredients as they appear on the screen. Once the taco is completed, you'll be awarded stars based upon how closely the taco matches the reference taco.

    There are four sets of levels, each based upon difficulty. There are 9 levels per set, with each level getting progressively faster, for a total of 36 levels to complete. Players need to play a level completely in order to unlock the next level. Even if you fail to make the correct taco, you still can make progress to see what else there is.


    Easy - 9 levels - provides normal taco ingredients (ground beef, cheddar cheese, leafy greens, sour cream, etc.), slightly slower than normal speed.

    Medium - 9 levels - provides strange ingredients (coral reef, angry bees, grandpa's jeans, kitty dreams, etc.) that rhyme with their normal ingredient counterpart and also look similar.

    Hard - 9 levels - combines the normal and strange ingredients, so not only will players need to look out for the correct ingredient, they need to quickly identify if it is the normal or strange varient, as they do look very similar!

    Crazy - 9 levels - same as the hard mode, but when the level starts, the reference taco you have become accustomed to looking at as you build your taco will be turned black, so you'll need to memorize the taco!

    (The older gamers prefer the twitchy aspect of levels 7, 8, and 9 in each difficulty, with Hard Level 9 and Crazy Level 9 providing some great group entertainment ... and profanity, haha!)


    There is also a kitty cat dress-up section of the game. As levels are played for the first time, as well as the first time you earn a specific star for a level, you'll unlock pieces of clothing for the kitty. This provides an extra reward for the player to try and 100% each level, so they can collect all of the outfits.


    TestFlight Beta Testing

    The game is basically finished. We have some polish that we're adding (animations, sound effects, music, etc) as well as a few more pieces of kitty dress-up clothing that won't be in the beta build.

    If you are interested joining the beta test, please send me a PM with your email and I'll add you to our beta tester list and you'll receive a TestFlight invitation to download and play the game once it is ready. I'll be submitting the external beta tester build to Apple by the end of tonight, so hopefully I can start sending out invitations as soon as August 25th!.

    Screens and Media

    tct_gameplay1.PNG tct_gameplay2.PNG tct_earned_1_star.PNG tct_earned_3_stars.PNG

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