Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey

    typo in angel hair, its 32 I believe, not 52.
  2. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    Damnit, haven't seen that. Seemed so obvious to me that he does only wear cloth. And I threw away quite some Blademaster Battlegear parts, argh! >.<
  3. Osujxu

    Osujxu Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2010
    so how well does having cleric and bard in the same party work out?
  4. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    For the record, I think the algorithm doesn't work well for the Bard.

    The bard in my party uses more cooldowns than the rest of my team combined. No joke. Usually I'll use all of his twice for each time I use the whole set of 'em on one of the other two characters that use cooldown abilities.

    So Bard is easily my MVP character in terms of doing the most in a given battle. And he's been in my party from the very start. And he's consistently last or second last in XP, and is almost three levels behind the rest of my team (rogue, monk, cleric).
  5. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    #85 deadclown, Feb 7, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2011
    Extremely well. You can have the Bard target your DPS and the cleric target your tank, for instance. The DPS will rampage while your tank never dies.

    That's my setup and it seems to work really well.
  6. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Also: you can use the bard to heal the cleric, the cleric to shield the bard, etc. The only downside to this party set up is that, every once in a while, the damaging half of my party dies, and all I'm left with is two characters who sit there healing/buffing each other until they die.

    Which, if it were happening in real life, would be excruciating.

    Bard: Cleric! I...I don't think we're going to make it!
    Cleric: Don't think like that, Bard. Get your head straight and keep up those buffs!
    Bard: But I'm- Ow! Taking a slightly sav-arg!-savage beating, here! Gah!
    Cleric: Well, look. Just...we'll just wait it out. We'll be okay, Bard. Tomorrow, you'll be telling your kids all about this fight.
    Bard: I dunno, man! I don't think we're winning!
    Cleric: Okay, okay. Look, I'll just...heal harder. Or something. You just keep swinging!
    Bard: Swinging. Swinging?! I thought you were attacking them!
    Cleric: Me?! I'm healing you! You're supposed to...lullaby them to death or something!
    Bard: Oh. Yeah. Good thinking! I'll just hit them with my lute! What a divine idea!!
    Cleric: Don't get snippy with me, or I'll drop these heals like YOU'RE going out of style!
    Bard: Oh yeah? Maybe I'll play you a nice little dirge, huh?
    Cleric: ...
    Bard: Ya want some cheese with that whine?!
    Cleric: ...
    Bard: Cleric?
    Cleric: ...
    Bard: Cleric...?
    Cleric: Glad I met ya, Bard. Glad I met you.
    Bard: But...You don't think...
    Cleric: ...
    Bard: Well, so that's it, huh?
    Cleric: We had a good run.
    Bard: (nostalgic) The first minute was pretty epic, huh?
    Cleric: Yes, Bard. It sure was.
    Bard: See ya on the other screen, Cleric.
    Cleric: See you in hell, Bard.
    Bard: Huh?
    (Bard dies)
    (Cleric casts Vengeful Angel)
    (Cleric retreats)
    (Cleric collects on three life insurance policies)
  7. Ghostpants

    Ghostpants Member

    Feb 1, 2011
    After getting my party (Monk, Barbarian, Witch, Bard) to level 30, I decided to go level up the rest of the characters.

    After switching to the basic Knight, Thief, Wizard, Cleric team I found that I really like the bard more for healing because of the team heals.
  8. jcopenha

    jcopenha New Member

    Feb 8, 2011
  9. Ezak

    Ezak Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    #89 Ezak, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
    I use bard, dual mage, witch.
    Mages are op with teleport. you can solo anything non ranged.
    Constant heal/dmg buff on bard, Mass aoe / kiting on mages and cc/aoe on witch.
    CD reduction books are neat ^^
  10. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    I tried this too. The problem I have with it is that while on paper it seems to have as much crowd control or more than the same build with a knight instead of the witch, in practice it seems very hard to manage, whereas I found the same build with a knight instead of the witch quite easy.

    It does get really hard to keep the knight alive as melee gets stronger...I dunno, maybe someone that is great at micro would do better with the witch, but for me I found the knight works better here.
  11. Ezak

    Ezak Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    #91 Ezak, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
    Aye, I decided to go witch since later units were hitting too hard and I ended up having to kite too much anyway (no cleric heals)

    Perma aoe snare with mages makes it easy and you just have to focus ranged units. Conflag and Witch fear add the little extra control needed to take them down with minimal hp loss

    It's micro intensive but well, sc2 is good practice:p
  12. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    Anyone here with an arena score above 100 at Doomvale's and with a cleric, barbarian, wizard (with Time Stop) or a rogue in it? Of course, with characters below 60... :D
  13. imac2much

    imac2much Member

    Feb 8, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Anyone know if +crit trinkets work for both normal attacks and special attacks? Also, do spells have base damage based on the caster's attack or is it just a set value that never changes? I'm thinking that +haste trinkets are best for barbarian with his flurry and enrage, but if +crit adds to both normals and attacks, that would probably be the best for rogue (since +haste won't help his shadowstep and sneak attack, and +atk items don't scale as well as % based trinkets).

    I also wonder if -6sec cd trinkets or 15% chance to not trigger cooldown trinkets are better for the casters...

    I used a Monk, Barbarian, Wizard, Bard party (all level 32-33, no Tier 9) to get to 100+ in Doomvale arena. I think changing the Monk to a Knight would make micromanaging easier (since WindWalk doesn't seem to get aggro from bats and slimes but Warcry does), and with Fortress and Shield Wall I could actually tank ogres easier. That lets me go crazy with Enrage and Death Wish without fearing my DPS will get one shot (except for archers, but that's what Time Stop and Savage Pounce with knockdown proc is for).

    I'm surprised most people seem to be recommending Blizzard for the Wizard... I guess that's useful if you kite a lot, but Time Stop really helps you re-assess the situation and kill the healing demons a lot easier. I like it better than Witch's Horror also since it affects everyone on the screen equally (with Horror some enemies will just run around, making it harder to hit with Barbarian's flurry).
  14. ArtNJ

    ArtNJ Well-Known Member

    Jul 13, 2009
    New Jersey
    My high is only 98, but time stop is 5 seconds, 45 cooldown, blizzard is 10 seconds, 30 cooldown. With trinkets, blizzard can become 10 seconds every 18 seconds (and up permanently if you have 2 wizards). Blizzard lets you avoid melee easier, and slows down archers rate of attack giving you time to set up other CC solutions, if needed. Once that CC expires, you have another blizzard ready. I wouldnt think you could get by with time stop at all if using a cleric, but clearly its working well enough for you with a bard to recharge it, so different solutions.
  15. porkozone

    porkozone Member

    Jul 28, 2010
    That's one reason this game is so great - there seem to be several viable skills that, while maybe not equal, are effective enough to allow actual variety. So many other games fall down to one set of skills being "the best".

    I love the variety this games offers, while still remaining simple.
  16. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    #96 makitango, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 8, 2011
    With the next update, it does.

    Focusing on the widespread 30 second cooldowns, 2x Codex of Jabe would decrease the cooldowns efectively by 2/5 (6/15), whereas 2x Azamoth's Cursed Eyeballs would lead to a rough 1/3 (5/15). Considering the facts, that the proc itself can proc as well (which can lead to a spamming nature) and that higher cooldowns aproximately keep the 1/3 ratio with the eyeballs while the Codex' of Jabe decrease in power (taken that -12 seconds of 2 codex' with a cooldown of, let's say, 60 seconds, does only have a 1/5 or a 3/15), two eyeballs would result in a better suited item setting for casters than two codex' (not for healers, since they don't need to spam their heals rather than have them ready at time).

    If the witch is next to the healer (which I just don't do at the moment due to the overlap problem), Horror has a relatively improved effect on those enemies which are a greater threat to your party. Plus, it can oneshot the closest enemies if lucky.

    @jcopenha: You don't mind if I alter your wiki's structure a little bit? :)
    @Dazarath: Just found a trinket called "Warding Amulet | Provides a 10% Chance for attacks to deflect off of the wearer."
  17. porkchop

    porkchop Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2010
    whats the point in getting better bard weapons does he buff more??
  18. Ezak

    Ezak Well-Known Member

    Sep 25, 2009
    #98 Ezak, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 24, 2011
    Yop exactly
  19. porkozone

    porkozone Member

    Jul 28, 2010
    The higher his power, the more he adds to his target's power AND defense.

    Adding better armor for the Bard is (only) useful to help his own defense, but doesn't affect his buffs.
  20. porkchop

    porkchop Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2010
    k thanks guys ;)

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