Universal [BETA] Lightblade Racer - A unique top-down action shooter - Race to save the trees!

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Kevin Haggerty, Feb 10, 2020.

  1. Kevin Haggerty

    Apr 30, 2019
    Race to save the trees! Nature is under attack by a rampant and out of control MEGACORP AI!

    You're in command of a *Lightblade*, a unique drone technology that translates your taps and swipes to pilot a fast responsive fighter that can bring destroy the waves of enemy chopper drones.

    Top-down action shooter in a fully 3D environment.
    Race around unique landscapes fighting enemy drones and save as many trees from being destroyed as possible.






    (Note: Open link on iDevice to get the beta through TestFlight)


    Hey all - I'm extremely proud to have brought this game idea to life. It started some time ago with a vision for a fresh take on multitouch controls and I've been on a journey to self-learn Swift / SceneKit / 3d to bring it to life.

    I've got several ideas for extending the core gameplay, such as being able to spend collected resources on upgrades, but first I want to make sure that the core of the game works, is understandable, and of course fun. Informal beta testing so far (aka my son) indicates it's a ton of fun and can get very frustrating at higher levels ;)

    I'd super appreciate this community's help in kicking the tires, giving the drones a spin and letting me know what works and what doesn't!

    Standing by for any feedback or questions - thanks!


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