Universal [BETA] Dungeons & Monsters - Classic dungeon crawler RPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by nicolasgb, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Thanks for the feedback guys ! Feel free to report bugs through the in-game support form (Misc menu), though I guess here is fine too :D
    InJ0k3R : sorry you're not getting red crystals! They are indeed a little harder to find to spice things up. We'll probably tweak the odds in the Crystal Mines too.
    Good catch on the chest placement and missing portraits in dialog box. We're going to run some scripts through the code to check for things like that.
  2. cmdrmonty

    cmdrmonty Member

    Aug 28, 2015
    I sent in an application :) seems like a fun game to try out.
  3. Tyra

    Tyra Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2011
    Illustration & Graphic Designs
    Hey there!

    Got the chance to test that nice little game.

    Really nice graphics and gameplay
    I really like the map exploration

    It's f2p (or am I wrong?)
    I want the possibility to create a female character too ^___^

    Anyway, fun to play!
  4. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Anyone else notice this...

    I'm noticing an issue with critical strikes. They do significantly less damage than normal attacks. For example my normal attack will do around 300 damage, my critical hits do about 80 damage total. Sounds like a possible critical hit bug?
  5. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    #45 nicolasgb, Sep 8, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2015
    Tyra, thanks for the nice comments! The game is F2P, but we feel it does a good job of not forcing you to purchase anything. We discussed this a bit earlier in this thread. As for creating a female character: we're adding a large storyline and lots of dialogs at the moment, so you will soon understand why we chose a male character only. In a nutshell, it has to do with the personality of our main character, as well as the fact that Arianna is female. There will be other NPCs too! You'll see soon hopefully :cool:

    cmdrmonty, we'll send a batch of invites in a few days, can't wait to get your feedback :)

    nezuja, thanks for the feedback! Got your support request form too. We'll check this with the dev team tomorrow (France time). By the way, we did run some scripts to check for strange Chest placements... and found a total of 5 issues that were duly fixed. Thanks for the heads up!
  6. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Awesome - keep it up !
  7. 0ld Gamer

    0ld Gamer Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    :)This game looks excellent, I'll definitely try it out!:)
  8. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Thanks! Did you enter our Beta? We're sending a new round of invites anytime soon, along with a new version and a fresh rebalancing of the game.

    By the way everyone, we never posted this bit of artwork here... enjoy!

  9. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    minor bug found!

    when you go to the Summon tab, either its premium, crystal or ally, when you click the "magnifying glass thing" which lets you view the possible heroes to summon you can't click the UPPER LEFT HERO, even if you go to next page or group, you still cant click any hero that is placed on the upper left...
  10. Piscinarii

    Piscinarii Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    The update yesterday was very nice! The game is coming along very nicely. Has anyone seen a full list of the Beastiary? I have a couple of UR that I have been trying to decide which to focus on to make a Legendary and would love to know their final form. I have 2 legendaries now, but they are both fire.

    Also, anyone know if the dungeons ever change up? Like traps, false doors, puzzles to complete? Right now they all seem to be "find silver key, take portal, done."
  11. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Thanks for the feedback and kind words, guys! We'll work on the magnifying glass bug.

    Piscinarii, one word of caution: UR units evolve into UR+, but they don't evolve into Legendary. Currently Legendary are already the most powerful units in the game, and they can't evolve (yet... ;) )
    As for dungeon patterns, currently they're all a mix of the same elements you've seen. Some do feel like puzzles, though, such as when you have to use the right portal.
  12. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Hi everyone,

    Dungeon Monsters is now Live on Google Play in New Zealand and Ireland. It's a soft launch, or open beta, for those among you who are familiar with those terms.
    The iOS beta is still open so if you've joined it you can keep on playing :)

    Here's what went into the latest update:

    We've reviewed Gold so that both Units and Dungeons yield more Gold than before, and performing a Fusion or Evolution needs more Gold. The Gold packs in the Shop have been updated too.

    We've also fully balanced our Events to make them more rewarding and interesting. Golden Pyramids yield a lot of Gold, difficult events are now truly difficult, the loot Units are more coherent, and so on.

    Rats! We are introducing rats, new C and C+ units early on in the Story campaigns. Watch out for those nasty little critters!

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

    Also included in this update:
    • Performing a Star Evolution now resets your Unit's level to 1. Gotta grind those Darumas!
    • The Fusion bonus is now more exciting: Great Success (150% XP) or Fantastic Success (200% XP) are now random with each fusion.
    • Daily Quests progression indicator
    • Zatoichi is now the UR+ morphed form of the Samurai
    • Various bug fixes

    A lot of those changes were made thanks to your amazing feedback, friends. Keep it up!

    We hope you'll like this update. See you down there!
  13. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
  14. drdreh

    drdreh Well-Known Member

    Jul 17, 2012
    I need to play! :D
  15. Darkblade25

    Darkblade25 Member

    Nov 23, 2015
    Wondering if beta for iOS is still open? I followed that beta link and entered my info and email. Next page was in Spanish I think.. Lol
  16. macatron

    macatron Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2009
    Wow! I just found out about this game, and I can't wait to play it! Here's hoping that it'll release soon on iOS! :D
  17. melvin2898

    melvin2898 Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2011
    Looks awesome!
  18. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Hi everyone,
    Thanks so much for your positive feedback!
    The beta is closed for now. We'll let you know if we open applications again.
    The game should be released worldwide on iOS and Android in a couple of months. I'll keep you posted!

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