Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    im not certain but it should be 2x.
    the game was updated a week ago. the dog glitch was fixed.
  2. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Thanks for the knowledge on the level 8 and 9 gear folks; I appreciate it!

  3. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    i found an incredible combo to use in the arena. Party: Bard, Paladin, ranger, witch. used mainly for 4 or more enemies, arena 3 at 75+
    step 1: whether using skills or getting lucky, try to gather all the enemies around one spot.
    step 2: use the witch's horror spell in the middle, likely KOing an enemy or two. Follow this with Plague. If you are damaged, use Bard's song of vigor.
    step 3: while the foes are stunned, focus regular attacks on those with the highest attacking power/hp/healers. once they are stunned find the one most centered in the group and use incendiary arrow and barrage.
    step 4: have the bard use Song of War; make sure he's set to the paladin.
    step 4: once they start moving again, use paladin's Radiance. if you time it well enough most of them should still burn while on the ground.
    step 5: put paladin at the center and use Wrath on the closest group together, and attack the others regularly with other characters, dwindling
    the hp of the last monsters and, if you dont do regular attacks as much or if you think you can hold them off, cooling down abilities very nicely, while doing significant damaging and taking little.
    step 6: If any are alive and doing damage, fall back with the ranger and use Aimed shot(with the 50% boost), and if need be focus attack with the paladin, keeping health up as much as possible.

    i've done this twice now with 4 and 5 enemies, both times near death on more than one character and past 75 in the arena. it's amazingly effective, and if you time everything well and you have all codex of jabe, you could probably spam this with successive groups of enemies.the biggest problem is getting everything to one spot and surviving them all getting there; ive tried this and died once because my paladin was overwhelmed.
    i suggest for the bard, to have stoicism. healing chords, and vivace to help ensure survival for the Paladin while he attracts enemies. ranger's Misdirection doesnt work for me either.
    also, this method doesnt work as well on bats and slimes(they never leave their target, which is often what ends up killing my ranged characters)
    most of this really depends on timing and the types of monsters, along with the wave you are on. This combo should kill everything up to at least 90 but past that i am unsure(i am usually instakilled by slimes and archers around 90 due to a lack of micromanaging; often i focus too much on keeping my paladin alive, then i look down for a moment and my ranger dies in two hits before i can click the heal skills.)

    If you are focusing on only one target but not a boss, you could make good use of Ranger's apollo strike, then incendiary arrow, dealing massive damage with one character while focusing on others.
    Also i notoced that wth the slime boss, if a minislime is knocked down far away but not killed, the ones in the center will sit and wait, so if you traini there, you can repeatedly knock one down or slow it, then retarget to others to dwindle hp overall. this works exceedingly well in training from lv25-45 or so.
  4. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Thanks very much for the ideas and suggestions, everyone! I beat the game yesterday. :D

    I then hit the 2nd arena and scored 138 kills and one of the nice weapons for my cleric. I am going to hit it again to try to score some more nice gear. Fun fun!

  5. Veektrol

    Veektrol New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
    Oh it is double damage, it says so in Gustav's skill, LOL
    Hm, the dog still disappears for me in the Arena at times, I'm running on an iTouch 3rd Generation iOS 4.0x, it happens maybe 1/8th of the time, I try to prevent him from running out to the sides and it lowers the risk.
  6. benuc184

    benuc184 Member

    Aug 14, 2011
    Hey, this is my skill tree.

    Cleric (Bandit Satchel x2)

    Group Heal
    Power Infusion
    Vengeful Angel
    Empowering Words
    Favored Soul
    Desperate Prayer

    Wizard (Thistle) (Kaimani's Bloodstone x2)

    Enveloping Flames
    Mage Armor
    Flaming Meteor

    Witch (Wynter) (Level 20) (x2 Mystery Egg) ONce she's level 30, (x2 Kaimani's Bloodstone
    Drain Life
    Piercing Shadow
    Terrifying Prescense

    Rogue (Gustav) (Ninja Glove x2)
    Sneak Attack
    Expose Weakness
    Critical Strike
    Envenomed Blades

    Paladin (Ninja Glove x2)
    Holy Word
    Swift Justice
    Power of the Word
    Word of Retribution

    Sometimes I switch out Gustav for Wynter.

    Question: Does Fire Shield interfere with the Wizards Cast time? Like Fireball, (3 sec), Fireball, (3 sec), Fireball, (3 sec), Mage Armor, (3 sec), Fireball, ETC.

    Or Fireball, (3 sec), Fireball, (3 sec), Fireball, (1 sec), Mage Armor, (2 sec), Fireball?
  7. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    In my experience, it does interfere, but if you time it just as the shot hits the enemy, it shouldnt make a difference. i do hope they fix that though, but i doubt its a glitch; in a sense it gives you a choice between 1-2 attacks and a skill.
  8. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    i believe the point of this game is that you never really beat it; you just get a little farther.
  9. Bikx

    Bikx Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    #529 Bikx, Aug 16, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2011
    I'm also sorry about being slow to respond.

    Dazarath pretty much covered everything.

    Since you seem to be dying on the meteors your problem is you do not have enough survive-ability. Crowd Control cannot be used as on the boss, so defensive skills are key here. On your monk I would switch out Ki Blast for Evasion because this way if your monk does get low you can become invulnerable for 8 seconds. You might want to think about trading dragon style for clarity. You monk is a tank, so you do not need damaging abilities as much as defensive ones. Use 2 phasing lodestones on your monk to mitigate a large amount of damage

    As for your Barb Dazarath hit the nail on the head. Frenzy/Death Wish/Reckless Blow are superior to Whirlwind/Iron Skin/Savage Pounce. At least for this final boss. Also use precision strikes, this will give you more overall damage.
    If you find that your Barb is dying because his abilities cause him to lose health try this.
    Step 1: Pop CDs on Barb do a lot of damage.
    Step 2: Use Evasion (or cleric's shield) on monk
    Step 3: Have Cleric target the Barb and heal to full health
    Step 4: Re-target the Monk with your Cleric

    As for your Cleric, for this boss I would really recommend shield over power infusion. Additionally, Guardian Angel will be better than Vengeful Angel on this boss. Remember for this boss healing/damage mitigation/defensive skills are what will keep you alive.

    On a less important note use Impact for this boss rather than enveloping flames on your Wizard.

    If you run with most of these talents you should be able to outlast the boss and eventually kill it.

    If you get occasionally killed from the Boss' AoE then pay more attention. He charges up his AoE giving you plenty of time to get all of your melee out of range. If you do not have time, simply move your Barb and pop Evasion on your Monk.

    Hope you beat it good luck.

    Edit, My bad didn't see that you already beat it. Oh well, hopefully this post will help someone else then.
  10. Bikx

    Bikx Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    For the sake of keeping this thread alive I am double posting.

    Last night I used a strategy in Doomvale Arena that I have used before to get to around kill 125. Last night I used the same strategy and got to kill 151, which is my highest so far.

    Monk (Currently Level 33) -
    Talents: (5)Song of Vigor, (10)Gusto, (15)Song of War, (20)Healing Chords, (30)Echo of Renewal
    Items: (Weapon)The Spirit of Battle, (Armor)Battlegear of the Blademaster, (Trinkets) 2x Codex of Jabe

    Knight (Currently Level 40) -
    Talents: (5)Intimidate, (10)Chivalry, (15)War Cry, (20)Crippling Blows, (30)Fortress
    Items: (Weapon)Obsidian Soulcrusher, (Armor)Valiant Plate, (Trinkets) 2x Codex of Jabe

    Witch (Currently Level 40) -
    Talents: (5)Debilitate, (10)Life Leech, (15)Horror, (20)Terrifying Presence, (30)Crushing Despair (Note: Witch at 30 can also run with Dark Harvest for this comp)
    Items: (Weapon)Ivory Staff of the Archmage, (Armor)Truth-Seeker's Wrap, (Trinkets) 2x Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball

    Wizard (Currently Level 42) -
    Talents: (5)Time Stop, (10)Impact, (15)Conflagrate, (20)Mage Armor, (30)Concussive Shockwave
    Items: (Weapon)Ivory Staff of the Archmage, (Armor)Mantle of the Immortal, (Trinkets) 2x Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball

    To start have your Monk targeting your wizard for extra damage. Since your Monk is your main healer you need to keep him away from mobs. He is the number 1 priority for your Knight to defend. Use Song of War against healers and archers to get quick kills and mitigate damage. Only use the Monk's heals when multiple people are taking damage. If there is a single person taking damage use your Witch's Life Drain spell to heal them.

    Use your knight to keep aggro on every mob. The first ~50 kills you can allow the knight to attack, however by kill 50 I would be kiting mobs around the arena at all times. Since the Knight has fortress and 2x Codex he is able to keep up Shield Wall all the time, so keep that up. The knight is great because he can his Shield Wall up all the time and if things do get dangerous he can Pop a Melee ranged AoE fear. Also he is able to use War Cry to get any Bats/Slimes off of teammates and War Cry will reset the cooldowns of your fear and shield wall.

    With your Wizard and Witch its pretty straightforward. You kill stuff and use your CC's when necessary.

    Kill List:

    If there is both Archers and a Healer on the map kill the archers and use your Wizard/Witch to control the healer until both the archers and the healer is dead.

    Good Luck, if you try this comp please let me know what level you get to in Doomvale Arena.
  11. dragondude123

    dragondude123 Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    #531 dragondude123, Aug 22, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2011
    Which is a better tanker? The Knight or the Paladin?

    I've used both for the 3rd arena, and it seems that the knight would be a better choice. I use the bard, knight, rogue, and the cleric and easily got 118. In my opinion it seems that the paladin dies quicker than the knight because she can't use shield wall against other attacks. Still, sometimes my bard dies first, and the paladins +25% buff would help.

    Also, is the bard's defense lower than the cleric? He seems to take much more hits compared to her. (It might be because my bard's a lower level though)

    Both my knight and paladin are level 90.

    Would it also be a good idea to raise my cleric (level 60) to about level 80? That gives additional healing power but I'm not sure if that make a big difference.
  12. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    My paladin is around lvl 55. What can I do to level up fast and consistantly?

    Train to 60, then use eggs???
  13. dragondude123

    dragondude123 Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    I equipped everyone (or most) with eggs. Just battle the last boss and try to get him out before he summons the skeletons.

    I used a ranger, knight, and a rogue. The 4th person I used was either the bard, paladin, or whomever I really wanted to train.
  14. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I use oakly, heleth, garick, and a robin

    ...gets really boring
  15. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    The monk cannot target allies or heal anything ever. judging by the skills it seems you are thinking of the Bard.
  16. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    Personally, i always used eggs when training since they were first available. from lv20 to 40, i battled the slime boss. After that i battled the final boss. if my levels became uneven, i would battle him with 2 or 3 ppl. it really isnt hard by lv40-45.
  17. lkoshimae

    lkoshimae Well-Known Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    trying to revive this thread. im gonna share my quite unique line up :))

    im still new to this game but still i decided to play it without tanks for an added thrill but then after i defeated the last boss, i realized that my party was quite strong :))

    4 members

    Bard (lv.33)
    song of vigor 5
    gusto 10
    song of war 15
    healing chords 20
    echo of renewal 30

    Ranger (lv.36)
    Incendiary Arrow 5
    Sniper's Sense 10
    Barrage 15
    Critical Aim20
    Crippling Bite 30

    Witch (lv.34)
    Debilitate 5
    Piercing Shadow 10
    Horror 15
    Sudden Doom 20
    Crushing Despair 30

    Wizard (lv.35)
    Blizzard 5
    Impact 10
    Conflagrate 15
    Mage Armor 20
    Flaming Meteor 30

    lol, their items are not yet rare since they are my 1st 4 characers :)) except that my 3 casters uses 2 Codex of Jabe each. they are really fun to use because you need to move your fingers constantly =)) haha
  18. daviddgreenee

    daviddgreenee Active Member

    Aug 24, 2011
    all i want to know this app worth the money? is it fun and playable for many hours?
  19. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    Yes, definitely.
    It's extremely cheap compared to its high quality; I personally have 50 hours of solid playtime clocked in, my characters are all nearly lv60, and i have yet to be truly bored by it, especially with the addition of the new characters.
  20. dragondude123

    dragondude123 Member

    Aug 22, 2011
    Is there going to be a new update anytime soon?

    Heard there'll be a new map and a boss? (If I'm not mistaken).

    Also just out of pure curiosity, who's your favorite character?

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