Universal [BETA!] Blocky Farm - voxel-styled farm manager made with love <3

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by sortris, Oct 14, 2015.

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  1. Gluskap

    Gluskap Well-Known Member

    Sep 12, 2015
    It zooms to animals even more than you can with your two finger movement. I like it too but it could be a little bit less and I'd be happy.
  2. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #262 ste86uk, Jun 8, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    So I can't quote like you do for replies as I'm just using the app. Anyway yes the zooming is fine for me now no issues with it, for some reason just when I started I kept finding myself clicking on a chicken rather than the pen and it would zoom way too far in but I've learnt to click on the outside edges of the pen.

    I don't think a sign of sorts over the head of animals would be annoying, it isn't unmanageable at the minute but I do have to keep clicking on the pen to see if they are ready or not. With Farm On that is currently in softlaunch too the animals show the item in a bubble over the animal when it's ready like the pig showing bacon and cows showing milk ect

    I would watch an advert for skipping the timer on my order board, although ads are usually limited and I would rather watch them at the theatre for gold coins as most of the time I have to cancel pretty much all of my orders. Is there a way to focus the board so that it asks for things you actually have or can make already?

    I've had two chests since the update and one before the update although I've still had no tools at all.

    A possible bug here was I was cancelling orders on the board and then visiting people's shops via the mailbox and upon returning home all of the orders would be back. I tried this about 4 times it happened every time, it didn't refresh my orders for me it just returned all of the ones I'd just cancelled so I'd have to cancel them again and wait for the timer and not visit anyone.

    I am starting to struggle quite a bit with storage and land space especially, I'm not finding any upgrade items nor the tools.

    Finally again on the balance at the start of the game I do think you could increase the start of the games playtime before players have to log off. I think especially that more land needs to be open I never remember struggling this much on any farm game just to fit in my basic buildings I can't even fit cows in still. Possibly add the pet at the start of the game just after the initial tutorial?

    My pet seems a bit buggy, I chose the cat and when I use the mouse it's pretty buggy in its movement and actually rewarding happiness.

    Edit: also I have carrots unlocked but I don't have any carrots at all to plant? Tried checking the shop but they are always sold.

    I also feel like I'm having issues with production buildings, twice now I've been sure I filled all the order slots on production buildings but when I've logged in only 1 item on each building is ready. No idea if I'm losing the resources for producing what I ordered too.
  3. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #263 ste86uk, Jun 8, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    As posted above I can confirm that my items are vanishing on me and using up my resources. It seems to be whenever I exit the app and return to it. For example I'll order as many white sugar as possible and then when I return to the game only 1 white sugar is ready the others have vanished and aren't there anymore nor being made and it has taken my resources for making it too! Also happens with my cookies multiple times I imagine it's happening with everything I just hadn't noticed.

    Driving me mad lost everything I've orderd since I updated at the very least and I did that as soon as it was available. Can't keep playing or progressing for now though because I'm just throwing everything away trying like all the pancakes I just ordered : (

    Can anyone else test this?
  4. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    Yes, this is a bug! I PM you how to go "hotfix" that.

    We will fix that. (Just not sure if in the next update or later)

    Great! We will improve that: only clicking on the hats/glasses tab will be zooming on the selected animal. Pinch to zoom will be still available.

    This is how bubbles look in the Top Farm game (http://i.imgur.com/eIN0RrZ.png) If you still think it wouldn't be annoying (especially when your barn is full and you can collect animal products) we will add that. However we agree with you that it is a problem. Animals have different animations for every state but it is not so easy to recognize.

    Good. We will put more attention to monetization later, but it is good to know that players would like to watch rewarded ads more.

    We will try to make orders easier to complete.

    I will double check chests implementation. We also consider decreasing Treasure Chest Love reward delay from 12h to 8h. We also plan to add tutorial quest explaining how it works.

    Fixed! Will be in the next update. Thanks.

    The only advice I can give you before the update is to try buying tools with gems (just drag the tool in the Obstacle window, don't matter that you have 0 of Dynamite/Saw). Players have problem with tools and we will resolve it in the next update.

    That is very important opinion. Thanks.

    What is buggy exactly?

    Fixed in the update 1.0.1 (21) But for now you have to buy them in the shop.

    Fixed, will be in the next update. Probably tomorrow.

    Thanks again for all your feedback. You've reported more than 70 bugs and suggestions. This is awesome. Hope you are not very dissappointed with Blocky Farm :( We promise to fix all problem as fast as possible.
  5. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland


    Well and AppleTree are buggy. We will publish an update tomorrow.
  6. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Crap I literally just hit level 12 : ( how come I'll lose my progress?
  7. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    If game loading screen stops at 70% - this is a sign of a broken game save.

    We don't know yet if it is a bug either with unlocking the well or with constructing Apple Tree.
  8. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #268 ste86uk, Jun 8, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2017
    Maybe wait for other players feedback on knowing when animals are ready but maybe a more obvious animation or sign that isn't going to take up the whole screen.

    I don't know how much players will watch adverts for rewards but I don't see issues when it's a choice, forced adverts are always something a lot of people here hate though.

    A tutorial explaining love and chests would be good as well as getting them more often too as I had to figure it out myself, it wasn't hard really but some people need more help. But I do like the the tutorial isn't overly long as I hate it when games keep telling me what to do for ages when I can figure it out myself.

    It seems hard to come by gems so far the ads I watch are for gold which I do like but other than achievements or sometimes in a chest I'm level 12 and couldn't move more than a few trees.

    With the pet sometimes the cat chases the mouse and catches it and sometimes it seems the mouse returns to the cat but I don't get any happiness until I click on the cat again. So at the moment as often the mouse just completely runs off on its own I let the mouse go and immediately click on the cat and I get the happiness. I also feel so far that the pet is a bit high maintenance I filled everything to full with food, happiness, energy ect and a few hours later some were empty. With a farming game most people will only check in a few times a day I check in much more often than the general player and it's even work for me to keep the cat at 5 hearts.

    Also as I posted above I just hit level 12 will I really lose everything? That would suck, of that does happen any chance your able to gift some gold and gems to help me get back to where I was? Can't keep finding things if I'm just repeating the same parts of the game.

    Finally please don't think I don't like the game I do like the game otherwise I wouldn't keep playing and giving you all of my feedback if I don't like a game during beta I just don't play it. I just give feedback on anything I find I'm sorry if I'm not commenting on what I like generally I'm just saying what I've noticed that's wrong or dislike.
  9. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    I just built my apple tree too cost me a fortune! Do they last forever by the way or are they annoying ones like hay day where they only last a bit and then cost tools to remove?

    The game stays open in the background for eternity it seems so maybe if I don't shut the app down I may not lose the file.
  10. WoyBoy15

    WoyBoy15 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    Well luckily I signed up when the main site said to go and do it and just did the iOS sign up form as well so I think i might be covered. Been looking forward to playing this since you guys started posting on the forums!
  11. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    Thanks for all your suggestions. As for the bug with 12 lvl, we've just discovered that if you didn't use the well and you didn't water the tree, everything should be ok (not sure for 100%, but there is a chance). However, if you will lose your game progress, we will give you a right amount of gems needed to reach 12 level faster! Our goal is to provide you with the best conditions for testing :)

    Thanks for that. We were a little bit overwhelmed with the numerous bugs after starting beta, but I think it can be only better and better. Thanks for your input to Blocky Farm.

    Haha! Apple Trees in HayDay were annoying for us too. That's why fruit trees in Blocky Farm last forever! We are not in favor of taking away things from players when they have earned them.

    Thanks. I will send an invitation tomorrow just after the update. :)
  12. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #272 ste86uk, Jun 9, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    I've reloaded my game multiple times now to test it and my tree is complete and I'm having no issues so far so good. I'll avoid the well and watering just incase! Also very happy to hear how you feel about keeping the trees I completely agree.

    Just another little feedback on the cat, I left everything full when I logged out about 3 to 4 hours ago and when I come back it's energy was completely empty and also food nearly. It feels a little unfair as my chest is ready in 16 minutes and with how fast the cat drops hearts it feels like if your not online just before your chest is due your in danger of not having 100% for the gold chest.

    I also still can't get any carrots I keep checking the market, if there's any possible way you can give me two so I can start growing them I'd appreciate it but I understand if you don't have a system that can do that. Or at least use one of your own accounts to spam sell carrots? I called my farm Dagon just incase you can.

    Sorry I keep spamming you with long messages but just a last bit on balance again. I do still feel the start of the game should be expanded and I'm also feeling at the minute like I'm missing out on a lot and that some things unlock too quickly even.

    Mainly I feel like that because I still don't have space for the dairy or a cow pen and even while I'm still waiting for that I've unlocked pigs and don't have space for that either but I guess if something is changed with tools as you mentioned that may balance itself out but is the lack of tools also hurting my upgrades for my warehouse and silo?

    Finally I feel like I only had enough gold for my apple tree because I don't have cows or pigs or a dairy yet and because I've been watching ads for gold I don't feel like I could have made that much alone. But then we have already mentioned the order board which may remedy that.

    So the bug with my production buildings not working properly or producing things I add if I order more than 1 will that be fixed in the next update?

    Edit: Also my order board keeps having my orders I've turned down vanish so I can't click to see how long is left until I get new ones.
  13. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    Probably getting water from the well causes error with saving game data (using Apple Tree causes it too). So don't use them until update please.

    Will look at that.

    Did it yesterday! You must know that the offers that are shown in the newspaper are just the first offers that players created. If you click on one of them, you will be able to see all selected player's offers. My farm is "Dream Ranch" or "Blocky Farm Tob" (don't remember).

    The start of the game is a complex problem and we will redesign it a little bit, but it needs time. What things seem to unlock too quickly? Do you feel that a pet unlock either too early or too late?

    Yes, this is fixed and will be published in the next update (within 24 hours). I will notify you all here.
  14. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    #274 ste86uk, Jun 9, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    I won't use the apple tree at all, although it doesn't seem to be doing anything anyway? No timer or anything when you press it only a watering can shows up and nothing has ever told me about the well yet.

    Managed to get those carrots now, thank you!

    I just felt as I said that the pigs unlocked too quickly because I have no space for them I'm still waiting to get cows. But maybe that will balance out if you either give some extra space at the start or make it easier to get tools.

    As for the pet you should possibly introduce it quite early I think as it's something that makes your game a bit different. Although I think you should downgrade its care needs and make it more of a fun thing than a chore. He's a pain in my ass always needs attention.

    Finally does the market auto purchase after so long at all? Had items there a while and they don't seem to be going anywhere at all. I find it a helpful feature if say after 24 hours a player hasn't bought it that the computer will buy it. Spent most of my gems on storage upgrades now anyway so I can cope a little better.

    Edit: just got level 13 and handed in a carrot quest I had that triggered my quest mentioning the well now. Surely that quest should appear once it's unlocked and not wait until I finish another? Also after getting level 13 all of the exp values on the order board are shown in red for some reason.
  15. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Picture of how exp is showing since I levelled up

    Attached Files:

  16. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    #276 sortris, Jun 9, 2017
    Last edited: Jun 9, 2017
    Red experience amount text means that there is a Global Event with Orders Truck bonus started. Just visit the town and click on the Events Board for more info.
  17. WoyBoy15

    WoyBoy15 Well-Known Member

    Mar 18, 2015
    Any idea when the update is coming out?
  18. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland
    We're waiting for the Apple to review the beta 1.0.2 update. Once it pass the review, I will notify you asap.
  19. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Why do apple need to review TestFlight builds though? It's not as if they are easily accessible by the public.

    Isn't it only to stop things that they don't allow and make sure the app isn't hacking the device for info ect?
  20. sortris

    sortris Well-Known Member

    Mar 14, 2015
    Warsaw, Poland

    via: https://itunespartner.apple.com/en/apps/faq/TestFlight%20Beta%20Testing_Beta%20App%20Review

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