Universal [BETA] Golf Blitz

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by Ryan_Noodle, Jan 25, 2019.

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  1. Ryan_Noodle

    Ryan_Noodle Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Jan 29, 2013
    Biz guy at Noodlecake Studios
    #1 Ryan_Noodle, Jan 25, 2019
    Last edited: Jan 25, 2019

    We’re excited to unveil what we’ve been busy working on for the last year and we know you folks are hungry for some explosive new golf action. This is the first step towards our global launch but but we still have much work ahead of us! Golf Blitz will be a game that evolves over time and we need your feedback and suggestions to make the game as great as possible. Right now we have most of the basic functionality implemented and we’ll be working hard to implement new features, content and polish as well as squash the bugs and tune gameplay as we head towards the official launch.

    There are limited spots in the beta so first come first serve!

    What is the purpose of the beta?

    The reason why we’re doing a limited beta is threefold: to gain feedback from passionate players like yourself to help shape the future of the game, discover and fix bugs and technical issues, and to balance the game. Our ears are open and we’re excited to hear what you think. While we can’t promise that every suggestion will be implemented you can be assured we will read and consider everything that’s shared with us!

    ⭑ ⭑ Get the beta on iOS ⭑ ⭑
    Download the beta by joining the TestFlight (https://testflight.apple.com/join/0CUq9WZJ). You’ll need the TestFlight app installed in order to install the game.

    ⭑ ⭑ Get the beta on Android ⭑ ⭑

    1. Join the Google Group (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/golf-blitz-beta)
    2. Opt-in to the beta (https://play.google.com/apps/testing/com.noodlecake.ssg4)
    3. Download from Google Play! (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.noodlecake.ssg4)

    It might take a few minutes after opting-in before the game is available for you. Note: We encourage you to secure your account with an email (Game > Settings > Secure Account) in order to recover your account in the event that you lose access for any reason.

    A few items to note:

    - The Pro Shop (in app purchases) will not be available during the beta.
    - On-boarding and tutorials are not final. Please report any elements of the game you find confusing.
    - The the economy is not balanced. Card packs, winnings, gem and buy values are being balanced.
    - Course designs are not final. Let us know what holes you both love and hate.
    - The game is only partially localized.
    - Overall polish and performance tweaks will be ongoing.
    - Golfer stands at weird angles sometimes.
    - Trophy section on profile page will be refined.
    - Ball colours with power ups active will be modified.
    - Sometimes cancelling a friendly match does not remove the "Play" button
    - Tunnel ball might not shoot through sand
    - Losing connection during gameplay can cause the Card Select UI to glitch
  2. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    Hi Ryan,

    Long time fan of all your games.
    Please consider a landscape option for iPad users.
  3. logical

    logical Well-Known Member

    Jan 2, 2011
    When upgrading a powerup(after you actually pay and confirm) the power up menu (that shows speed power and accuracy) is bugged. I didnt see a button to get back to the main menu. I started touching everywhere on the screen and something triggered the way back to the main menu but its not clear what I had to click to go back.

    Zoom in and out would be nice too.
  4. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Is there a way to upgrade/shorten the waiting time to take a shot? I’ve played a few versus matches and I’m playing against people who seem to have shorter waiting times than me, so it’s very tricky to win anything.
  5. CoolDukeNukem

    CoolDukeNukem Member

    Aug 16, 2017
    Yes as you level up you get skill points and they can be used to shorten the shot delay. Definitely a big advantage at this point. Wish I had put all my points in that. Hopefully it gets balanced.
  6. NoodleDerek

    NoodleDerek Member

    Mar 10, 2017
    Noodlecake Studios
    Saskatoon, Canada
    Did you press the arrows to spend the upgrade points? I don't think you can leave that screen until you've spec'ed out the upgrade.

    Yes, you can gain XP but leveling up power-ups and unlocking cosmetics. When you reach a new player level you can spend skill points to upgrade your base attributes like cool-down.

    Yep, still a beta so things are changing. We discussed some mechanic improvements this morning to better balance the player skills.
  7. Buss1985

    Buss1985 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2013
    How do you receive XP? Don't seem to be getting any whether I win or lose.
  8. NoodleDerek

    NoodleDerek Member

    Mar 10, 2017
    Noodlecake Studios
    Saskatoon, Canada
    You earn XP by leveling up power-ups and unlocking cosmetics. You're not the only one who has been confused, we're going to have to make that more clear in the future.
  9. Buss1985

    Buss1985 Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2013
    Oh ok thanks.
  10. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Well as much as I like the actual gameplay, I very much feel like I’m going nowhere with it. I’m constantly getting matched with people who seem to have far better skills than me and I think I’ve only won one game and almost no XP.

    I think a zoom in/out function is really needed, and some more explanation about gaining XP etc, but I am really enjoying the gameplay itself even though I’m struggling to make any progress.
  11. nupraptor

    nupraptor Member

    Nov 6, 2010
    First thing first, as a long-standing fan of the Stickman Golf games, I can surely say that Golf Blitz is already shaping as a rare jewel and the whole Pack (Chests) & Cards system is the right thing to do and further develop. I really want to give you some valuable feedback, but putting aside some small bugs, visual glitches, and minor balance issues, the game is quite polished and it seems really close to a global release. So I’ll just share some general thoughts:

    - Have you considered the Packs to be opened with ads? Watching an ad shortens the time a Pack to be opened and you keep the option to spend crystals if you want to open it instantly. It works like a charm for games such as Tanks a lot (Boombit).
    - The whole ranking/trophies system works best with tournaments (weekly/monthly), so I hope that you have some thoughts on that?
    - Make donations of Cards among team members - loading off some to gain bux or exp.
    - Awesome idea to put the whole perspective and gameplay into portrait mode - it makes the game a one-hand-experience. And the locked camera [no zoom-in and zoom-out on demand] sticks perfectly.
    - Upgrading my Powerups has a quite obvious reasons, but not so for the Golfers and the Hats. Currently, after unlocking certain Golfer or a Hat, you can't do nothing more and there are some additional Cards just stacking and staying there. So something is missing? Or your idea is just to unlock them once and that's it [which messes with the whole collect-cards-and-keep-upgrading system]?
    - Some of the best courses from previous games are missing, such as Cloud City, Rooftops, and Moonbase. Do you consider to add them or you’ll stick to brand new maps?
    - Really missing something like Activity Log, seeing previous matches and an option to invite and play again with certain player; more General Stats, too, I want to brag with my achievements.
    - By the way, you had an idea to launch SSG3 with level editor, what happened to that idea?
    - And last, but not least, when we can expect the game to be released?

    Keep up the good work guys!
  12. Ryan_Noodle

    Ryan_Noodle Well-Known Member
    Patreon Gold

    Jan 29, 2013
    Biz guy at Noodlecake Studios
    So keep in mind that this is a Beta. Right now we only have a small number of players and to be able to actually get players to match, we had to widen the match making logic. When you start playing in the soft launch or the actual launch, you will match up with players who are closer to your trophy and skill level. We had to do this else not enough people would be matching with each other.

    We know it sucks to be dominated by the players who have been going hard from day one but never fear, it will all balance out. We are also going to be artificially boosting everyone to different levels so you might find yourself making progress without doing anything at all ;)
  13. orangecan

    orangecan Well-Known Member

    Aug 9, 2011
    Sorry, I was forgetting that it was Beta, what you’re saying makes perfect sense, as I said I’m enjoying it a lot despite that, so it’ll only get better!
  14. dukat111

    dukat111 Well-Known Member

    Mar 23, 2010
    Will progress in beta (XP/Cards/etc) carry over when the game is launched or will progress get wiped?

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