Well, I could say many, but they're all great, so I don't have one. Real Racing, Zenonia, Defender Chronicles, and many more.
Having bought almost all the major titles in the last 6 months, I would have to say for content vs. value (Price), with replayability... Hands down.... PEGGLE! (for me at least...)
despite all the games ive played..i still play dancedance revolution S the most.. and i download all games that gets featured on TA
i agree wit almost everyone on this thread, but yeah peggle, zenonia, cs.one, and geo defense. I'm also a big fan of illusion labs games, and drop 7.
Real Racing or Flight Control. No, I don't work for Firemint. Symbolism is also another puzzle type game that doesnt get as much attention but I've found it fufilling. One of those games where every time you play you improve. I also like Wurdle and Peggle. If I could chose only one, it would be Flight Control, even though it took it about a month on my iPhone for me to appreciate it. I think the latest patch is what really did it for me. Its a complete portable experience. Online High scores/Global/Local. Simple, intuitive game play. Good music. Perfect art style. Second place would be Wurdle. Similar level of polish as Flight Control, only a simple word game that is more fun every time you play it. For free games. Get Shift, Paper Toss and Trace. The 3 free games no one should be without!
There should be: Best game that is over 1 year old Best game bought at least 6 months ago Best game recently. In a lot of these threads there is the OMG factor still for new stuff which is okay but games that stand the test of even this short time given the crowded market are the ones we should get.