Universal Beat Hazard Ultra (by Cold Beam Games Ltd)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by strivemind, Feb 9, 2012.

  1. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    If this game hadn't have gone free I would never have found it.

    Its awesome, its really one of the most fun games I've ever played on my iPhone to date.

    It has it all, incredible. Can't stop playing...
  2. Reese015

    Reese015 Well-Known Member

    Sep 2, 2010
    Game absolutely rocks but after switching back to Infinity Field for a bit, gotta say it could definitely still use framerate improvements on the iPhone 4. (though I commend the dev for already being able to hit okay framerates most of the time with such graphical deliciousness)
  3. TimEggers

    TimEggers Well-Known Member

    Nov 11, 2011
    Tiskilwa, IL
    Anyone else really like the Single Stick option of Beat Hazard Ulta?

    I mean, damn, it's so much fun and Im not all thumbs :)rolleyes:) like I am when playing most duel stuck shooters.

    BHU has replaced Meteor Blitz as my go-to Space arcade shooter. What an incredibly fun game experience. Love it!
  4. Mr. Grizzly

    Mr. Grizzly Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011
    I prefer playing it dual stick - but find it too hard to trigger the powerups so keep getting killed. Would be nice if they had the powerups on the side - perhaps two on each side so you could still trigger them without moving one thumb too far.

    Anyone got all the achievements yet? Notice how some can only be achieved by using dual sticks (for example, ones where you need to keep enemies alive, the meteor one) - otherwise the game auto shoots whats on the screen.

    Almost got the meteor one. Got a song by Pet Shop Boys (Here) that generates them. Got close to 50 or even more but died - and the achievement says you have to do it without dying. If you use shields, you reflect the meteors without letting them hit you (they don't kill you). I will ramp it up one more level, see if that gives me even more meteors without generating too many enemies. But even defeating more enemies means more meteors during the song anyway - as long as I don't get killed doing the dance around the screen trying not to shoot the ships that generate the meteors.

    The Striptease achievement was a little difficult until I realized that those ships don't kill you once their guns are stripped from them - so find a song that generates them early, strip them quickly, and have your shields ready.
  5. Mr. Grizzly

    Mr. Grizzly Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011
    Yahoo! Got the achievement now! Of course, I'm about sick of the song, but at least I got it. Actually got it on easy - needed it slow enough to manage the other ships and bullets without killing the ships generating the meteors.

    Now how to do the ultra beam one? Guess I need a fast paced song that generates a LOT of enemies (probably need to be on Suicidal for that), then trigger the beam and take them all out quickly.
  6. shafdogg

    shafdogg Member

    Feb 12, 2012
    I play single stick and dual stick options. Single stick is great for boss rush and other modes since all you have to worry about is dodging. Plus, your not accidentally tripping the bomb, weapons, or shield tab.

    Dual stick allows you to shoot what YOU want to shoot; it basically means better control against bigger waves of enemies and sticky situations.

    On a side note, single stick works well on all difficulty levels (including suicidal). However, dual stick is the preferred method of tackling suicidal.
  7. Joebob1717

    Joebob1717 Active Member

    Apr 20, 2012
    What's different in update 1.6 ?
  8. syntheticvoid

    syntheticvoid Well-Known Member

    Jun 20, 2010
    Musician & factory worker.
    ?? the update from 6 months ago??

    Gold ship scores more points.
  9. thesmashingone

    thesmashingone Well-Known Member

    Jun 27, 2012
    Hey guys, I was wondering if there was a "restore iAP purchases" in this game. I didn't see one in the options menu. Thanks!
  10. Royce

    Royce Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2011
    No there isn't. The only restorable purchase is the gold ship since the rest are consumable. Just "buy" it again. If you've already paid for it on the same iTunes account, you will not be charged.
  11. Meave

    Meave Member

    Dec 16, 2008
    Any chance you guys are going to add iphone 5 support?
  12. Heck, why not add ipad retina to the wish list, cause this is one of my favorite music games.
  13. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    +1 to ipad retina for BHU. I mean, i'd pay for it again if i have to. BHU belongs to my top 3 DSS games, together with Inferno+ and Zombies.
  14. Me too, release an hd version ipad retina for a buck, and I bet a ton of people would buy it, I too would love that!!!
  15. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    So played the lite version...OH GOD MY EYES!!!

    In the full version are there upgrades or anything? Different weapons?

    I know there's a boss rush mode and at least 375 unique "levels" in my case but what else is there that makes the game good beside the Audio=Gameplay mechanic?
  16. Wonderful hdmi tv game with airplay widescreens support! So pretty!!!

    Look how good it works on widescreen mode!

  17. Lots of upgrades, like attached, not really weapons stuff, though there are micromissiles here, more like vol up upgrades, and perks.

    Best part for me is playing my own itunes music, and playing on widescreen hdmi tv.

    Attached Files:

  18. 7lilwhitewolf7

    7lilwhitewolf7 Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2012
    Not hear on earth
    Georgia,Cleveland Ohio,Texas,New York
    Price drop to $0.99
  19. Mr. Grizzly

    Mr. Grizzly Well-Known Member

    May 20, 2011
    Has anyone else noticed this game not showing their complete music library? I have itunes Match, and it shows 9000+ songs on loadup - but then I currently seem to only have access to several songs by each group - not whole albums. Is there a limit to the amount of songs the game lets you access or play? I just got my sister and nephew interested in this game, and they are accessing my Itunes Match too, but they can't find most songs we have uploaded (though when refreshing the song list, it does show the right number of songs). Makes it frustrating when it is one of my mosy played games for a couple of years - and I have literally bought or borrowed (from the library) certain songs and albums to play solely in this game.
  20. amusing Grace

    amusing Grace Well-Known Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Music, Muse, Magick
    Berlin, Germany
    I got it for both Mac and iOS. I would check it, but i only have a few tracks right now on my iPad. On Mac i have some thousand tracks, but never encountered your problem.

    Maybe the tracks have to be on device/ hard drive as the game needs to analyze them or give it more time to index your library?

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