Boy am I hooked on this game. Already unlocked the 2 hour achievement mark and I've gotten almost all the perks unlocked. Game play wise, the game bring nothing really new to the genre, but its just fun. The perks and upgrade to perks adds the carrot on the stick as I mentioned. The visuals are seizure inducing for sure. lol..
How does music translate to the game? I mean, do you see some kind of beat onscreen? Like pulsations or what?
According to the game instruction page, it sounds like the game analyzes each song according to 3 categories. 1. Your weapons 2. Enemies numbers, flight patterns, and firing patterns and types. 3. Boss encounters and enemy wave types So each song should play different from each other..but for the same song, the same thing should always happen. The only main thing I've noticed is for the harder, faster beat songs, the game feels like its on crack, on slow songs or songs with speech in it (ie: like a play or something), the game slows down.
Just bought this and played around for some songs and gotta say, it's pretty awesome! I like how things go more to the beat compared to space invaders infinity gene. However, in the visualizer, I'd like to be able to select songs THERE and not by clicking back every time, as it gets annoying. Maybe a fast fOrward and pause as well? How about teleporting enemies thatvanish and appear according to the beat?? Ps. Master of puppets on 200% is just crazy!!!! Fitting for a rave party or something lol
Really enjoying it too. I liked Wave Against Every Beat (same music concept in shump form) but this is more intense. Like how it's almost kind of a shrump with dual stick controls. Read the IGN review of the PSN version... 5/10?!?! Maybe this is a game that's better suited for the iOS.
I had to rub my eyes when I saw this fresh on AppShopper last night. Purchased without hesitation, and completely loving it as expected. Have this on Steam and enjoying it now on ios, even more! So much great stuff from other platforms are getting the ios treatment lately - it's amazing.
I have a 3GS right now playing and this game is crazy!!! One question though. Does this game have retina display cause im getting a 4S in about a week?
IGN gave the PC version 7.6/10, and even that was the old one, not the "Ultra" revamp. I've had it on Steam for a while, and even though it's a little rough around the edges, it's still an insane game.
Here's a place to share some epic tracks: I know it's pretty niche, but damn if some songs aren't amazing. *shrugs* Once people start sharing, if at least one person finds a song that makes them go "wow", the thread will have done it's job.
Been using the internet radio today. I might have to move some songs over from my phone because the game is amazing. I just want to sit back, relax, and play some Ratatat or John Frusciante on it. Then see how MGMT plays on it. Then finish it off with some heavy dubstep. Oh, how I hope the dev adds Pandora. Heck, 80% of the time, I only have enough space for about 15 or so songs. Can't wait until the 5th gens come out so I can leave this 8 gig in the dust.
I may be wrong but I thought Pandora didn't release any public API so devs can't create their own apps (or programs in general that connect to Pandora). From a quick google, sounds like people find ways around this, but Pandora updates the program on their side to block this. Sounds like Pandora partly makes money from people listening to ads, so they don't want people to skip the ads and to keep people from downloading the streams illegally. So unless this dev inks a deal with Pandora, probably don't get your hopes up. Maybe there's an alternative streaming site you use that provides API for apps..and you can suggest the dev took into this alternative. If Pandora could be implemented, I wonder where the ads would appear? But I'd be curious to try a few times a level based on their ads. Lol..
Yeah, i talked to him about it earlier. He said that he he hadn't really looked into the SDK too much, but would if enough people requested it. I did say Pandora or any other site like that. i just want to be able to tailor my stations and something like Pandora works brilliantly for me when I'm using my iPod. The internet radio hasn't been too bad. I'll prolly just have to suck it up and wait for the 5th gens to come out, get a higher capacity device, and put some of my music on it. I'll prolly just suggest some more internet radio stations. But yeah, he could possibly strike some deal with Pandora or another service like it. An ad every 5 songs wouldn't be that bad, since they would (hopefully) just be for the Pandora option. Overall, this is an excellent app, and I don't really have anything to complain about. I was pretty much just suggesting the idea because I think it's at least a decent one. *I have no idea how the ads would be implemented!?