I've tried a bunch of the voice dialers - and was happy with none of them. Today I tried Voice Dialer by Melodis Corporation - the same company that makes Midomi - and cannot believe how great it works. Simple and almost flawless. Best of all - it's free.
Thanks for that - I should have done that in the first place. Of course that would have meant figuring out how to do that...anyway, thanks again.
Does this app work off of the app company's server? I am not crazy about those apps that store all your contact info on their servers.
Vlingo is free, very accurate and also incorporates Google searches, Facebook updates, and Mapping into its voice capability. I am very happy with it so far.
I highly recommend Fonix iSpeak. http://itunes.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewSoftware?id=290900871&mt=8 I know it's $10, but all the info is stored on your iphone. No privacy issues with storing your contacts info with online servers. Works very well and very very accurate.
i have also tried all the free ones and I found this one to be the best too. The other ones found the name sometimes but took forever to do so.
I love, love, LOVE Vlingo. Voice dialing, Google & Yahoo search, map search, and even update your Facebook or Twitter status (which I've never seen in a voice app). And it all works very well. Surprisingly well, actually. Well worth the price tag - FREE