Best Ad Monetization Service to use?

Discussion in 'Public Game Developers Forum' started by windrider07, Aug 31, 2012.

  1. windrider07

    windrider07 Well-Known Member

    May 8, 2012
    I've read about and have been recommended to use Burstly or MoPub or Mobclix as mediation ad services for monetization. Anybody have any suggestions? I want to find a service that offers a variety of high quality ads and pays well and on time.
  2. DropDKeith

    DropDKeith Well-Known Member

    We've used Mobclix for years and have been very frustrated with their unpredictable payments.

    We are switching our apps to MoPub with hopes for a brighter future.
  3. TapitZac

    TapitZac Member

    Aug 30, 2012
    Publisher Development
    Irvine, CA
    Best Ad Monetization

    It all really depends on what you're looking for. I know that some companies out there promise really high eCPMs but they are really inconsistent (so that the range is around ~$0.05-$10+) and one's revenue, therefore, is really hard to anticipate.
    I know that my company (Tapit!) is averaging around $0.50-$3.00 eCPM (though not excessively high, its consistent) and many publishers get much more than that.
    We offer a mediation layer with other ad networks to maximize your fill rate.
    We pay on a net 60 period.
    We can pay net 30 if your revenue surpasses.
    Feel free to pm me or skype me for any other questions

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