Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Shyhorn

    Shyhorn Member

    Nov 25, 2010
    I find it really interesting that my party of Barbarian, bard, wizard and monk (all lvl 30) kills the last boss faster than my party of knight, cleric, rogue and witch (all level around lvl 43).

    That said, the same party of barbarian, bard, wizard and monk, which having an insane killing speed seem to be quite bad at survivability especially in an arena setting compared to the slower party.

    In my opinion, I rather have a party that survives better than a party that kills fast. (Hence personally I prefer the cleric over the bard and the knight over the monk. This combo saves me countless times. However, bard + barbarian is SICK!). Afterall, unless your characters are at a high level, it's not how fast you kill that matters but whether you can get 70+ kills in the arena/ actually surviving till the boss dies.
  2. papahav

    papahav Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    First gotta say, head and shoulders above any other game (let alone rpg) I've seen on the iphone and I regularly burn through credit.
    5stars and I'll be insta-buying you're next title (but as a test... keep the quality up!)

    I've patched battleheart but started crashing again when I specced a revenge knight for arena (which is otherwise pretty awesome imho)
    I suspect revenge is broken. Crashes occur constantly in arena, before I even get to 30 kills i've crashed 7/8 times. Perhaps you guys can look into seeing if there are any bugs (maybe revenge tries to hit a dead unit or something??)

    Meanwhile my barbarian/buff/buff wizard strat I've been play it constantly without a single crash (maybe about 20 times ~80 kills) .
    (i know its not a marathon strat but high-speed is the key for farming!)

    Barbarian's base 2 skills and good attack speed is slightly stronger compared to other classes (fair enough since he only gets 1 poor CC at level30). but with buff built cleric and buff built bard becomes insane >=]
    noCD tele wizard is a good solo to run alongside
  3. papahav

    papahav Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    For debugging purposes...
    I've been using 20% evade x2 on my knight
    Intimidate, chivarly, warcry, sunder, revenge.
    Constantly crashes with my knight in play post patch (and never without??)

    I think its revenge causing the crash... also using obsidian blade and aegis but whatever
  4. keankhang

    keankhang New Member

    Feb 4, 2011
    Yeah, noted that after the update to 1.0.3, going into the arena with the Knight will cause a crash. Game crashed about 10x after the update; turned off Revenge and so far no more crashes.
  5. MikaMobile

    MikaMobile Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    You're right, it's revenge. I addressed the issue in the main game thread, but I'll post it here too - don't use revenge til 1.0.4, it triggers a crash if the reflected damage scores a killing blow on certain enemies.

    I went ahead and buffed revenge while fixing it too. It currently reflects the total damage post armor and defensive spells. In 1.0.4, it reflects the initial damage, and triggers against ranged attackers too.
  6. Omega2227

    Omega2227 Member

    Feb 5, 2011
    always loved the knight > monk
    nice to see him getting some love =D

    Just out of curiosity because I don't think it was ever explained really.

    Why does the monk take aggro off of the knights even when their defense is higher?

    I'd love to use both monk and knight in the same group and have the knight take for most and then bring in the monk to help if needed with his good cc but they always go for the monk, any reason?
  7. Vik1ng

    Vik1ng Member

    Feb 11, 2011
    #127 Vik1ng, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
    Just posted a Wiki

    first of all, MikaMobile: you've made an incredible game here. job well done. I hope to see more content in the future! (Don't think we didn't notice all those empty spots in the reserves)

    I was just spreading the word about a wiki I made and was looking for someone(s) who knows the game mechanics well enough to contribute to the wiki. Basically I'm looking for anyone who wants to make a theorycraft based page on a battleheart wiki? If not even fully in depth then just the basic mechanics (power:damage, defense:damage, attack speed, any and/or all of that), I can do the math easy enough if I have to. Just nice to have a centralized location for Battleheart fans/information.

    I'd also love for people to use the discussion section to contribute party lineups+equipment that they have found successful in the third arena! Thanks to anyone that decides to help
  8. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Sweet. I usually prefer the longer shield wall, but once you hit a certain level and nothing really kills your knight, revenge becomes better for boss farming.
  9. C.C

    C.C Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2009
    Anyone knows how often envenomed blades activate? Was wondering if I should stick with 2x crit trinkets or use haste gloves instead.
  10. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    #130 makitango, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
    There is a wiki on already. It's not mine, but I would not want to post on another wiki again. :(

    Btw, different characters indeed differ in more than just appearance, which are basic stats (even with just small differences).
  11. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    I LOVE this game - very very fun, and great to look at.

    I have just finished Haggerdom and am on the first couple of levels of Brightstone - have decided to go with Gustav, Wynter, Lucille and Baelrosh... Rogue + Barbarian are my two main damage dealers, of course. Wynter adds some nice AoE damage and keeps the pressure on enemies while Lucille is busy healing. Her AoE healing is much nicer than the individual heal; I can't imagine having a party without her.

    Kick-ass game - Mika, i'm convinced to go and download more of your games now (which I have admittedly skipped out on in the past - namely OMG Pirates)!
  12. uncleaerosmithe

    May 28, 2009
    In the early stages and am already loving this game.

    But I am finding myself having to repeat stages to level-up enough to progress. Is everyone else doing this too or am I just not very good?
  13. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011

    It's normal - you'll face this later in the game as well. Getting those next 1-2 levels or upgraded items is usually the difference between victory and defeat in many levels, and that's what I adore about the game. It makes you feel as if you're progressing and becoming stronger, whether it be offensively more powerful or defensively more stalwart.

    The assassin is my favorite class so far - the amount of damage he can take is impressive, combined with critical hits to take off big chunks off of enemies' life bars. Oh so satisfying!

    Almost done with the second world (Brightstone) - the mid-level Slime boss was a pain, but finally got past him. Haven't read ahead to see what's in store for me at the final boss (and I don't really want to either, lol) - but the bosses are tough to beat. In a good way :D
  14. Sageone

    Sageone Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    I have been quite indecisive about my party line-up. I have tried the following:

    Bard + Wizard + Witch + Monk

    Opinion: Wizard is kind of useless in this build. But then so is the Monk as after he died, I was able to better manage my party of 3 chars.

    Bard + Witch + Rogue + Monk

    Opinion: Rogue is a better fit for my style of play but I feel that the Monk is still useless (unless Boss running)

    So I want to keep Bard + Witch, what other 2 classes would u guys suggest (not 2 Wizards cuz that's too much micro management). Classes I haven't tried: Barbarian.

    My chars are all around lvl 25 (except Barb).

    Also for the builds, what are the most effective trinkets? I use 2 Codex of Jabe on Witch and Bard.

    How about the other classes?

    Also, as a suggestion for the wiki, maybe there should be a strategies section ;)

    Thanks in advance,

  15. imac2much

    imac2much Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Hey Sageone, what are you looking for in your party? I think there are different (and various) "good" builds for 3 different situations: Regular battles, boss-farming, and Arena (divided into getting to 70 the quickest for Tier 9 equipment and dying, or trying to achieve high score).

    For regular battles, assuming you want to keep Bard + Witch, I'd recommend keeping the Monk for DPS + tanking (using windwalk to get aggro), with the Bard targeting the Monk to increase his ATK/DEF and lower his cooldowns. I'd then supplement the party with either Rogue (for DPS + CC) or Barbarian (pure DPS). In fact, if you're having trouble killing off enemies fast enough, get aggro on your Monk with Windwalk, use Evasion, then have the Bard target the Barbarian while he Enrage + Flurry to kill everything :)

    The main problem with a Monk as tank is that he can only pull aggro from ogres, orcs and skeleton warriors. Knights can also pull aggro from those + jellies and bats. Neither can pull aggro from archers (they shoot at random). I generally feel Rogue works better with Monk because he has better survivability, whereas Barbarian works better with Knight since he will never be hit (except by archers) and thus can use the Death Wish passive to enhance Enrage.

    Boss builds vary depending on the boss and whether you're just trying to beat it normally or farm it for drops/xp.

    Arena builds for farming vary a lot, but I like a high DPS team to kill things quickly with a Knight pulling aggro from all the DPS. However, for high scores even the Knight can't tank more than one ogre at a time (even with Shield Wall + Fortress), and the random round with 6 archers spawning can insta-gib any DPS/caster with 3 unlucky shots. This is how I always die 120+ :(
  16. Sageone

    Sageone Well-Known Member

    Dec 17, 2010
    Thx for your reply. I was thinking of farming arena's till 70 once I become lvl 30+.

    Right now I am focusing on finishing the game and lvling. Obviously my tactics will change for the arena. But my question was actually intended for the arena as the main game is quite simple to advance in: train, upgrade/purchase, repeat.

    So for the arena, I might consider the following:

    Bard: heals + buffs
    Witch: horror, drain, pray on the weak, etc. (CC and healing)
    Rogue: DPS + paralysis (goes well with prey on the weak)
    Knight: (aggro + tank)

    Trnkets: casters get decrease cooldown
    Rogue: +30% att speed
    Knight: ? Armor? I dunno how do I spec this kid? lol

  17. wolpak

    wolpak Well-Known Member

    Feb 7, 2011
    I have been trying the dual knights/bard/cleric combo.

    Has anyone tried this in the arena? I am still working out my flaws of watching everything, but they are pretty decent at level 30.

    Right now I focus def buff and healing on black knight and let him war cry everything and tank as needed. If he gets overwhelmed, he intimdates them all and heals up. If that is on cooldown, Sheppard takes over war cryng or the bard resets cooldowns. I almost want to use the bard buff 25% attack power to help out. It works well as they bounce baddies back and forth and war cry resets their shield and crowd control.

    Bard and cleric just heal, buff and sheid. Still determining if cleric should use the extra heal buff or the shield that hurts all. The attack works well against archers as she is immune and can attack them.

    Oh and they all have the 6 sec cooldown trinket.
  18. imac2much

    imac2much Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    Houston, TX
    That sounds like a fun setup, and I believe other posters here have recommended the rogue + witch combo (esp since witch's Drain Life synergizes with Rogue's paralysis as you mentioned).

    Keep in mind that 2xninja glove does help Rogue with his auto attack and paralysis proc, but his DPS won't match that of Barbarian's (since the trinkets don't stack with Sneak Attack and Shadowstep), but I assume you're using Paralytic knife instead for CC so this isn't too much of a issue. That sounds like a really good combination, and I might start using this instead of my regular Wiz + Barbarian combo, because even with Barbarian's crazy DPS I just can't kill the 6 skel archer random spawn fast enough before they kill everyone.

    Knight should use 2x evasion trinket (for 40% evasion), Intimidate (more useful than cleave for later levels), Chivalry (you're not using him for DPS), War Cry, Crippling Blow, and Fortress. After the 1.04 patch, Revenge will probably be the better option, since even with Shield Wall you can't really tank that well in the 100+ rounds, so using the enemies' escalating attack power against them is a good idea.

    Just remember to strike a good balance between CC and DPS. Having too much DPS and not enough CC will get you killed by random archers, but having too much CC and not enough DPS won't let you kill the archers before all your CC cooldowns are up. This is mainly for the 120+ rounds, you can disregard this advice if you're just trying to get to 70 to get tier 9 equipment.
  19. KiddToKmart

    KiddToKmart Well-Known Member

    Feb 10, 2011
    Can someone/anyone give me a reason to keep a bard instead of a cleric in my party? I'm finding the latter's ability to land mass heals very useful...
  20. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    #140 Guise, Feb 11, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 11, 2011
    Superbasic question from a relative newcomer: Is the Monk considered a tank or DPS? And does anyone know of a simple beginner's guide to RPG terminology? Thanks in advance for any feedback.

    Oh and is there a way to check in-game what class each character belongs to?

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