Universal [BETA] Medieval Smackdown (by Craneballs) - Looking for Beta Testers!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by craneballs, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. craneballs

    craneballs Well-Known Member


    We are looking for beta testers for an upcoming PVP arena multiplayer game from the medieval times featuring knights, crusaders, witches and brawlers!

    You can sign up here: https://goo.gl/forms/rlvE582pyZH2zzc63
  2. 0026879

    0026879 Cancelled

    Mar 26, 2016
    Keď tam už je česká vlajka čo keby tam bola aj slovenská? ##
  3. craneballs

    craneballs Well-Known Member

    #3 craneballs, Dec 8, 2017
    Last edited: Dec 8, 2017
  4. craneballs

    craneballs Well-Known Member

    #4 craneballs, Dec 8, 2017
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 1, 2021
    zkusime do nejakeho z updatu ;-)
  5. ZAF<3

    ZAF<3 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2017
    Already signed up! Pleeease! I like the poster a lot.
  6. KeKhan

    KeKhan Well-Known Member

    May 28, 2012
    Haven't been able to play yet, because it can't find an opponent.

    Consider implementing bots or at least a tutorial so people can see what the gameplay is.

    Excited to try it tho, and thank you. Hopefully as more people join due to soft-launch I can see what it's about.

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