[BETA] Himster® - A "different" platformer (By Set Snail)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by SetSnail, Jul 30, 2017.

  1. SetSnail

    SetSnail Well-Known Member
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    Dec 10, 2015
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    #1 SetSnail, Jul 30, 2017
    Last edited: Aug 9, 2017

    Message from Himster Corp.
    Say hello to man's new best friend! Himster is your new favorite pet. Himster has 75% more energy, is 95% more fun and 99% more adoreable. Cheap on your wallet too, because Himster only eats compressed Himster pills. Discard your dogs, cats and fish. Get a Himster!

    Most obvious reasons why you should get a Himster
    "Different" gameplay!
    A companion 4 life.
    Easy to pick up hard to master.


    Himster® is an arcade platformer in which the player controls a modified hamster. The game consists of many really small levels / cages. Cages are completed by collecting all Himster pills. Himster is controlled by pressing left / right side of the screen to move and holding both sides down to grab.

    The game has two play modes. One called speedrun were players clear 6 daily levels and compete for the best time. The other game mode is called 4ever and it’s endless. At the end of each day cages are rearranged and the highscore resets.

    Invites will be send out August 7th.
    Hope that you all enjoy testing the game. Please share any feedback in this forum thread. Or via the beta button in the upper left corner of the menu screen. With your help we hope to make Himster great!

    Himster Corp. & Set Snail

    Sign up here! Remember to sing in to get your highscore in the leaderboards.

    Facebook / Twitter / Website / Press
  2. cokamouse

    cokamouse Active Member

    Oct 12, 2016
    iOS Game Reviewer & webdev
    Mississauga ONTARIO
    That teaser video is the funniest thing I have ever seem to announce a game. Great!
  3. SetSnail

    SetSnail Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Dec 10, 2015
    Being a company
    Thanks cokamouse :) If you like speedrunners and though as hell arcade games you should sign up for the beta.
  4. SetSnail

    SetSnail Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Dec 10, 2015
    Being a company
    Beta launch


    Hi everyone. The very first beta version of Himster® is just around the corner, and you should be notified by email when the build has been approved by Apple.

    We would love to get some feedback on how the gameplay works out. Bear in mind that there are many things that we need to fix. Of course, be sure to pass on suggestions so that we can make the game better.

    Thanks to everyone who signed up so far #
  5. Fish alan

    Fish alan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    Just got the beta and have been playing through (although I can't get past level 3). The game is tough.

    I ran across a couple of "buggy" things. I'm playing on an iPad and the intro and tutorial screens aren't scaled properly, so some info is getting cut off.

    I also had something that happens quite often. I will collect a capsule and the game will start transitioning to the next level, but something will kill me during that transition. When I get to the next level, I'm already dead. I had this happen a lot, with one time causing a loop of the game trying to show two screens simultaneously.

    I'm attaching screen shots of both of these things.

    Crazy game. I have to get better at it.

    Attached Files:

  6. SetSnail

    SetSnail Well-Known Member
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    Dec 10, 2015
    Being a company
    Thanks for the feedback. We will submit at new release today. Should fix the transition bug. The game has not been thoroughly on iPads yet. Sorry. We will have time to look into that soon enough.

    The game is indeed tough. How did you like the difficulty? Did you eventually learn the controls or did you give up?

    Btw, if you sign in you should be able to see how you compare to other players.
  7. Fish alan

    Fish alan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    So, the difficulty was a bit much for me. The frustration kept me from playing for anything other than very short bursts. It feels like it jumped to crushing difficulty almost immediately.

    I will definitely sign in to see the comparison. Perhaps having some EveryPlay functionality built in so I can see how others are completing areas would be helpful.
  8. SetSnail

    SetSnail Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Dec 10, 2015
    Being a company


    Thanks for the feedback so far. A new version is in Apple's beta review pipeline.

    - Some particles were causing a bit of lag. This has been fixed.
    - The kaleidoscope transition in between cages no long bugs out.
    - The endless highscore was not submitted to the backend. This was fixes and players can now see the leaderboard.
    - New Himsters are now delivered at the front door :)
    - Button sounds were added.
    - You can no longer pickup pills after your Himster has died.
    - You get a reward for finishing top 10 in the daily speedrun/endless challenge.

    We would like to hear more suggestions on how to improve the game. We really hope to get more arcade / platformer enthusiasts into the beta. If you like really tough platformers — Himster® is definitely for you!

    That's it for now :)
  9. SetSnail

    SetSnail Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Dec 10, 2015
    Being a company
    Good idea with Everyplay. We might also have to adjust the difficulty a bit, or at least how fast it ramps up. Which game mode did you play?
  10. Fish alan

    Fish alan Well-Known Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    I tried both game modes. The speed run was just impossible for me. I think a few more learning levels could do the trick. It feels like I'm doing something wrong in the way that I'm playing, something that those additional levels could remedy. There was a learning curve in Daddy Longs Legs as well, but it definitely wasn't as steep as this.

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