Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    is there any real use for Zara's Signet? compared to other items it really seems useless.
    Also, does anybody know how much the trollskin amulet heals and how often?
    i'm glad i now know the hp system but i'd love to know how the trollskin amulet works.
  2. Grassmelody

    Grassmelody Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    The use of zara's signet can be implemented in a particular member of the party that has a hard time surviving. Improved healing reception may not be a very popular trinket to bring compared to others like ninja gloves, but it can be very helpful for characters with low defense. This can prove useful in later stages of arenas where even if the tank is kiting, other party members may be in danger of enemies like archers. Through testing the trinket my opinion of it is that it is definitely not terrible but it isn't as useful as others. Zara's signet sort of underwhelming just because low defense usually goes with high attack so that life draining trinket will come in handier and tanks are better off with lodestones especially when tanking goes to kiting in arenas. Probably better sticking with not using the trinket because so many others outperform it in their respective benefits. As for the trollskin amulet, I really don't have a clue because battlehearts HP system is difficult to figure out and test. I find that the trinket is useful during early stages of the game but just sort of fizzles out with stronger enemies because the healing rate doesn't scale with level.
  3. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I don't know but im guessing 15hp every 1 second. It really is useless later on. Ive tried putting 2 on a tank but does no good :(
  4. Bikx

    Bikx Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    The battleheart HP system works like this, every level from 1 to 30 gives you 16 2/3 hp more to your base health. You start with 1000, and at 30 you get 1500, which is the cap.

    I'd say a good estimate for the Trollskin Amulet would be 25-50hp per second. GamingGuy99 I think you are undercutting it a bit because I have tried them on characters with 1500 hp, it seems like 15 hp per second wouldn't recover as much as it does. Also there is some math behind this theory. At 1500 hp it would take the trinket 100 seconds to recover to full at 15hp/sec. At 25 it would be 60 seconds and at 50 it would be 30 seconds. I've tested it a bit, I run a cleric, a knight and a mage all above level 30. The knight has a trollskin amulet. The cleric is only used as a safety precaution, she is not healing the knight during testing. The mage is there to drop CCs and kill archers so the knight can avoid being hit while I watch the regeneration. This testing of course is all estimations because there is no combat log. However, the estimations are tough because the health bar disappears after a few seconds of no action. I'd say 50hp is a little high because running 2 would give 1/15 of your hp back every 1 second. That would be some pretty fast health regen, and the gameplay does not reflect that. I would peg it at around 25hp/sec.
  5. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Im pretty sure there os no health cap. Mika mobile said 15 hp every level is added (I think. Im almost 100% sure). Look through the last few pages wher someone quoted that as a reply to me.
  6. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    well im not sure, but i guess in most cases 2x Choker would be better, especially since stacking them with witch's life leech she gets 90% damage returned as health. i've survived from around 75-85 in the arena with only the witch; she could probably have kept going but by that point she wasnt dealing enough damage to take out the healer and 4 bats and a slime were chasing her.
    Also, you are wrong about the hp system; MikaMobile themselves posted near the beginning of the thread that hp goes up by 15 and did not state a cap, also stating that the start hp is 1000 for every character except the female wizard, which is 800 but has higher attacking power. i dont know about the ranger and paladin, however.
    I think even if they dont post much they do read the thread, because otherwise how would they have known about the problem with the dog disappearing?
    overall, i think they need to make an upgrade to trollskin amulet, as it doesnt quite seem to be up to par with other trinkets; even sharkul's skull probably makes more of a difference overall.
  7. MikaMobile

    MikaMobile Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    There is no HP cap, you gain 15 hp per level, starting from 1000.

    The Trollskin amulet is 20 hp per second. A level 30 character would regain their entire health pool from zero over the course of about 35 seconds if they were wearing two of them. They're definitely not super powerful, and are a good candidate for a buff.
  8. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    Well thanks Mika, i appreciate the confirmation, but do you think you'll add a stronger version for the higher levelled characters? because with that in mind, a lv50 damage dealer would do better with the choker overall, as say, 30% of 120 is 36, so with two a 120power a character should heal around 72 damage per attack, excluding skills(does the choker affect skills? i would hope so) which even for the slower attackers is surely much higher than the 40 per second. in fact, to even it out well, i believe, say, the ranger, would, if using tier 7 equipment, never be better off with 2x amulet over 2x choker, as his attack starts at over 70, and 60% of 70 is 42, already over 40.
    So, if i'm not wrong about the formulas, the only characters that could really make use of the amulet are the bard and cleric, as they dont attack, but because their healing powers are so good and can cover the entire team, unless they are being attacked often it would be unnecessary, and if they were, monsters would be doing too much damage for it to matter much.
    So i think if somebody were to have a character running around with low health in the arena, being chased by all the monsters as there is only 1 left, trollskin amulet would help, but it seems as if the hp gain is too low to be helpful much at all.

    i think for later in the game there should be a third version that heals around 45-75 hp per second, singularly, because since even the less offensive characters, (say, the paladin) by lv50 will have at least 110power, and 60% of that is 66, which leaves using the trollskin amulet nigh on pointless.
    Also, there should at least be a couple special trinkets obtainable in the arena; tier 9 items are ggreat and hard to obtain, but once someone has 1 of every type they probably wont need more, while trinkets such as the Exp egg can be hoarded in large quantities to help level up characters more. personally, i have at least 2 of every trinket besides Zara's Signet( whats up with THAT...?) and 10 eggs, using a few characters as storage space.

    But while i'm here, are you aware that the skeleton archers in arena 3 break through the phasing lodestone AND the wizards magic shield? i thought at first i was unlucky, but later in the arena i have a 40% collective chance of evasion and i'd get hit continuously and successfully. ive seen the melee enemies miss but the archers always seem to hit, which irritates me because i often rely on that 40% due to the wizards low defense.
  9. Bikx

    Bikx Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    I agree with you on having a 3rd, higher tier trollskin amulet.

    The archers in doomvale breaking through phasing lodestone and wizards shield is a known bug. People have been having that issue for a while. Personally on your wizard you shouldn't need defense. Use Time stop and Conflagrate against archers. Against melee you can just teleport and kite all day. Try using the Cursed Eyeballs on your wizard for ~30% chance to not have a CD on your CCs. (Chaining Time Stop is epic)
  10. Dave in the basement

    Dave in the basement Well-Known Member

    Jul 29, 2011
    Using a mage, clearic, monk, and barbarian, what levels should a normal person be able to complete the game? My characters are all in their 30s, and I only get the final boss down to about 75% and then I am dead. I am guessing I am not doing something right...

  11. MikaMobile

    MikaMobile Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    There's no bugs regarding phasing lodestones or the wizard's mage armor - you're just getting a spot of bad luck it sounds like. The code that handles that is unbelievably simple and doesn't vary from monster to monster, so there's no reason why it would fail.

    To be sure, I just tested with a cheated lodestone that gave me 100% immunity and it never failed while a half dozen archers blasted me. You're just unlucky. :p
  12. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    As a general rule for all such questions, as long as you're using a reasonable party, you can always level up more if you're having trouble with a specific boss. As an added bonus, you might pick up some upgrades for your gear in the process.
  13. Bikx

    Bikx Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    #493 Bikx, Aug 10, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2011
    Dave what causes your death? Do one of your characters die from his AoE spell or do you die from meteors? If you give some more info I can help fix your problem.

    The general strategy with that comp would be to have cleric target the monk, while the monk tanks the boss. Have the barbarian and the mage attack the boss. When the boss uses his Meteors, counter with Cleric Group Heal. When the boss stops attacking and is charging up move your characters away, otherwise they will be 1 shotted by the AoE spell.

    When skeletons appear use your mage to Time Stop while you kill the archers. Get aggro from the melees onto your monk.

    Pretty much you can spec how you want, but with cleric get Sheild at 5, Guardian Angel at 15, and Binding heal at 30.
    With the Monk get Evasion at 5, Spirit Trance at 15, Clarity at 20. Anything else is really your preference.

    For items I recommend giving the Mage Cursed Eyeballs, Cleric Ninja Gloves, Monk Phasing Lodestones, and the Barbarian ninja gloves or ancient dragon tooth.
  14. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    i suppose i can believe that; sometimes when training on the final boss all the meteors hit my witch and she dies before i get the chance to heal her.
    However, could it be because i teleport all over the place?
    because the arrows dont just hit al the time; teleporting at the second they fire causes me to still take damage. i'm sure thats not a bug in itself, and i dont know if it's connected, but it would be nice if teleporting caused the arrows to miss. if it is just bad luck, it must have been fixed somehow recently, because though i dont use the wizard much anymore, he seemed to be hit continuously, but only by arena archers it seemed. if the lodestone works thats one thing, but did you test the skill specifically?
    also, in the next update, could you please give me something to use money on? i have 18k and nothing to buy. also, this is probably just me being lazy, but at lv46-57 my 4 person party, all with 2x xp egg, kills the final boss 4-5 times to level up once. Also i noticed that Death doesnt really seem to die, more like teleport away, so will there be another world, or at least a superboss that gives like 2k xp?
  15. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    the party you are using can define what you might want to train on. if you are having trouble, the main thing is to level up more;for that party i would suggest the slime boss, as he doesnt do much damage and you can time stop and spam wind walk when he splits, using the cleric's Vengeful angel at the center of the arena to deal huge damage and push them back.
    If you want to focus on defense, go for the golem boss, as even at lv50+ he is extremely difficult without buffing defense a lot, but he never leaves or summons minions, so depending on your party you might be able to kill him much faster than other bosses.
    if i were you, i would replace the monk with the paladin soon; i've found that the paladin is more useful at lv30+ and that in most cases, the monk doesnt work as well on bosses as he specializes in knocking down foes and evading damage, which shouldnt be necessary if you have the cleric's healing.
    i trained my monk up to lv44 with the rest of my party then trained the paladin and realized that the monk works very, very well in arenas but the paladinis much better for training and bosses.
  16. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Yeah, good idea. I'm probably just lazy, but I don't play the game much because all I have to do is train but it takes FOREVER.
  17. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    #497 fma_lvr, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
    i could probably just take the time and train to 90 as it is, but as somebody with the attention span of OH LOOK A BUTTERFLY!!!!

    doing the same things over and over for awhile become boring very quickly. which is why i like games like this since you can mix it up a lot, but also why i have tried and failed most mmorpgs within a week or two.
    thinking more about it i agree with that itunes guy that multiplayer would be awesome, but im not sure what you would do. maybe a co-op but there would be too many characters of different levels; maybe a versus, BUT THERE WOULD BE TOO MANY CHARACTERS OF DIFFERENT LEVELS!

    so at this point the only good thing to add would be harder areas, more items and more characters; a ninja like the one from OMG pirates would be great, or perhaps a necromancer that can summon the defeated enemies back to fight like the dog but for a certain amount of time, and with skills to add power and time remaining on the field. but that would be tricky to program at best and of course theres too much to speculate and having 3 skeleton clerics on your side at once would just be cheap.
    i really want to see trinkets obtainable from the arenas as well, maybe stronger versions or even new ones like a percentage health boost similar to the paladin ability, or a shield with a certain number of hp that is given at the start of the battle. Or, in order to keep things relevant later in the game, a % boost to def or power and the +10 isnt as effective as it was when it was first aavailable around lv25. The best part about a game like this is that there is so much left open that as long as theres an update every once in a while it wont really get old(similar i suppose to CoD games on xbox) but more areas i think is the big thing right now.
  18. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I like rhe necromancer idea. Ive thought about it before the paladin and ranger came out. How's this sound (feel free to make suggestions)...

    Attack rate: 1.0
    Attack: Medium power
    Defense: Low defense
    Role: healer/dps

    Exclusive: can heal like the cleric OR attack

    5) (passive)- heals 10% of the damage or healing done
    5) (non-passive)- deals 250% damage (30s cooldown)

    10) (non-passive)- summon an additional skeleton to aid in battle (50% stats of the necromancer. If necromancer heals, the skeleton attacks randomly) (lasts 20 seconds) (40s cooldown)
    10) (non-passive)- become invincible for 10 seconds (30s cooldown)

    15) (passive)- attack/heal rate increased by 10%
    15) (passive)- attacking/ healing is aoe (30% splash)

    20) (passive)- teleport (like wizard)
    20) (passive)- move 10% faster

    25) (passive)- Auto summons a skeleton that lasts the whole battle (like ranger's dog)

    30) (non-passive)- fear effect (like witch)
    30) (passive)- your level 25 skill now auto summons 2 skeletons

    Weapon: Staff? Sword? Dagger?
    Armor: Robes
  19. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    #499 fma_lvr, Aug 11, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 11, 2011
    My opinion:

    Attack rate: 1.1
    Attack: high but a little lower than witch
    Defense: low but decent, similar to bard
    Role: summoning, dps

    Exclusive: can heal like the cleric OR attack

    1) summons a skeleton warrior with your attack, no defense, and 1/10 your hp(sacrifices your hp to use)(new one replaces the old one, 20sec cooldown)
    5) (active)- a horde of undead scour the field, dealing 110% damage to all enemies(40 sec cooldown)
    5) (active)- creates a dark vortex around your target, dealing 180% damage and inducing the 'fear' status for 7sec (30s cooldown)

    10) (passive)- increase skeleton attack by 20%
    10) (passive)- your offensive skills now do 15% more damage

    15) (active) - Summons a skeletal healer for 7sec that autoheals the caster's most injured ally an amount equal to your attack power. (30 sec cooldown)
    15) (active) confuses your target, causing them to fight for you either for 12sec or until it dies; (distracts foes?) (60 sec cooldown)

    20) (passive)- your skeleton healer heals for 35% more
    20) (passive)- your skeleton now reduces target's damage by 15%

    25) (passive)- Your skeleton now has 1/8 your hp instead.

    30) (passive)- your monster ally and your skeleton healer last 3 more seconds
    30) (passive)- your defense is increased by 15%(or maybe the witch's Terrifying Presence)

    i would like to put in a passive ability similar to Prey on the Weak, but im not sure where or how it may be different.
    Weapon: Staff
    Armor: either unique, or perhaps leather

    No direct healing...ITS A NECROMANCER :p
    they summon the dead, its like a reverse paladin. also it has to follow the rules of levels and characters. its like you havent played Diablo 2 :(
    wow i spent an hour and a half on that...
    well im not totally against your ideas, but i used skills from several characters and percent guesses for everything; meaning, im not trying to make it awesome or complicated, im trying to be realistic about the way the other characters seem to work.
  20. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Yeah, I understand what you think about it. One problem with your abilaties is that your level 20 skill corosponds with only one of your level 15 skills. Other than that, great ideas.

    And no, I have not played diablo >.<

    I just hope mikamobile will keep the updates coming.

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