90's FTW Weird Al The Simpsons well, all the good ones at least Super Nintendo The N64 Gameboy King of the Hill Sega Gensis Play station Ska music It's totally radical dude.
I remember when Simpsons was good. Now it just sucks/isn't funny anymore. The music from the 90's was bad, but then again, 00s was beyond terrible with all the shitty pop/rap/hip-hop music. I think the only good thing I can think of are: Gameboy Playstation Pokemon games Pulp fiction OK Computer
lol, apparently Sunny D turned your skin yellow. And BN biscuits were the shiz. I forgot all about them. I try to forget about the last two on your list (the shame! )
You say that as though I am actually wrong but won't admit it. Surely the topic is about pop culture from the 90s and not "things that were invented in the 90s". If that's the case then the Simpsons are out too, and probably a bunch of other stuff. ...and I have admitted being wrong on plenty of occasions, maybe you're not active enough to notice!