Universal [BETA] Nimian Legends : Vandgels - Open World Adventure

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Protopop, Jan 23, 2019.

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  1. RedThumb

    RedThumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
    I hope it's ok to give feedback here.
    I installed and ran the beta on new iPad Pro 12.9 and immediately encountered some problems.

    Right from the start I activated HDR and tonemapping.

    I went into the monastery and when I entered the gate shown in the picture, the screen went black. The UI was still visible and I could still read what the monks were saying. All on an otherwise black screen though. I moved back and forth but it stayed black.

    Went to options and deactivated HDR and tonemapping again and immediately it worked again.

    Quit the app shortly after that and when I opened it again, I was in a different location than before. Still in the monastery (I think) but way up by a dome of colored glass.

    Maybe this is helpful to you.

    Attached Files:

    Protopop likes this.
  2. RedThumb

    RedThumb Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2016
    Next problem.
    Whilst running around, I got stuck in this staircase. Character was totally frozen.

    Tried different things, but could not get out. Then I did some shapeshifting and the dwarf-dude finally could walk out of it.

    Attached Files:

  3. Kwadius

    Kwadius Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    Gonna give it a try. I like how engaged you are with the community. Xs Max running 12.1.2
    Protopop likes this.
  4. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks:) I dont think i have any feedback from an XS max (nice phone) and i would like to know if it runs well. i hope you enjoy it.
  5. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Its very helpful, and the screenshots helped a lot. this is exactly why i ask for feedback, to find problems like this.

    im going to block off under the stairs there - i got stuck too. it also made me realize if you become the gnome, the gold dissapears if you walk on the floor - youre so small it triggers the room display.

    I couldnt replicate the black screen, but my guess is some combination of hdr and screen effects must kind of overload the screendraw. Ill keep looking into it.

    The location is a compromise - i only save the longitude and latitude because saving the exact heiht position can lead to some weird reloads, so if you save in the castle, it reloads you in the same spot but at the highest castle position, so theres a lot of restarts on the roof. Im going to take another look at exact spot saving and see if its safe.
  6. curtisrshideler

    curtisrshideler Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jul 30, 2011
    Video Producer/Editor
    I've still got the X, but my wife has an XR that I might be able to sneak the game onto. ;) I wish I could upgrade to that XS max. Hahaha. If anyone I know gets one, I'll pass along your info.
    Protopop likes this.
  7. rza422

    rza422 Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
    Fantastic game! The world you’ve created is beautiful to run around in and I smiled through most of my first twenty minutes playing it :) Especially when I found some ice... I have also played around in most of the menus and filters and all worked great. The ‘fast travel’ between moments was stunning, even on a iPhone 7 (iOS 12.2), how are there no loading screens?! Only issues have been shadows jumping around a little and some tree and item pop in. Runs at a solid 30fps though which looks good. All in all, thanks for making something great and letting us trial it for free. Cheers!
    Protopop likes this.
  8. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Cool - im especially happy about the performance. I used a custom quality for every ios device, but i had to guess for a lot of them because i only have a few:)

    The shadows is a compromise - the flickering comes because i set the sun to constantly move because it has a really nice effect of seeing the sun actually moving slowly in the sky. But unless you put shadows at top quality you get this flickering. Its possible to stop it by options-mods-timeofday and changing the smoothness to 1 or 2. This way the sun moves in jumps avery few seconds or so. so teh shadows jump change but you get solid shadows that dont flicker. I figured it was worth the visual artifact but eventually i think new devices will be able to start with shadow quality high by default.
  9. rza422

    rza422 Active Member

    Apr 22, 2014
    Thanks for the comprehensive reply! Budget allowing I’ll be moving up to something fancier soon and will definitely be loading this up. As it is, it really runs well and I’m still enjoying my journeys :) Thanks again!
    Protopop likes this.
  10. Kwadius

    Kwadius Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2015
    Yo this games is gorgeous!!! No hiccups so far. Will do a long session this weekend.
    Protopop likes this.
  11. redribbon

    redribbon Well-Known Member

    Jun 11, 2010
    robert, in this game, i just feel like you dont have the confident that your game is actually worth more than you think. like in the first one you only sell your game for 1.99. ok i can understand that that is your first attempt in full open world game. but with this one, in this sequel, i feel like there is tons of potential when im playing your game. i haven't taste the story mode yet since you only gave us the exploration mode to roam around the open world and i just wonder how good this game can be with a story ?
    no doubt you are the best open world level designer on mobile, since tbh, i just cant find any other rpg game with an open world level design as good as nimian legends, on iOS. your graphics is top notch with all the ambience and graphic effect option that you gave us to choose and i think its time for you to focus on the gameplay(again i haven't try the story mode).
    start with the battling system, there are 2 battling system that can be implemented in this type of game. first, add dodge ability to the game, so there is more strategy and technic that a player can use to defeat the enemies OR you can just use hack and slash type of game like in dynasty warrior, a fast pace hack and slash with tons of enemies coming at you at once. at this stage, i feel like vandgels battling system is a dynasty warrior with slow pace. which not quite good for me.
    next one is please fix the character movement when he/she performed the attack, it looks like the character is sliding on the ground when attacking. i think it has something to do with the camera syncronization.
    the last one will be on screen GUI. please, please add the function to hide those button(i think you already did this with the first one), this game is just too beautiful to be interfere with some annoying interface. i believe, us, the player that really like what you're doing here, will agree to that.

    thats all for now robert and i already make some video using the iphone XR on my channel to show various combination of graphical setting(experiment) to show the maximum graphics of the game and how it performed on the latest apple's A chip. feel free to check it out. ;) . gonna leave another feedback while progressing through the game.
    Protopop likes this.

    JOJOMORTAL New Member

    Feb 9, 2019
    I came here just to say that you have a game with the best graphics ever made of history on mobile devices, congratulations even, pro game get perfect just tidy up the movement of the characters, incredibly beautiful game!! I'm making video for my channel highlighting it as the most beautiful game ever made for the mobiles
    Do you have any predictions for an Android version?
    Protopop likes this.
  13. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thanks so much redribbon - i really value your opinion - you play so many games, ithink you have a really good insight into what people want:) I think i would go more in trying to perfect a hack and slash approach - i do like dodging, but i think its more dark souls strategic than im inspired to follow and also im really retient to add another button to the UI. Ive been strugling just with the idea of maybe addinga seperate magic vs melee button onscreen. I like the combat in Fable 2 and thats kind of my goal, but like you said with tighetr animations, more resposniveness and a bit more ai.

    Yeah that sliding bugs me too - i put everything you mentioned into my todo list:)

    I enough people writing me to say their buttons had dissapeared that i took out that option. I agree but i cant figure out a way to hide the buttons without confusing people - that ones still on the backburner. Theres a couple of places it does that though - when you sit on a bench the ui fades away. And the new photomode auto hidea any ui from the pics.

    BTW for combat i dont think immade the upgrade system very obvious. Not that this fixes it, but you can collect blue runes. Then in your action wheel in the center is teh upgrade button. You can increase your attack spreed this way and in the next updat ei have moved the better upgrades like shock, attack speed and health into the first pafe. I think the explore mode could use a better onboarding to show there are dungeons and upgrades.

    I do see my limits too. there is a lot more i want to do but time and money are just real limitations. Still my plan is to take all i learn and bring that to the third game residi bay. Then use all 3 of them to make my final game, Nimian Legends Infinite, which has a surprising bit of new tech that ive been testing successfully (yay) that i hope will make that world stand out from the rest.

    Let me know if you post any video, i would love to see it:)

    Oh and here are some pics from the UnderWorld in story mode taken with the photo mode on an ipad pro. Im very happy with how it is coming along.

    redribbon likes this.
  14. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thank you. I will keep working on the animations, and its looking like i might have the io version ready in 2 months based on how its going, and the android version will come about 2 weeks after that if all goes well.
    Nullzone, ThirdMoon and JOJOMORTAL like this.
  15. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014

    Nimian Legends : Vandgels is finished and i am beta testing the game. If you would like to help you can play the beta by clicking this link. Im mostly looking to see if the game fills the screen, works alright, any game breaking bugs etc.

    Beta Link:
  16. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Downloading now
    Protopop likes this.
  17. Nullzone

    Nullzone 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Jul 12, 2013
    Upping the postcount on this thread, instead of the original Brightridge one ;)
    So great to see Vangdels finally come to completion. Excellent work, Robert!
    We have two weeks vacation coming up, quite sure we can give it a twirl or two. Both Sid and I are still huge fans of yours and your work. Pretty sure he'll jump right on it when I mention Vangdels is done.

    Re "noone knows about Vangdels" : We still need to come up with a way to get you featured in the Appstore :p
    ThirdMoon and Protopop like this.
  18. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thank you:) I hope it works and that you enjoy it, or find some fun in it.
  19. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    Thats cool:) And i love vacation. i think having time to recharge is not gien enough importance in our world. Email me anytime for free codes for the game. And yeah im glad its done. I just saw a post i made in August 2017 and i wrote, naively, i think it will be ready in 2 months:)
  20. Protopop

    Protopop Well-Known Member
    Patreon Silver

    Jul 21, 2014
    By the way, one of my favorite additions, its silly yeah but you can poop in baedil form:) I find it actually quite therapeutic. D9zwYsoXYAASG_L.jpg
    Gwarmaxx likes this.

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