Hello to the TA Community! A couple of years back I had developed a game -"Mr. Mustachio : #100 Rounds". The game was featured by Apple. The game had a simple premise where we provide a grid & a 'rule', & the player has to figure out which row/column of the grid matches the given rule. The game is a serious test of the observation skills of the player. I am trying to create a series of games based on the concept and as such I launched "Mr. Mustachio : Word Search" a few months back. This time around I am creating a game based on numbers using the same kind of gameplay. The rules/grids have been used in the #100 Rounds game before but I have separated out the numbers based grids from that game and put into a single game with shorter & quicker levels. To describe the gameplay, we will give you a grid of numbers using just four numbers -1,2,3 & 4 and a result. Swiping left to right is addition, swiping right to left is subtraction & swiping from top to bottom is multiplication. All that you have to do is to figure out the correct row or column & the correct direction of swipe that will produce the given result. But the game is not all only about mathematical calculations. The game has lots more to offer. There is a continuous theme to the game where we give you a rule followed by some results or counts. You have to swipe a row or column in the correct direction which matches the given results or counts. You will find yourself playing a game of spot the numbers or differentiating between evens & odds. From figuring out the correct order of numbers to counting the number of digits , the rules will get crazier & challenging with each passing level. Oh & wait till we start adding blocks of different colors to the grid! The game is finally ready enough for a proper release. It wouldn't hurt to get a few more pair of eyes on it before releasing it fully. So the game is now open for beta testing on both iOS and Android. If you have a knack for numbers and love doing speed math, then do give it a try. Here's a gameplay video: If it's something you found interesting and want to give it a try, then please follow the links below. TestFlight : https://testflight.apple.com/join/42Tmm5Fi Android : https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.samaria.mrmustachio.nsl I can be reached at [email protected]. Please feel free to drop off any feedback. Thanks!