I've seen a couple games that sort of fit the formula but nothing significant. Likely the best would be Dino Smash, the full version is no longer in the appstore fyi. Super Smash Clash Brawler is supposedly a really bad clone Fright Fight is supposed to be sort of good Muffin Knight was dissapointing It's been a while in the appstore and was wondering if any hidden gem could do good
I have like 6 emulators for different systems! Love 'em! For Super Smash Bros., I'd go with Mupen64. The game works perfectly! Best place to go by far is not here, but Android for emus!
By that do you mean Retroach using the mupen64 core? I'll edit my own comment. Yes it's in Retroach. Problem is the controls for this game were not built for touchscreen. For instance you'll never be able to use the left and right trigger buttons because they're at the top of the screen and you'll never be able to do button combinations (hold A +B) at the same time, or if you do it will be no where near the consistency of a real controller. I just gave this game a go in Retroarch using mupen64 and yeh, all I could manage was punch punch punch punch punch.
Well, you know what to expect accounting for that going in knowing it is what is..... But hey, you got the game, it looks good, and it does work!