Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    My ranger is lv48 and because he is ranged and has low def, he is rarely attacked, and his Incendiary arrow is surely potentially the strongest attack of the game(unless you count the kill chance of horror, but that is much harder to kill with) and its area plus a melee attacker inside the fire creates extreme damage to any amount of monsters attacking that are inside the flames. although i havent thoroughly tested them all, they seem to be stronger overall than the witch or wizard. it really depends what you're looking for, because the wizard's teleport is great against enemies, and his abilities can all potentially stun foes, though only for a short time or with a lack of damage. the witch has the horror ability which can stun all foes for a long time, while her drain life leeches health and her poison gas does damage over time. Debilitate can reduce the foes attack by a lot for 10sec, though i have no idea how much and it may be only 10 or 15%
    overall i would go with the ranger as long as you have the paladin and bard/cleric to increase healing.
  2. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    #462 fma_lvr, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2011
    that's awesome man, but you forgot to include levels, as those really matter. im using the bard instead of cleric, but right now i can easily beat the last boss with only 3 characters and only exp items cuz my paladin is lv47, ranger lv49, and bard lv37.
    i beat him every time before his 2nd disappearance, yielding nearly 1000xp for all three characters and maybe getting a tier 8 item.
    I just beat him again and accidentally forgot to move my paladin from the instakill blast, and i actually didnt die. i had very little health left and i was hit near full, but i managed to heal and survive, this has never happened before with any character. perhaps my def and hp are just high enough now, but if it is feasible to survive the blast every time, i could beat him a bit faster.
  3. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    You don't need to move the paladin when rhe boss does that attack. Just use the ability that heals you instead of damaging you (2nd ability).

    Though you get 1000exp, if you add another dps, you can shorten the time to kill the boss and recieve a little less exp. In the long run, this serves alot better.

    I am currently running a paladin, a rouge (vampiring), and 2x barbarians. I beat the boss WITHIN the first TWO HITS after he comes back from the FIRST time he disapears. Without any exp eggs, they all get 500-600exp

    My paladin is at level 53. The first barbarian is at level 50. The rouge is at 45, and the second barbarian is BELOW level 30 (training)
  4. exomega255

    exomega255 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    Or, you can get 800 exp for a 4 party if you arm them all with eggs.

    If you have good combinations of skills/etc, you should be able to kill him before he split the first time. If he has to split, it means its not effective and maybe golem is still faster for you for exp.

    For me, he is always killed before he splits. No one moves when he does his spell, as your tank should be able to tank it.
  5. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Yes, but my barbarian is still in training. 5 more levels and he'll br fine. My line up is fine. I'd expect to beat him after he splits, but only until my barbarian levels up.

    Im fine otherwise and my tank is can take the damage with no problem. Once my paladin and one of my barbarians are level 60, I'll be ready for exp eggs. I might be able to even before then.

    Also, im not going to have my rouge as a vampire to speed it all up. Ill use 2x ninja gloves
  6. exomega255

    exomega255 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    I don't think you need to be 60. I trained to 60 with my party (monk, cleric, wizard, bard) to 60 on undead king, and at least from 48-60, I didn't see him split using exp eggs on all. I believe my DPS has to be worse than you since you have Barbarian.

    But yeah, this was before Paladin and Ranger comes out. Not that Paladin will make it faster, as monk is the most offensive of the tanks, but Ranger might.
  7. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I swapped my barbarian for the ranger for a couple rounds. My ranger is level 44 or 45 though, opposed to a level 26 barbarian.

    So far, the ranger is faster to kill than using a barbarian but the ranger has an 18 level lead :/

    If anyone can please post the attack rate of the ranger and the stats of the dog, I would apreciate it :)
  8. FlaminglyBoss

    FlaminglyBoss Active Member

    Dec 22, 2010
    Well before you guys replied, I leveled up a knight to my current party level. :p should I switch to rogue still? If so, should I do robin or gustav?
  9. Gokunama

    Gokunama Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    #469 Gokunama, Aug 5, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
    Was having trouble clearing the 70 kill mark, but this set up did it. I got my first T9 weapon! An Obsidian Soulcrusher! I don't quite have the same trinkets, but The Codex of Jabe seem pretty necessary to this set up.
  10. theprofessor

    theprofessor New Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    I just found this forum and I'm glad to see fellow Battleheart junkies out there. My project in Battleheart this week was to down Lord of the Dead before his first disappearance. It took some experimenting with classes, talents, and trinkets, but I got it done! Here was my dream team:

    Bard: lvl 46, Spirit of Battle and dual Codex (Cursed eyes would be easier, but would rely on luck. I wanted a team with repeatability)
    Talents - Gusto, Song of war

    Rogue: lvl 37, Vardus and dual Codex
    Talents - Expose Weakness, Critical Strikes, Shadowstep, Lethality

    Pirate: lvl 34, Armageddon Blades and dual codex
    Talents - Frenzy, Iron skin, Reckless Blow, Precision Strikes, Dismemberment

    Monk: lvl 31, Fist of the North(crappy luck so far) and dual lodestones
    Talents - Evasion (for the AOE blast), Tiger claw, 1000 Palms, Dragon Style, and Solar Strikes.

    My strategy was to have the rogue apply expose weakness debuff at the start and have it up as much as possible (hence the codices). Once that happened, Bard would bust out Song of War and I would burn through all the CDs. Rinse and repeat.

    My arena team is the Black Knight, Cleric, Rogue, and Pirate. Her splash heal talent is perfect for a melee centric team. Still haven't had any ultimate armor drop but I have an ultimate weapon for just about everyone.

    For you veteran theorycrafters out there, what are your opinions of the casters? I dont find as great a utility with them as the melee. My witch and mage just dont compare in the DPS department with rogues and barbarians. Maybe I'm just missing some obvious talent mix or trinket mix that brings out their awesomeness. Usually there is a squishiness/raw power trade off with casters. Sort of a "glass cannon" idea. Typically I've favored casters in other games because of damage output potential but I'm just not finding sit. Any suggestions?
  11. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    The wizards have high power but not very good dps. If you do the math, faster attacks do more dps than higher power (in most cases, like later in the game). The wizards are good for croud control. Whether it's damage dealing or stopping enemies for more time for micromanagment, they are helpful to some extent. Avoid the wizards once you beat the game. There not completely useless :)

    Here is some math to prove the DPS theory.

    Robin's attack rate is 0.9 (one hit every 0.9 seconds) without any trinkets or passive abilities. That means you hit about 67 times a minute. Sinxe the damage is the value of your power, 67x100 (100 power as an example) = 670/60 = 11dps (This is your base)

    Adding power (10x2):

    Adding attack speed (15%x2):

    As you level up, adding power will greatly lose effect as attack speed will sky-rocket your dps
  12. Shankopotamus

    Shankopotamus Well-Known Member

    Mar 28, 2011
    I'm gonna start a new game and was wondering what should my party consist of?
  13. Grassmelody

    Grassmelody Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    #473 Grassmelody, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
    For your tank I would say use the paladin just because it gives you the knights tanking power with abilities that makes the team less reliant on the support member due to the various skills that can heal and buy time for the whole party. For the support I would pick whichever one as both are good, although the bard lacks good healing spells at first he can empower the party and will become much better at higher levels. The paladin could correct the slow start for the bard with healing which just gives the bard an advantage over the cleric. I would probably just pick a rogue over a barbarian just because barbarians aren't as versatile in their skill branch. For a fourth party member I would choose a ranged character. The good thing about all of the ranged characters are that they all have effective CC skills(the ranger needs to sacrafice the 50% aim shot bonus damage for the misdirection passive to make his CC skill, barrage, as useful as it can.) The witch could be used for overkill healing potential of the party and great CC. Wizards seem to be good but they aren't as useful in dispatching bosses quickly like the ranger is. All options are good for the ranged member so it's all preference. My opinion is probably the witch just because I love how the horror spell makes the baddies go insane.
  14. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    #474 mikkel1977, Aug 6, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 6, 2011
    The 2 new chars are cool and so is the monk. But if you read thru the thread from start to end, you will realize the knight is still the most effective tank as compared to the paladin, and the ranger is a good ranged damage dealer but can serves as a possible alternative to the other ranged attackers, but cannot compare to the traditional damage dealers like rogues or barbarians.

    Check out my earlier post about my party as I'm at level 50+ for all, I can have a better feel who is more effective. When it comes to DPS, there are a lot of earlier posts regarding this as well.

    Just play with whoever you like most. That's the beauty of battleheart. There's no combination which is called the "best" and a combo of almost anyone works. :D
  15. Grassmelody

    Grassmelody Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    The knight is still the best tank because he was made specifically for that task. The paladin serves as a tank and she has useful skills like healing and her sentinel passive skills. The paladin may not be as good at the duty of tanking, but she is more beneficial for the whole party. As for the ranger and all ranged units, they all seem underwhelming in terms of dps due to the slow attack speed but they make up for this with the fact that they provide ranged support to the party and often have helpful skills.
  16. thebobbster

    thebobbster New Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    Can't select level 10 skill set?

    I just picked this app last week and I'm loving it. For some strange reason I can't select any of my level 10 skill sets with any of my characters. The funny thing is, is that those that have a level 15 skill set, its displayed in battle but never the level 10 skill set. Anyone know what's up? I tried looking thru the thread but I was running into to many spoilers. Thanks!
  17. Grassmelody

    Grassmelody Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    The level 10 skill set are both passive abilities which means they work by there own and are not one of the three skills you can use. Instead they benefit the character in some way. For example the knight's level 10 skill set is either an increase in defense or in damage. You select one of them and it will work on its own. There are only 3 active skills that you can use for each character but passive skills can bring out much more potential in each class.
  18. thebobbster

    thebobbster New Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    Thanks a lot!
  19. Bikx

    Bikx Member

    Aug 7, 2011
    So, I have noticed that many people here do not like the casters, because of what you have pointed out. You expected them to be the typical glass cannon caster type. This game really makes the melee classes glass cannons. Rogues and Barbarians may have a bit more defense than casters. (Even more health than Thistle, Female Mage. She only has 800hp, where others have 1000hp). However, if you look at the casters abilities, one should notice that they add to survive-ability. While rogues and barbarians have very little that adds to survive-ability, but a lot that adds to damage.

    Mages have Time Stop or Blizzard, both great crowd control abilities at level 5. At 15 they either get the option to have a 6 second fear on a single target, or an AOE knockback. (personally I like conflagrate) At 20% the mage can choose an offensive Fire Shield or a defensive Mage Armor. Mage Armor is basically a phasing lodestone. At 25 Mages get one of the best abilities in the game, rather than running the mage teleports. Instant teleports, no cooldown and you can go anywhere on the map with it. At this point mages are perfect kiting and CCing machines. At 30 they get either a DoT effect or Knockdown on their Meteor spell. The only thing that can kill a mage is an archer.

    The Witch gets Drain life right from the start. At level 5 gets a spell that cuts the targets attack power for 10 seconds. At 10 she gets life leech which is the same as a Choker of the Red Feast. At 15 she gets an AoE Fear that fears everyone on the map, often times nearby mobs will be killed by the effect. At 20 she gets a 10% Phasing Lodestone ability, or a 5% chance for attacks on you to reset your Drain life ability. At 25 you get a buff to drain life. At 30 she gets a buff to drain life health regen or damage done.

    When I run these casters I run Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball on both of them. Which give either a 32.5% chance or 30% chance (not sure how the game mechanic works, but both are possible) to not have a cooldown.

    I've done pretty well in Doomvale Arena Running comps with or without casters. But here are some examples of Comps with them:
    All comps were run with each character level 30 or higher.

    Cleric - Talents: Shield, Discipline, Guardian Angel, Empowering Words or Holy
    Embrace (Really your preference), Binding Heal.
    Items: Sanctuary, Truth-Seeker's Wrap, Ninja Glove x 2

    Witch - Talents: Debilitate, Life Leech, Horror, Terrifying Presence, Dark
    Items: Pillar of the Venom Lord, Truth-Seeker's Wrap, 2x Azamoth's
    Cursed Eyeball

    Mage1- Talents: Time Stop or Blizzard (You can run of each, or 2 of the
    same, I used 2 Time Stops to deal with archers), Impact, Conflagrate,
    Mage Armor, Concussive Shockwave
    Items: Ivory Staff of the Archmage, Mantle of the Immortal, 2x
    Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball

    Mage2-Talents: Time Stop or Blizzard, Impact, Conflagrate, Mage Armor,
    Concussive Shockwave
    Items: Ill Omen, Truth-Seeker's Wrap, 2x Azamoth's Cursed Eyeball

    With this comp I change Cleric target based on who needs heals, use Drain life whenever someone takes a burst. On Archers drop AoE CCs, such as Time Stop and Horror. Kill Priority, Archers > Healers > Bats > Skeletons=Goblins > Slimes > Ogres. If Archers and Healers pop you need to use either a targeted CC at the Healer and then burst the Archers or just chain AoE CCs.
    At the same time you need to be kiting melee away from every single character.
    On Melees the priority is kill mobs on the healer, then kill mobs on the Witch b/c she has no teleport. Mages come last because they can kite without ever being hit and still do damage. The Cleric can Guardian Angel to bubble himself to give your casters time to burst archers/healers rather than focusing on peeling for the Cleric.
    I have ran this comp to level 131 in Doomvale arena.
    My next Comp is the same thing with the exception of adding in a Knight and removing Mage 2.

    Knight - Talents: Intimidate, Chivalry, War Cry, Crippling Blows, Fortress
    Items: Obsidian Soulcrusher, Valiant Plate, Codex of Jabe x2

    Basically keep the cleric targeting the Knight. The Knight should keep up Shield Wall all the time, Fortress Makes it last 20 seconds, but with 2 codex the cooldown is 18 seconds. Run around with the knight gaining aggro on mobs, use War Cry for bats and slimes. After about kill 50 stop using your Knight to kill, simply have him get aggro and then kite around keeping up shield wall.
    I have ran this comp to level 128 in Doomvale arena.

    This is similar to traditional Healer, Tank, Caster, DPS. However, you lose a little bit of DPS, but gain heals from Witch and Lots of CC from both casters.

    A similar Comp to the 2x Caster, Healer, Tank is dropping the Cleric for the Bard.

    Bard - Talents: Song of Vigor, Gusto, Song of War, Healing Chords, Echo of
    Items: The Spirit of Battle, Battlegear of the Blademaster, Codex of
    Jabe x2

    With this comp you lose a little bit of healing ability, but with the tank kiting all the time you wont need as much heals. The Bard should keep of Song of War as much as possible, while using Song of Vigor to Multi-Heal, use the Witch's Drain life to single target heal. Then use Song of Renewal as a last line of heals. Keep the Bard targeting your Mage, who should be putting out the most damage.
    I have ran this comp to level 126 in Doomvale arena.

    My Arena levels could definitely could be improved, usually I lose because I make a mistake in the low 100's and let my tank die, forcing me to kite with my casters and making me susceptible to archers + melee combos. These comps have potential to go higher, but it all depends on your skill level.

    Sorry about my rant, but I just wanted to get out my opinion on casters because I've seen many people put casters to the side as inferior classes. Also don't get me wrong, I am not dissing melee classes, they are very strong in this game. Additionally I am interested in hearing what people have to say about casters in more detail, please respond if you have an opinion!
  20. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    it really depends on your patience, your grinding, and your level of micromanagement. Personally i don't like to micromanage much, so i set everything up and just target and use abilities when i can.
    If you don't want to grind levels much for a more easygoing experience, it might require a little patience as defeating enemies will take longer; the Paladin, although possibly not the best tank overall, has a lv25 passive ability that strongly increases the defense of your entire party and heals well, the bard buffs any character very much with great healing also, the ranger deals perhaps less damage than a rogue or barbarian, but has amazing skills and because he is ranged, can survive longer because you can have a melee character divert attention while the ranger attacks. Furthermore, i'm not sure how much damage the dog deals, but it's definitely a good bit, so regardless the ranger is stronger than the witch or wizard, with higher defense as well, but it's the skills you have that really make a difference. as for a fourth member, you could go with a witch or wizard if you want pure damage to even things out a little more, but if you really just want to survive all the time, i would go with the monk. any enemy(besides bosses of course) can e knocked down by 2 skills and a passive 5%, so if you time things right and gang up on stronger enemies, you might rarely be damaged much at all;

    If you want pure power and to worry about defenses later, go with a rogue and a barbarian(even 2 if you want) and probably the cleric to even things out; she doesnt add as much power as the bard, but she heals a little more and her Vengeful Angel skill makes her invulnerabl while doing phenomenal damage to all enemies in a large radius, and the bard cannot directly damage enemies at all.)
    as a 4th i would go with the ranger or the witch, because the ranger deals massive damage but in normal battles the witch is probably better, as her horror skill can instakill enemies, and otherwise stun them for a very long time compared to a wizard's incinerate or even time stop.

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