Universal [Beta] Oraia Rift: Action/Adventure game with Zelda like puzzles

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by TheRoyalQuest, May 26, 2015.

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  1. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    Thanks a lot for the suggestion, they are 8 different character skins ;) All the characters do short range attacks, as mentioned earlier in this thread.

    Long range attacks was there early if you we're following the game earlier, but it was removed later in favor of the melee combat system.
  2. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Also might be nice to keep the camera in a certain position relative to the character. Namely since there is no map (any reason why not? ) and I have gone around in circles early on. Only up to 15% after 1 hour of playing. And some of that was going around in circles before realizing that. If no map, how about the ability to zoom farther up to see where one should go. I do see the occasional help arrow pointing in the general direction to go but appears so rarely.

    Also seems there is no way to enter houses, correct?
  3. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    As a replacement for the map there's the hint arrow, just stay idle for few seconds and it'll appear ;)

    Let me know if you can't get the hint arrow feature working.

    It's great you reached 15%

    Where are you stuck? In the cave?
  4. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    #104 cofunguy, Aug 21, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 21, 2015
    Yes and no. But going around in circles didn't help.

    Regarding this latest update, it appears to be HARDER now to break barrels, crates, etc. can be standing in front of some and swing swing swing and not one breaking. :(. So this needs to be addressed since I can stand in the middle of 3 boxes/crates and not one will break.

    Also found a bug which I sent to email address that sent out the beta request having my character stuck behind one of the 4 stones to move to get the earth stone. I also attached a picture as well.

    Update: I see there are 2 spots requiring moving stone blocks. It was the first one that opened the door to the north of the moving stone spot. Not the one that opened a door to a chest with a key.
  5. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    Breaking boxes is harder?

    You can hold the action button to break more than one box

    I changed the way and its now synced with animation so that breaking box actually happens with animation.

    I'm seeing that sometimes rarely it happens that character is not breaking a box.

    No worries it's midnight here but I'll check it first thing in the morning

    But i just broke 10 boxes in less than a minute ;) you should collect money, be used in the next level you got to upgrade your hero!

    You may be the first one to reach to the earth temple ;) congrats
  6. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    #106 TheRoyalQuest, Aug 22, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
    For breaking boxes, in build 3.0 v1.0.9 you have to hold the action button, not just press it, you'll find then that everything is perfect.

    I'll just update it in build 4, you can click click click the old way of using the actio button, or press and hold.

    Even if it's one box, in build 3, press and hold till it's broken.

    Sorry for inconvience.

    But now the boxes even in build 3 are synced with animation, as well there's no issue in breaking 3 boxes together ;) the only thing remaining is to bring back the old, click instead of only using the hold button way.

    Build 4 will be available soon in less than 24 hours.
  7. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Well if I can do it without any tutorial, then one would need to know that. I just did what I thought was obvious. One wouldnt know that one needed to hold the button to take out crates like that. Most would tap the button once, not hold.

    Nor have I even got to the next level. I think I have used money once to heal the character. So unable to comment if the money given is too much or not.

    If I am the first one to the temple, that is pretty "sad" considering I have spent a little over 1 hour on the app. Did I miss somewhere one can go somewhere else? I know there is a door in the first world that i couldn't open but I suspect that is the case for everyone.
  8. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    You are 100% correct.

    The idea to hold and click is just temporary for build 3, it was a mistake to remove the regular click click click, I was working in syncing the animation with breaking the crates, and that's where the new bug appeared (the code is totally new), it'll be fixed.

    Regarding the temple of earth, I don't know if there's people who reached that level or not, but some have not been sharing their progress so I never know, as well maybe some reached it but never commented out about it.

    There's 10 large environments you can explore ;)

    Earth Temple
    Mina Parva
    Water temple
    Castle grey
    Forgotten woods
    Fire temple
    Tower of truth
    Light temple

    If you notice lots of portals in the Ruins of Tarth, that's the main environment, from which you can teleport to the rest.
  9. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    Breaking crates

    Hi everyone!

    I have been receiving lots of comments with bugs about the breaking barrels/crates.

    Let me know if you face any issues in build 5.0 v1.0.9

    Enjoy playing ;)
  10. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Are savepoints suppose to save if you have a key or not? If yes, then I found another issue with save point not saving the key BUT the help arrow pointed me in the correct direction as if I did have the key.

    Sorry was gone most of the day with the family.
  11. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Finally got a little time off work tonight and played a bit over a half hour. Just finished my first meeting with the Oracle. (9%) I first want to say the story is very compelling! Whomever wrote your dialog did a great job and it leaves me wanting to play more to see what is next. The gameplay is a cross between Zelda and Bastion (high praise on both accounts). Very intuitive and really no tutorial needed, pick up and play. I was a little confused at the slow spell at first on what it would do and to be honest I am still wondering what advantage it gives me. The enemies fell over for a few seconds and then got up and proceeded to attack me. Im assuming there attacks were maybe slower after the spell (?) but not sure. The Q/A is a little hard to read on the iPhone 5, white letters on lt brown blocks, the text is smallish and hey, I'm old. (There. I said it.) On my first teleport the "summon" threw me for a second, is that really necessary? I assumed I would just appear.
    The user interface, the best thing I can say is I didn't really notice it and really that's how it should be. No one wants to play a game and get blown away by the interface. It did it's job well, was easy to use, and didn't get in the way. Well done!
    I wanted to save the best for last, the art is fantastic!!! The butterflies, bird shadows, your 3D effects and the orcas are amazing, kudos to your artist. To be honest, I was not blown away by the eight characters, they seemed a bit blocky and they were not bad but not great, so so. Then I proceeded into the game and my jaw hit the floor. Again it reminded me of a cross of a Zelda like atmosphere but in a Bastion landscape. Awesome, awesome, awesome.
    Overall, I'm deeply compelled to keep playing and see where it goes. Judging by what I've played so far, I would easily recommend this to friends. More later! :D
  12. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Oh, I wanted to add, I can only attack one enemy at a time but they can surround me. I tried to angle myself so they would block each other but could not master this. Just an observation, being able to do this might give people a feeling of satisfaction.

    And question, will there be upgrading of weapons/skills/etc? A store to spend my gold? Sorry for stupid question, again, I just started.
  13. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    One item regarding the earth element. There are 2 keys, silver and gold. But if you go to the gold door with the silver key, you get a message saying you need a key. Well at the time I did have a key (silver obviously)

    Well maybe the text should say either the color key needed or maybe say that is the wrong color key for this door. Saying you need a key is pretty generic.

    Namely since the gold door faces north (for me at the time) and the silver door was to the south (I,e, saw the back side of the silver key door and it didn't show the color of the key required when looking at the back side, just a general door).

    And with this being my second day in the app, I sure wish I had the ability to zoom out more due to having to back track back to the seer after getting the element. Maybe a teleport after getting the element to the front of the respective cave entered versus the long walk back?!?

    Sadly got killed after getting to the earth realm. So I'll find out where I restart tomorrow (sadly late in the night). Yes I did see the store and bought the one item at the store but it didn't help. (Yes being cryptic here so other folks don't know what it is but I know the developer does!!)

    Didn't find any weird crates/boxes that didn't destroy after getting whacked unlike previous versions.
  14. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    It's quite early yet, but this already sounds good. :)
  15. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    Hello CoFunGuy

    No, the only exception is the key, it's not saved, you can't teleport with a key with you also, the key should be used in a level.

    Regarding the golden/master key, I'll add that to the text to be clear, that this gate is a gate that can only be opened with a golden key.

    Now about the earth temple, you are supposed to die few times in the game, that is fine, some may not die and some people may die, but is it really hard that you are unable to pass, or it is taking too long?

    On average it may take 1 to 2 hours to complete SkyFang, how much did it take you?
  16. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    Thank you a lot for your positive feedback ;) I wish everyone would come here and share their positive feedback about the game, what they like about it, and so on! Do not forget also to send out the bugs!

    Such reviews is great for other people, who want to check out the beta or waiting to get the full game.

    Talking about the story, it was written from day one almost (1.5 years ago), a very close friend (Not his professional career or anything, but his hobby is writing fantasy stories), have written the story. I really would love and choose to work with him again for another game.

    I'll try to change the Q/A colors ;) See if that make it easier to read.

    The slowdown spell, is the first spell you got in the game, so it's the least powerful, you'll get more and more spells when you move on, actually some spells are mandatory for you to move on in the game ;) You'll know why when you play more. But the slow down spell makes the monster slower yes.

    I'm also willing to let you guys know that the game at the beginning is different, and after 2-3 hours gameplay when you got lots of spells, it's another game then, it turns tactical slowly, but intentionally the beginning is simple for players to pick up the controls without too much confusion.

    Finally I love to share with you my thoughts about pricing the game, I understand that this game does not have the top class graphics, but it offers 10 hours of gameplay, lots of spells, story and enjoyable time.

    So I'm thinking not to go too high, but not too low, about 3.99$, let me know what do you think guys in general about this choice?
  17. TheRoyalQuest

    TheRoyalQuest Well-Known Member
    Patreon Indie

    Mar 3, 2014
    Game developer
    Yes, there's upgrades, there's spells to attack all enemies at once ;) You just don't get everything from the start, the more you play, the more you get!
  18. cofunguy

    cofunguy Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2012
    Okay on not saving the key with save point. Should the help arrow still point to where you should go even though you had to go in a different direction to get key?

    Getting to get earth element took me about 2 hours.
  19. q8phantom

    q8phantom Well-Known Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Game development
    The hint arrow yes, let me explain how it works.

    Hint arrow does only show you the location of your next quest/mission goal, but it does not help you to solve puzzles, that's part of the player mission to find out the location of keys/chests/puzzles and how to solve them.

    For example, if you are on a quest to find the earth stone, the arrow will always point you to the earth stone, it won't tell you how to open the gate, or how to solve the puzzles to reach to the earth stone, otherwise I feel the puzzles will be too easy, let me know your opinions about this.

    If you click pause, also you'll see the current hint.
  20. CygnetSeven

    CygnetSeven Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2010
    Sent you a PM.

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