Universal [Beta] Oraia Rift: Action/Adventure game with Zelda like puzzles

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by TheRoyalQuest, May 26, 2015.

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  1. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Well there are times when one would like to take that roll off..any possibility of a checkbox to turn it on/off??

    Found a display text bug for the oracle while looking for soul of fire. Email sent with pic...

    Egads..8 hours into the app and only 50% done!! And I know I missed a few items/doors along the way!
  2. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer

    Got your bug about the oracle text, seems text too long and out of the box, either I make the font way smaller, but that won't work specially for iPhone 5, so the best is to make the text shorter for this dialog.

    Great that you have completed 50%, I will give you a hint ;) Go back and solve the old puzzles, in previous levels (SkyFang and Earth Temple), they're pretty easy and you'll get powerful spells. Now you have the proper spells to solve the old puzzles.

    You are very close to reach my favorite place, the temple of fire, I think this have the best graphics.

  3. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    Let's talk about the all time bug, above ;)

    I have increased the accuracy of Navigation and now in build 11, this problem will be gone, it includes:

    Accurate size for collision of Breakable crates/barrels/boxes.

    Accurate size for collision of Moving stones.

    No more player go into the Boxes/Stones and look awkward, no more hidden path blocked like the video ;) Without any explanation.

    I need some times to re test all the paths now.

    Everything look great and ready on time for first of Sept submit to Apple.
  4. Marcos stein

    Marcos stein Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    I really like this game. Please let us move the camera with a imaginary one finger button while walking (like radiation island, oddworld stranger's wrath).
  5. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
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    Easy, I'll work on it when I'm done from the list of things I have ;)

    Actually it works with MFi controller, not with TouchScreen though

    When you use two fingers, you can move the character forward with the joystick, but with the other finger, you can combine move the camera and character left and right ;)
  6. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    #146 cofunguy, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    I knew about the Skyfang one but not seeing the earth one though...never mind found it. That is what I get for doing a follow left initial strategy.

    One other item which I meant to mention but keep forgetting about. When you get hit with the time spell, I am able to hit them back with a like spell. Is that the way it should be?
  7. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    I forgot to mention how great the sound FX and music is in the game :)

    I would add a separate dodge button instead of having it be the attack button. Whenever I am running and go to break objects or attack I accidentally do a roll.
  8. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    #148 cofunguy, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    Have to concur with Geno, have the ability to turn the roll off or on the roll. Maybe a checkbox under the "pause" screen. Still haven't seen that change for the pause icon to change.

    Also found this issuE (not the one I emailed you about dealing with not moving in temple of the woods..and found out what it was...the fire). Putting a spoiler tag so not take away from finding some of the items in the game...
    But a little further down after opening the door, I have another fire spot. So after removing it, I cast the restore spell and the target was the fire not me. I know the why that is, but for a restore spell, the target would normally be the character not an outside element. Gather that can't be done to make the exception for the restore spell??

    Lastly in the temple of the woods, some of the stairs are pretty narrow. I fear that issue with the inability to move might strike on a few of the more narrowing stairs.
  9. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    No issues, I had to redo the Navigation in all the levels, so just give me some time ;) I'll fix everything else then pretty quickly as usual, daily build, or even two or three, but the navigation/movement issue needed time.

    I have completed redoing navigation for 7 areas, and 3 only are remaining, I guess I'll be done from them all tonight, maybe even have some time to do some of the requests.

    I'll be back soon and reply to you guys, please give me few hours ;) I'm only one person, unable to do all the things on one shot hahaha
  10. shadowgamerr

    shadowgamerr Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    Living life and Playing mobile games
    Right by your side
    You need more XP to level up. :D

    So far I can recommend it to a group of friends, if you allow me to post screenshots and/or info about the game. I can reach rooms/groups of gamers of 100-200 persons a piece - can do a couple of those-, so there's a good chance at least some may buy, if I recommend it.
  11. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    This is done, will be available in next build, wait for the next update and let me know ;)

    I'll respond slowly to the requests one by one when done.
  12. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    Thank you ;)

    Adding a separate button will break the above feature(Check the my post before this, using two fingers, one for Joystick and the other for camera and player rotation at the same time), also I guess the interface will be too cluttered with lots of buttons, what do you think?

    That should be fine, though using "Roll" won't be allowed when you are slow, in the next build you'll notice that when you are slow or frozen, you can't "Roll", there's the broken clock spell, use it to heal your character from the slow spell.

    You have reached very far in the game ;) I see your points now, let's go over them one by one

    1- Let's try to find another suggestion for the "Roll" action, instead of disabling it and enabling it from the menu each time, it does not sound to me like a solution, the only thing you have to do, is to stop and then use the action button, if you are moving it will "Roll".
    2- Health spell issue is fixed in the next build ;) Just update when it's ready, going to upload soon
    3- All movement issues are now fixed in the next build, wait for the update ;)

    Thank you man, I guess it's better to tell your friends on the day when you can send them the app store link, but it's up to you to share anything about the game online ;) TouchArcade writers have already shared screenshots if you notice in the front page last time. But people may forget when it's released, or maybe they won't notice that it is released.
  13. Marcos stein

    Marcos stein Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2015
    Good to know. I'm really enjoying this game.
  14. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    #154 TheRoyalQuest, Aug 27, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2015
    Release notes for the next build

    - Moving stones collision now more accurate
    - Crates/Barrel collision is now also more accurate
    - No more navigation/moving issues, you can now move in all the world
    - Polished + Speed fixes for "Roll" animation
    - Heal spell does not affect puzzles now
    - Fixed a problem when getting 15 spells, shows duplicate in the menu
    - Fixed a bug where hint arrow does not show most of the time (Now just wait for 3-4 seconds)
    - Ability to move forward with virtual joystick and use the other finger to combine rotate character+camera together (This help if you want the camera to be always behind the player, or at any angle you choose) (Disclaimer: Not tested yet, its 2:30 AM) I'll be back on this again if any issues for sure.
  15. secredut

    secredut Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2015
    Wow.. this looks cool! ...Am I too late to be a beta tester of this game?:(
  16. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    The problem with the roll is during fighting..namely if you use a time spell..the minions go in 3 directions and you push the right knob a little and you go rolling when you wanted to hit the minion. This is due to the minion being further away from the previous spot and the action goes to roll, not fight.

    I think this is where the main issue with roll is...
  17. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    Nope, you may try build 11, it got lots of things fixed ;)

    Put your email on my website or private message it to me (your iOS App Store email)
  18. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    It's strange, why it only happens with he upgraded time spell.

    I'll try it out and let you know.

    Do you think guys I should disable the "Roll" during a combat? But I guess it's fun people run away from monsters pretty quickly.
  19. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    Release notes for build 12

    - More fixes for "Roll" action, let me know how you like it
    - Virtual joystick control + one finger camera control is now tested and should work (Previous build it was broken)
    - Fixes in tower of truth
  20. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Could it be due to the fact it is those are the only spells which move the minions further away from the character?? I know sometimes it is the easy answer that is elusive when looking at the bigger picture.

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