Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Ive heard about a near update too from a site. I hope it's true :)

    My favorite character is the paladin even though I think it can be improved
  2. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Hey guys I'm new to this forum and I adore BH I'm pro, well, was, I just accidently deleted my saved data... I clicked on the delete button, then it said are you sure, so I pressed cancel, my screen froze so I pressed the menu button on my ipod touch, went back onto BH and BOOM! All my data gone. UGH!!! I'm so mad! Any help?:mad:
  3. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Unfortunately, nothing you do will get it back. I wish it could be saved online
  4. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Mikamobile said I should backup my ipod touch on itunes.
  5. dinoeggs777

    dinoeggs777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    yeah, if you haven't synced your ipod after you lost the data, connect it to itunes, don't back up, and right click on you ipod name. Select restore from back-up, click the most recent one, and voila! Hope it works
  6. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    #546 Bamboo, Sep 11, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2011
    Yeah, I did that but backed it up first, :/ I guess your way must be the right one cuz it started off with me losing all my apps, then I restore half my apps, then I finally restore all my apps, lost them all again, got them back and then I waited for them to all load, then I updated them, twice and here I am, the same place i was 3 hours before.

    So, why shouldnt of I backed it up first?
  7. dinoeggs777

    dinoeggs777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    If you restore to the one that you just backed up, you'll go back to the same thing before as when you backed it up. You can try restoring to a precious back up
  8. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Is there any way to backup your Battleheart data on a PC? I'd like to do that if possible, but don't want to lose my saves. Thanks in advance,

  9. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    #549 Bamboo, Sep 12, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 12, 2011
    Thanks, I'll try again.
  10. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Well that didn't work, last time I synced it was at my dads house >.>
  11. dinoeggs777

    dinoeggs777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    so you synced to two different computers?
    try it next time your there then
    if it doesn't work, my condolences
    i know how bad it hurts to lose game data like this...
  12. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Yeh I will try, if it doesn't work, who cares i'm doing well with my new party. Lol. Thanks your your help, losing more than 2 days worth of data really pisses me off. (I didn't play 2 days straight) and I know 2 days doesn't seem that long, but when you have a party with all level 30+ then you'll know how long it is.
  13. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Sooooo, any tips n stuff?
  14. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Between this thread, the main Battleheart thread, and the Battleheart wiki, most stuff has already been covered or discussed to death. So I don't think too many people will be posting random tips since it's likely that it has already been mentioned. But if you have any specific questions, go ahead and ask. I'm sure someone will help you out if they know the answer.

    (Plus, the game is a little older in iOS terms, so many people may have stopped playing already. Not me, though. I'm still grinding away at the last boss, leveling my party for whatever new content MikaMobile might add in the future.)
  15. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Well, I wouldn't be asking for tips n stuff since I already completed the game, I accidently restarted it, and I'm trying a different strategy. Thanks for your help btw.
  16. epicpip

    epicpip New Member

    Oct 18, 2011
    I did the arena after switching my monk for a barbarian (who I am still training) that was level 25. I got 76 kills with him as opposed to 51. Switching a fully trained monk was a good idea, though late in the arena all of my guys just died after a swarm of enemies. First the bard (that is never a good thing when your healer dies) and then the barbarian (he had to go eventually). Then the padalin, and there is an ogre, a red slime, and a healer left. No way. I got the tier 9 strings, and I never even had the tier 8. I want to train some other guys too, but is the rogue or barbarian better? If it has been discussed please tell me I looked through most of the pages.
  17. Bamboo

    Bamboo Well-Known Member

    Sep 10, 2011
    Personally I prefer rogue because they do powerful attacks and have strong abilities. But the barbarian in my eyes just have quick attacks but do little damage. I used a rogue in my party before I deleted all my data and I really would recommend them.
  18. LOLavi

    LOLavi Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2011
    iPhone gamer
    Hah love this game! The 4 players I constantly use are The Black Knight, Feung, Oakley and Lucille. All are level 15 or 14 now. On Brightonstone almost done with it. I guess my main strategy is to put the healing ring on everyone except black knight which I heal most of the time. Use power ups at start to get a good start and then when there's a boss like The big ooze I reserve power ups for that too.
  19. Danielfang7

    Danielfang7 Well-Known Member

    Pull Up Knights

    I always found that it was a good idea to have one knight, one archer, one magician, and one healer for the team. first bring the knight up and take all the damage, and the archer and magician do good damage so they stand far off and attack. the healer heals the knight. it was that easy to beat the game.
  20. odedkiller

    odedkiller New Member

    May 4, 2012
    #560 odedkiller, May 4, 2012
    Last edited: May 4, 2012
    a good way to kill the last boss fast

    NOTE: this plan only works with a lvl 30 knight and im not sure if it still works since i used it a few versions back

    i'm not going to talk about any character but the knight,
    now i found this way to kills him after i failed like 2 tries and then came up with this plan:
    use the knight's ability revenge when the final boss charges up.
    now as i understand the charge deals damage equal to the health of who it hits (meant to kill on the exact 100% hp after calculating the damage reducers from armor and such) this happens unless you have a shield like the monk's evasion or the clerics shield in which case you will take only 30% of your hp or none.
    so you use the knight' shield wall with revenge so the damage you will take from it (50% of your hp) will hit the boss making him take alot of damage very fast. make sure your cleric or bard can heal you back after it so your knight wont die after it. using this every time he charges up will deal him alot of damage and you will kill him quickly.

    NOTE: i killed him this way a few versions back so im not sure if it still works so try it out. now im using an other way cause im pretty bored from the usual setup: knight, cleric, mage, and rogue/barbarian.

    PS: mikamobile can you tell me if this strategy still works? cause i don't want people to try it and see it fails or something. i am going to try it myself again when i level my knight to 30 again (i had to re-download the game so i could keep updating it) if it fails (and i didn't post the outcome of testing it yet) tell me and if it works great!

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