Universal [BETA] Dig & Fly - Amazing Space Journey

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by NarrowStreet, Mar 30, 2019.

  1. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @NarrowStreet hi there, first time popping by this thread and the game looks interesting. I’m downloading now on TestFlight to check it out and I’ll try and catch up with the posts I missed already.

    Will save game data be kept from the beta or will it all be wiped on release?
  2. NarrowStreet

    NarrowStreet Well-Known Member

    Hi @ste86uk
    we really glad that you are going to try our game. We believe that you will enjoy it.
    We are not planning to wipe save game data and we will do as much as possible to keep data from beta in release version of game. We are doing maximum to keep game polish and without bugs but please be aware that this is still beta version of game and your progress can be deleted.
    ste86uk likes this.
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    @NarrowStreet so far I haven’t had long with it but I’m left wondering what kind of game it is exactly? With the mining I can’t help thinking it should be a bit more of an idle game giving you longer timers on that part of the game. But they are so short it leaves me to think it’s more of a game you need to play actively by setting the mining and then going to do a match 3 game setting more mining and then matching again?

    Although having to set the mining every 1 minute or so that says it’s the max upgrade I could see becoming very tedious as I get more and more, I already feel it is and I only have 3 floors of mines.
  4. NarrowStreet

    NarrowStreet Well-Known Member

    Thanks @ste86uk for your questions. We have took something from each genre from idle/clicker/match3/strategy games and put it together to unique one piece.
    Mining part is closer to clicker games and you have to be relatively active on the beggining but you can find a better "Miner robot" from expeditions and this robot can keep Drones charged hours. If you prefer more idle than clicker part, then is good to build colonies in universe. They generate the coins over the time.
    You have more way how to generate coins. On the beggining main and primary way how to generate coins is via mine. Then you can generate coins via colonies in universe and of course you can generate coins by selling items which you have found in universe like materials, artefacts, weapons etc..

    You will be many times front of a hard decision how to spend coins. Should I buy a new mine floor or should I upgrade Miner robot? Will be better to first upgrade spaceship? Send the coins to Earth? Build the colony?...
  5. NarrowStreet

    NarrowStreet Well-Known Member

    Let's make a little bit warm day for space enemies with the Bat - laser.
    Join the beta if you did not do it already, and try a huge number of weapon arsenal...

  6. NarrowStreet

    NarrowStreet Well-Known Member


    Beta update 0.0.13 ready today

    What is new?

    • Artefacts Hunting in Quest building
    • Possibility to lock/unlock you cards
    • Low battery mode available in Options
    • Confirmation of Gem spend available in Options

    • Balanced colony incomes

    • Balanced values of the golden nugget

    • Balancing difficulty of boards in some cases
    • Tweaked colors of enemy civilizations in galaxy 12-15
    • Changed multiply on artefacts to percent
    and more...

    Enjoy it space explorers.

    Thank you for feedbacks. We are listening...

  7. NarrowStreet

    NarrowStreet Well-Known Member

    Hi Brave Explorers,

    We've prepared for you trailer. We believe that you will enjoy it :)

    And one more good news. If everything will go smoothly, we will switch Dig & Fly from Beta test version to soft launch in 2-3 weeks.

  8. NarrowStreet

    NarrowStreet Well-Known Member

    Hi amazing explorers.

    We stayed quiet for a long time, and the main reason was that we worked hard on improvements based on your feedback. We work on the game in our spare time, so progress is not as fast as we would like to see, but we will continue what we started and try to do our best to make the game better and better.

    And now a good news for you :). Version 0.1.7 is here.

    First and foremost we would like to say a BIG Thanks for inspiration feedback from you. It helps us to improve the game for you. We really appreciate it.

    And here is a list of improvements:

    - Most requested feature is here. Drones are digging automatically now.
    - Thanks to Robot it’s possible to boost drones so they mining much faster.
    - Improved system for upgrades of cards
    - Increased chance to find more materials from your expeditions
    - New and better rewards for Daily bonus
    ...and a lot of small tweaks and improvements

    We believe that you will enjoy all this improvements. Don't be shy to contact us with any suggestion to improvements.

    We still have a lot of things what we would like to add to the game.


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