Universal [BETA] Dungeon Falan (by Happy Doze)

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by boorch, Aug 5, 2020.

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  1. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Wow that's a record! (Even higher than my score heheh)

    There will be some minor balance changes in the next update so I'm curious if it will let you go past 5990. Will announce when the update is live here!
    AltsKev likes this.
  2. Psac42

    Psac42 Well-Known Member

    Jan 9, 2011
    I'll definitely sign up for this if there are still slots left. I was just thinking about Dungeon Raid the other day and what a great game it was.
    boorch likes this.
  3. Alex DeLargest

    Alex DeLargest Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    This is very good. Easily the best Dungeon Raid clone I’ve played.

    What’s a Falan?
    vectorarchitekt and boorch like this.
  4. Caminagetcha

    Caminagetcha Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    This just made my day... thank you very much. Been looking for a replacement for dungeon raid ever since it went away. Hope this is it. By the looks seems so and with your future enchancdments I think this will def be it.
    Thanks again.... you got a new fan
    vectorarchitekt and boorch like this.
  5. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Thanks a lot! There are 290ish slots free still :)

    It means "etcetera" in Turkish :) I don't know if it has any other meaning tho. It sounded exotic and the fact that it means "Dungeon Etcetera" in Turkish is pretty funny, that's why I chose it :D

    Thanks! I'd be very happy if Dungeon Falan entertains people half as much as the original Dungeon Raid :)
  6. Caminagetcha

    Caminagetcha Well-Known Member

    Nov 8, 2008
    Really looking forward to this. Really interesting to see the different classes and skins to the board you might como up with.
    boorch likes this.
  7. AltsKev

    AltsKev Well-Known Member

    Nov 12, 2016
    i'm playing only mayhem, how can i be top 1 in general and not in mayhem ?

    Attached Files:

  8. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I just give this a quick play until I died and you know what, I’m impressed. Like I’ve seen others say it seems like the best dungeon raid like game I’ve played since dungeon raid. I guess the only thing I miss are the classes but it seemed to have a good variety of upgrades and skills regardless.
  9. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Thanks a lot! Board skins (at least 3-4 of them) will be included in the next Testflight update.

    "Hall of Fame" is the sum of all your previous sessions so it increases with every "Normal" and "Mayhem" game you play. (Hall of Fame score will also work as a "progress" where you unlock stuff like Board Skins or Classes) Meanwhile "Normal" and "Mayhem" Leaderboards are functioning as a "high score" board so they only list your "best" score.

    Thanks! I will try to implement the class system hopefully before the initial release. Actually the functionality is 80% finished, but I need to create proper portraits for classes, create additional "class-specific" skills and test them thoroughly.
    ste86uk likes this.
  10. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Hey everyone!

    The new build 0.3(12) is available on Testflight!

    It has numerous bug-fixes, some balance changes, and also the initial version of Board Skins!

    "Board Skins" is a new feature, so it's barely tested. Please let me know if you encounter any bugs or weird behaviour (like FPS-drops on a certain board skin etc, because some of them use new shaders).

    ste86uk likes this.
  11. Rincewind42

    Rincewind42 Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Mar 23, 2014
    First of all, thank you so much for making this. I have one device that still runs Dungeon Raid but it's kind of a pain to use, so I'm thrilled to have a more modern version of it and I am happy to pay you good cash money when it comes out for real.

    I've only played three games so I'm leery of giving too much feedback. I definitely did not find it as easy as some others but, again, only three games in. My first game I didn't get a single suggested strength or weapon upgrade, which was unfortunate as it meant that by Level 4 or so I needed almost an entire screen of swords to kill a skull.

    The one thing that I could see being a great suggestion already is giving people the option to skip skill upgrades. It's possible it's there already and I'm just missing it, but if my first set of skill offerings are poor, I'd rather not be locked into one.
    vectorarchitekt likes this.
  12. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Hey, glad you liked it! Actually I've been thinking about a "skip" for Skill Upgrades but I always thought it takes away from the "forced experimentation" aspect. I also thought "skipping" an upgrade would be too costly since the XP curve gets exponentially higher and first couple of Skill Upgrades are really precious in that sense. So I think I'll add a "Re-roll" button with a cost of 20HP or something so at least you don't lose your progress but just take a "risk" to have new skills. What do you think of this idea?
  13. Rincewind42

    Rincewind42 Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Mar 23, 2014
    Interesting. I think it's really about what the feel is you're going for. If you want people to really push to get high scores, then I think minimal penalties and allowing skipping/re-reolling is the way to go. If you instead want people to try a bunch of different builds even if that means suboptimal run lengths, then the current system or one which allows re-rolling with heavier penalties is the right choice. With DR the key was that long runs could be really long (I remember one night having like a 5 or 6 hour run) and it would be frustrating to be three hours into a run with one of my skills being something that was underpowered because it was the best of the three offered me at the start. But if the goal is to have shorter runs that push people to try new things, then that makes more sense.
  14. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    #34 boorch, Aug 13, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2020
    Actually I want to achieve something in-between. So I decided to try the "Re-roll costs HP" approach first. First re-roll will be "free" and every consecutive re-roll will cost -10HP * re-roll amount (so you can even reroll multiple times on a single level up).

    Current content is not sufficient to have a 5-6 hours long run but at some point I will re-evaluate the balancing to try to keep the "Mayhem mode" as it is for short runs, and make the "Normal mode" as long as it can be, once I have 10+ bosses in the game.

    Keep the feedback coming!

  15. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    WOW! 2 updates in 1 day :)

    • New Feature: Skill Re-Roll. Now you will be able to re-roll your skill unlock/upgrade choices at the cost of some HP.
    • Change: Your HP and Shield will be fulled when you defeat a boss (thus get to the next level) in "Normal Mode".
    • FIX: The last board skin you chose is now saved locally.
    vectorarchitekt and ste86uk like this.
  16. vectorarchitekt

    vectorarchitekt Well-Known Member

    Dec 29, 2013
    #36 vectorarchitekt, Aug 14, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 14, 2020
    Awesome updates! As if I couldn’t love this more. So far everything is running super smoothly.

    Any chance you’d consider adding more rows to the board? There is a lot of wasted space on top and bottom, the game could be “longer”?
  17. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    #37 boorch, Aug 14, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 15, 2020
    Thanks a lot! Actually I went through various setups and nothing worked as good as the “original” 6x6 board. The empty space depends on the device btw, so a 3:4 aspect ratio devices (like most of the iPads) was the lowest denominator in this case to keep it simple. And it also helps a bit to "reach any tile with your thumb" on an iPhone (of course this does not apply to iPads :) )
    vectorarchitekt likes this.
  18. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    Hey everyone! The new build 0.3(15) is available on Test Flight!

    Major balance changes:
    • Huge buff to Max Shield Amount. Items with higher levels increase your Max Shield incrementally (like 1, 3, 5 etc) so shields are way more useful now!
    • Random tile selection now gets influenced by multiple factors like your health percentage, amount of monsters on the board etc.
    • Adjusted Level Thresholds for Skills, Upgrades and Shop. Statistically less popular skills like "Profit", "Shield Echo" and "Smelter" are way more effective and will hopefully result in faster progression now, thus popular skills like "Teleport" or "Disarm" are still effective, but will result in a bit slower progression in comparison.

    Other changes:
    • Onboarding Quick Tips is a tad more detailed now.
    • Various fixes for non-gamebreaking, mostly visual bugs.

    P.S: Feedback especially regarding game-balance is extremely valuable for me. Is "Normal mode" too easy or perhaps too hard? Can you hit the 100th turn on "Mayhem mode" and finish it? Feel free to include your favorite and least favorite skills in your feedback as well!
    vectorarchitekt and AltsKev like this.
  19. wonderbear

    wonderbear Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Mayhem ends after 100 turns? I thought the difficulty was tuned so you would only last about 100 turns. With the new version, I made it to 100 turns quite easily, but low score.
  20. boorch

    boorch Well-Known Member

    Aug 10, 2011
    #40 boorch, Aug 16, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 17, 2020
    Yep there were some balance changes that somehow made "Mayhem mode" a bit easier but lead to lower scores. This is fixed in the current version (which is available on Test Flight now). Bosses give 3x points now (used to be 100, now 300) so if you still feel like things are going a bit too easy, try getting the "Die Hard" skill (which converts all Coins to Monsters with a 50% chance of summoning a Boss) so you can earn tons of extra points and fight for the top spot in Leaderboards!

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