I am going on a vacation for the weekend.. and I need something to play. I have real racing and hero of sparta, and a few other mini-games. But I want something new and preferably 99c. I am leaving tonight, so if you could reply quickly. Thanks! matheaks
You will do yourself a lot better to go to the general game discussion forum, and go back a few pages and quickly skim through the topics there are probably 50 or 60 pretty good $0.99 games out there, and there are a number of threads that will help you find one that you are interested in. Or, you can read what someones favorite game of the day or week is for them by watching what people post in here.
[app]DrawRace[/app], [app]GeoDefense[/app], and [app]PipeMania[/app] @$1 each. [app]Huebris[/app] is a dollar too, if you want a real puzzle challenge. [app]Zenonia[/app], if you are willing to dig deep for the $3.
That's a pretty open ended question - what type of game are you looking for? Merlin's Legacy is a real time action/strategy game (kind of a castle defense style) I've been playing lately - has a lot of replayability, a decent storyline, and good graphics. It's $2 F.A.S.T is a great flight combat sim, and only $2 right now. Kids Vs. Zombies just became free, and it's a fun casual zombie shooter.