You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension - a dimension of sound, a dimension of sight, a dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into the TouchArcade Zone.
The game is already out in Australia. It will be published in USA and Europe soon. Our goal is end of August or early September.
Apologies for my bad English, but I have been playing Raziel is an iphone 5s and the truth fills all my expectations, I hope to improve the servers when I leave the official way in NA.
Hello, because I get a message to download more files when I have downloaded the last update of the game in the appstore
Downloaded and tested out Raziel. Very fun, but it kills my battery faster than anything else I have ever played. Is there anyway for me to make it last longer?
On my iPhone 7 the battery performance has been okay -- but my phone does get a bit hot when playing. That's one of the main obstacles we're trying to overcome for multiplayer. Many times, while testing larger multiplayer battles, our phones were simply getting too hot.