Universal [BETA] Dungeons & Monsters - Classic dungeon crawler RPG

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by nicolasgb, Aug 7, 2015.

  1. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    haha really? are they on the Global or Europe server? I was part of the team that launched the Europe server in my last job :)
  2. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Enjoying the game! I've only found a few spelling mistakes so far, all in the Mailbox. Attached screenshots shows simple mistakes like using "an" instead of "a" and "congratulation" instead of "congratulations". Will post more if I find anything but so far it's really smooth gameplay.

    Attached Files:

  3. freakernet

    freakernet Well-Known Member

    Jul 9, 2015
    No gameplay video ? please add one if you can
  4. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    #24 nicolasgb, Aug 31, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2015
    Hello brave adventurers,

    To those of you who signed up for the Beta recently, we just sent the invites out today. Let us know what you think!

    nezuja, thanks for spotting the spelling mistakes! Pretty sure there must be many more, so we'll keep looking. And thanks for the awesome feedback too.

    freakernet, we have a 6 months old, embarrassing video that we'd rather not show ... :eek: but if anyone is up to upload some footage, you're most welcome to do so!
  5. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    Played for a couple hours straight, didnt get into trouble with the stamina system, but im sure eventually it'll do what it's there for.

    The actual gameplay is quite fun though. The dungeon crawling and the actual combat is really well done. Controls are also spot on and pretty straightforward.

    As pointed out previously, there are some mispellings.

    Im really liking the game, but im scared the stamina system will get in the way soon.
  6. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Here's some additional feedback:

    Daily Quests - Raichu ! seems out of place to me as its a very difficult task to ask of players to preform every single day. Perhaps this can be replaced with something like summoning X number of chests using Silver Rings.

    Fusion - It would be great to have a visual indicator of how much XP my Target Unit is going to receive. The XP bar does that currently but only shows the current level to max. After that I have no idea how much XP I'm gaining.

    That's all for now, thanks!
  7. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Thanks for the feedback!

    Exact-Psience glad you like Dungeon Monsters! It is designed and balanced so that the energy system does not get too much in the way - and we're still tweaking that. We want players to be able to play for over an hour if they want to. The energy system is mostly there for future updates ; for instance at some point we might add a raid option that lets you loot a level you've already completed 100%.

    nezuja , awesome feedback!! We're going to do just that, add an indicator of how much XP the Target Unit is going to receive.
    We also definitely need to have another look at our quests (not just Raichu IMO), it's actually on my to-do list for the following weeks :rolleyes:
  8. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    #28 InJ0k3R, Sep 2, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
    played the game for quite a while now and still enjoying it thus far, the game is already great as it is. well, there are a lot of suggestions i read in this thread to make this game perfect, and my suggestion will be benificial for the players, not the developers, lol.
    stamina problem takes place when you try to farm materials in the events, so why not make it a little bit cheaper? or what if, there is a counter that counts every torch that we haven't used and we can transform it to stamina if we needed it, like 1stamina per 2 or 3 torches... that would be more challenging as we would try our best conserving our torches and would help the player go on playing for a while. thanks!
  9. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    #29 InJ0k3R, Sep 3, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 3, 2015
    i just noticed in BESTIARY, the sequence of monster element is WOOD, FIRE, WATER, SHADOW, and GOLD. i might be wrong but im guessing that there is 1 type of monster with 5 different elements so the sequence should be perfect because there are 5 columns,but what happen from monster #71 and so on, the sequence changed?
  10. Piscinarii

    Piscinarii Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    Thanks for the beta invite, I'm only through the first campaign but I forgot how much I missed these old dungeon crawler style games. My question is I see that you can spend real money but since the game is in beta I assume there will be a server reset? Also, what are the rarities for creatures? C/UC/R/UR ??
  11. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    C- common
    U- uncommon
    R- rare
    UR- ultra rare
    L- legendary
  12. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    C- common
    U- uncommon
    R- rare
    UR- ultra rare
    L- legendary
  13. Touchmint

    Touchmint Well-Known Member

    Oct 19, 2011
    Looks great! I will be holding off on beta but sure to get it when it hits the store.
  14. nicolasgb

    nicolasgb Well-Known Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Co-founder at HereWeGames : http://www.facebook.co
    Paris, France
    Guys, your feedback and enthusiasm are FANTASTIC!! Thanks so much everyone. :):):)
    To address some of the questions :

    InJ0k3R, thanks for answering Piscinarii's question, your reply was spot on.
    As for the Bestiary: you have a sharp eye! In fact, not all units exist in all 5 elements (fire, wood, water, shadow, light). #71 specifically is the "Golden Bee" : a light-only unit that is worth a lot of Gold Coins when you sell it. You can loot more Golden Bees on Sundays in the Golden Pyramid event.
    There are many more examples : Anubis is only in Light & Shadow, the Samurai and Fenrir are Fire-only, etc.

    As for the beta & server reset : we will probably have to perform a server reset at some point before the open beta launch. That's the point of the beta: discover the game early, help us improve it by tweaking the game to incorporate your feedback. We will however definitely make sure to generously compensate our beta testers with in-game gifts (we haven't yet decided what exactly ) to set you off on the right foot if you have to start over. ;)
  15. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    oh i see... thanks for the info... ive been playing this game like crazy for a while now forgetting that this is just beta testing, at LVL 24 now with team monsters ranging from LVL 20-25... but im just curious, ive already opened all the chest from campaign 1-3 but havent found any red crystal yet, opened some of the chest in campaign 4 and 5, also in events but no luck, did you happen to forgot about the red crystal? lol, if not, where can i find one?

    additional suggestion:
    there is a possibility that player wont bother completing the campaign 100% especially on lower level dungeons unless they can get something if we can 100% it like a golden key or something. well i heard that you are planning to add a RAID option (if you get 100% in that campaign) where we can loot the dungeon automatically and that would be really helpful especially on high level dungeon.
  16. Piscinarii

    Piscinarii Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    I have gotten 3 red crystals so far from the first couple of campaigns. Only in chests behind gold key doors though. So they are in there. I agree about some type of reward for 100% clearing a campaign, I thought there was something for it but no bueno. I have noticed a few in game dungeon signs missing text or saying something like panel_combat_fire on Floor 2-2. Not sure where else I should be sending these, ha.

    I am up to campaign 5 now and still not feeling like elements are playing a factor yet in terms of damage. I rarely pay attention to element types and just swing away clearing content. Maybe my monster levels are higher than their opponents or something. Great game so far though, love the dungeon crawling and was excited to see they do change somewhat as you go up in campaigns. Now I am waiting for secret doors and traps!
  17. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Have to agree with the last two posters in regards to some sort of reward for a 100% clear of a campagn. At the moment there is just no reason to try for a full clear.
  18. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015
    #38 InJ0k3R, Sep 4, 2015
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2015
    campaign 5 Haunted castle, floor 2-2, the boss in this dungeon that looks like medusa has no picture in their dialogue box.
  19. InJ0k3R

    InJ0k3R Active Member

    Aug 20, 2015

    why is that i dont get red crystal? i already have 8 greencrystal and 7 bluecrystal... what's happening to my game devs?lol....
  20. nezuja

    nezuja Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2014
    Found some interesting chest placements. I've seen this sort of thing twice now with chests being in an odd spot.

    Attached Files:

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