Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    thats a good point, but i honestly ran out of relevant ideas to fix that :p
    and yea im sure they will; what else do they have to do? the site doesnt say theres another project coming, so they might as well do more.
    and you should play diablo 1/2, this gaame reminds me of it except with more ppl and no mp.
    im more of an idealist personally, i give detail to everything until i run out of ideas, which is great for giving strategies on a site like this :)
    but right now i hope the other main posters come back XD
    it's not a thread with just 2 or 3 ppl.
  2. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Lol yeah, 3 ppl is sorta boring unless on an interesting subject.

    Wanna do some planning for the necromancer, incase mikamobile decides to make one?

    You know how you said that the paladin and necromancer are like opposites? Well they are similar in one way. The paladin keeps you alive but the necromancer revives?

    So maybe the it can have an ability that serves more use in arena like... Reviving a random ally that has died (LONG cooldown)
  3. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Oh, i've also thought of good level one and 25 skills.

    Hands pop from the ground and damage mobs. 100% damage? Or maybe 110% damage?

    Level 25 skill can be passive and effects the level one skill. Immobilizes the mobs for 7 seconds
    (Still is useful if mobs are in a packed group because abilaties like the ranger's fire arrow will have greater effect if kiting)
  4. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    good ideas but we have to respect the system. Reviving allies is too strong, and necromancer isnt usually a reviver really, hes a summoner. also i mentioned something like the hands thing, the horde of undead ravaging the field. but of course there need to be more fear-based skills.
    and lv25 passive could affect the active skills, but not adding a super-effect like that; Prey on the weak boosts power under conditions, Blitz refreshes abilities when another is used;favored soul grants immunity to damage every 60 seconds, Prestissimo adds an amazing effect concerning cooldowns, and you know canine ally and sentinel. lv25 passive abilities seem to be the overall best and most effective of all 7 passive abilities; they have to make things much stronger, but the only abilities that immobilize enemies for more than maybe 2 or 3 seconds(like radiance) have either no damage but huge cooldown(horror, time stop) or only one target(apollo strike, incinerate)
    and there is, to my knowledge, no passive ability that creates that much advantage or power, but they can be amazing like sentinel, canine ally, blitz and prestissimo. in other words, i dont think that could ever happen, as im sure they take immense power possibilities into consideration; i think we're very lucky sentinel happened at all let alone 25%.
  5. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Well if the immobalization lasts 3 seconds, I could see that to be balanced. It's like wind walk but instead of getting another ability, the skill is slightly upgraded.

    The first skill is like wind walk. The level 25 skill upgrades it (not overpowered). Just remember that the level 30 skills for the ranger act like this.

    Btw, sentinal isn't that great. The paladin is meant to be a tank. Who is gonna have another worrior in there line up with higher defense. Even if it's for training, i'ts not like the other tank needs that boost (at a low level, the paladin isn't going to help that much anyways). Personaly, I don't think that sentinal is that great.

    But yes, more fear based skills would make for a good necromancer.
  6. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    #506 fma_lvr, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
    i dont understand what you mean; Sentinel gives 25% of Paladins def to the rest of the party. With 2x sharkels skull mine has 148def, and 148/4 is 37; my witch has only normally 77 def, bard has 86, and ranger 93. so 37 added defense is a huge bonus; its what keeps my whole party alive past 60 kills in the arena. my current record is 94 in arena 3, and having the paladin replace the monk(monk higher level in fact) is what boosted my record up from 71.

    also, wind walk is normally damaging to all foes at some percent damage, but the lv30 passive abilities cause wind walk to either deal 50% more damage, or to slow enemies down a bit. what your suggesting sounds more like wizard's fireball, but only with the 3sec knockdown of the lv30 passive Concussion Shockwave. and the ranger's lv30 passive abilities concern the dog reducing damage of enemies or having an area effect of spread damage, similar im sure to paladin's Wrath or the lv10 passive skill of the wizard, Enveloping Flames.perhaps you are confused with the Rogue, whos lv30 skills either do 10% more damage overall, or 40% more with 2 strong skills. also, Lethality does not affect Paralytic Knife; my idea about a passive skil only affecting 1 lv15 active skill remains logical, as it has been done before :)
  7. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Hello Bikx,

    Sorry for the delay in getting back to you; I wanted play through one more time and see how I died, and jot down my equipment and skills.

    It appears I tend to die the most from the meteors, although my tank tends to die from the AoE spell occasionally. I need to time it better, and have the Monk get out of dodge, faster. And without further ado, here is my current group:

    Level 44 Wizard
    -Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball x2
    +Time Stop
    +Enveloping Flames
    +Fire Shield
    +Flaming Meteor

    L41 Monk
    -30% life draining amulets x2
    +Ki Blast
    +Tiger Claw
    +Spirit Trance
    +Dragon Style
    +Solar Strike

    L43 Cleric
    -Tempest Stone (bad choice)
    -+10 Magic power jewel
    +Power Infusion
    +Vengeful Angel
    +Holy Embrace
    +Binding Heal

    L32 Barbarian
    -30% life drain jewels x2
    +Iron Skin
    +Savage Pounce

    I'll try out the tips/items you suggested, and any additional insight from anyone would be appreciated. I think I *should* be able to beat the game by now, so I am guessing my tactics aren't that great. I don't have a problem levelling up any other members, so if any of the above toons aren't cutting the mustard, I can replace them.

    Many thanks in advance!

  8. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    #508 Dazarath, Aug 12, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2011
    One big thing I would change with that setup is your barbarian's skills. Skills like Whirlwind/Savage Pounce/Bloodthirsty are pretty mediocre, especially when compared to what you're giving up. The Enrage/Frenzy/Power Infusion combo is such ridiculous DPS. Using Death Wish is preferable too, but if he ends up killing himself, then Iron Skin is fine.

    On your monk, you could also switch Ki Blast for Evasion and just eat the AoE attack so that you only need to run your barbarian away. You could also try taking Guardian Angel and Desperate Prayer on your Cleric. The Guardian Angel/Group Heal combo makes for a great emergency heal.

    If you have any of the dodge trinkets, I'd put them on your monk. If you have any -CD time trinkets, I'd put them on your cleric (this actually helps a lot). For your DPS, I'd put any DPS trinkets that you have (crit/haste/etc).

    Hope this helps a bit.
  9. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Thanks very much for the suggestions, Dazarath! I'll try to swap out those skills and items and I'll give it another go this weekend. I have around 3,000 gold, so I may have to do a little shopping first. :)

  10. iC3D

    iC3D New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    Would this strategy work to get 70 kills in Doomvale Arena?

    Bard with Codex of Jabe x 2
    Skills:Song of Vigor, Gusto, Song of War, Healing Chords, and Echo of Renewal

    Barbarian with Codex of Jabe x 2
    Skills:Whirlwind, Death Wish, Reckless Blow, Bloodthirsty, and Dismemberment

    Knight with Codex of Jabe x 2
    Skills: Cleave, Chivalry, War Cry, Sunder Armor, and Fortress

    Witch with Choker of the Red Feast x 2
    Skills: Plague, Life Leech, Horror, Terrifying Presence, and Crushing Despair

    The bard will always buff the barbarian. Try to keep Enrage and Shield wall up at all times. If your Barbarian is being swarmed or if there are Red Slimes chasing him, activate War Cry. The witch is for more damage, and with 2 chokers she can survive pretty well.
  11. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I still think sentinel is useless but maybe because I have no use for it. I don't have much trouble with slimes because I can kite, and aoe attacks arn't a problem, so sentinel doesn't really affect me.

    I am not confused btw. I still stand by my last idea.
  12. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Do you get anything special out of the arenas for getting X kills? Or do people just do it for personal bests?

  13. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011

    After wave 70 in the last arena, and 140/150 in the second arena, you get tier 9 weapons and armor
  14. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Thanks! I take it that you can't purchase or upgrade to those? Sorry if this is a stupid question...
  15. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    You cant buy any tier 8 or 9 items. You also can't upgrade to them.

    You can't upgrade them either :/
  16. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    The barbarian will need the buff because of his low defense. Witch with life leech and chokers stack to 90% heal; with her alone i've gotten from 75 to 94 on the 3rd arena, but i was a little lucky by not getting slimes healers or archers in that time. I suggest Paladin instead of knight; knight has perhaps better survivability but without the bard's buff he probably wont survive long, and if you insist on 2x Codex, the paladin's healing will be much more effective over time, especially since his abilities can focus on others, while the knight seems to focus mostly on himself. And with an ability combo, the paladin can make everybody invincible for 10sec, leaving the bard to heal everyone. i never use the barbarian because of low def and because its harder to save more than one melee character at once, so if you can afford to, try the ranger instead. His defense is a bit higher, but if used with the paladin it will skyrocket.
    I think your strategy could get you past 70, but only with a lot of micromanaging(having to click abilities quickly every few seconds) and i suggest you make them all at least level 40.
  17. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    does anybody know if Bard's Stoicism stacks onto Paladin's Sentinel, then if so, subsequently stacks back onto Bard's defensive Buff?
    it should, but it depends on the programming style, or the actual order of things and whether they are updated during battle.
  18. iC3D

    iC3D New Member

    Aug 12, 2011
    Ok, I thought the knight was better even though he was lower level than my Paladin. For the Paladin, should I choose Wrath or Aura of Light? Divine Intervention + Aura of Light equals pwnage, but it sacrifices a lot of damage.
  19. Veektrol

    Veektrol New Member

    Aug 13, 2011
    Does anyone know what the multiplier is for a Critical Hit?
    I want to say it is 2x damage (+100%), since characters like Oakley and Gustav can knock a monster right off their feet with their active spells (Shadowstep/Aimed Shot)
    Also, anyone else get a glitch where Oakley's little doggie gets lost halfway through a battle? He just completely disappears. I think it's when he goes too off the sides of the's a major setback, especially in the arena.
  20. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I just got 103 kills in the arena earlier today :)

    Ninja glove and codex of jabe

    2x phasing loadstones

    2x Ninja gloves

    2x Ninja gloves

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