Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Depends on the situation. The Knight's WARCRY draws almost all enemies on the screen to him, so in arena it's fantastic when you have bats (with the exception of the archers if I recall correctly) You cannot TANK all and at high levels in the arena, even a high level tank (i am at 91 :D) has to run around and let the monsters chase him while your damage dealers take them down. With the paladin, you cannot use this trick and thus survival in the arena may be more tricky. :D

    Just my thoughts before you meet those red colour puddings at wave 100 in doomsvale arena. Try to tank them... Kekeke...
  2. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    Should be all heal skills, but I'm unable to find the exact post confirming that. I was able to find a couple posts implying that heals scale (so definitely not %).
  3. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    I dun think there is a cap, but just to share, between level 89 to 90, you need like 100+++ (it feels that way) boss kills (each 800exp = 1 hairline of increase in your level)... So even now after 73 hours of gameplay with my black knight as the most often played member in the team, he's only at level 91.

    Perhaps when I reach 150hrs of gameplay, I will let you know? But I think by then I will be playing this on my new iphone 6 already.... :rolleyes:
  4. Dazarath

    Dazarath Well-Known Member

    Mar 21, 2010
    ^ MM said there was no hard cap on your characters' levels.
  5. Gokunama

    Gokunama Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    I see. Thanks, guess I won't try capping out then.
  6. hirschy75

    hirschy75 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2009
    So here's what I'm using right now:

    Cleric, archer, elf sorceress, and monk. All around level 21

    Can't get past the golom boss, any suggestions for my party?
  7. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Get rid of the wizard and replace her with a barbarian or rogue. Make sure the monk has the highest defense stat. When the boss rages and turns red, just kite him around the screen. Remember to use your skills and heal the monk at all times.

    If you're still having trouble, replay levels for more exp and levels to make it easier. If you still have trouble, be specific for exact help.
  8. ghardy

    ghardy Member

    Aug 3, 2011

    I'm trying to conquer the third arena, and my record so far is 107.
    My team atm is:

    Knight (54) @ Lodestone/Lodestone -- cleave / might / war cry / sunder armor / revenge (thinking of changing to a more defensive set)

    Rogue (37) @ Ninja Glove/Ninja Glove -- expose weakness / flurry / shadowstep / combat tactics / aggression

    Cleric (56) @ Hermes/Codex -- power infusion / discipline / vengeful angel / holy embrace / binding heal (I find vengeful useful for bats and archers, but guardian sounds better for higher rounds. Targets the knight)

    Bard (45) @ Codex/Codex -- song of vigor / gusto / song of war / enduring hope / vivace (Targets the rogue)

    I'm mostly trying to get some T9 gear to replace the T8 stuff I have now, but I'm also trying to get a decent record. Any tips to improve this squad / toon swaps I should implement?
  9. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Why do you need 2 healers? Should replace Bard or Cleric with someone else who can do crowd control better, or damage...

    Also Rogue in Arena can use Paralyse Knife... He throws out a knife and stun someone... Good against archers... Basically at wave 100+ it's using your knight to warcry and run around the screen while the rests attack... When archers spawn it's your crowd control ability i.e. stun/attack and kill them quickly...
  10. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    #450 fma_lvr, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
    i seer what you mean and i have tried that; although warcry helps, the monsters most often go after the most armored character, and when they dont, i need paladin to boost the whole party's def then focus on the monsters attacking the weakest defensive characters, such as the witch or bard. war cry attracts monsters, but deals no damage or healing, and in later rounds in the arena(say, 65 kills) when red slimes and ogres take 3 major attackers 5min to kill and would die in 3-4 hits, if the knight is being targeted even when hes running around, its more complicated and will be very hard to keep him alive. if the monsters separetely attack different party members, i can use paralyzing abilities like Radiance or Horror to slow them significantly while damaging them. i could do this in theory with the knight as well, but because he has no stunning abilities, i am at a disadvantage.

    in other words, in order for it to balance out in the long run, the knight would have to have at least 3x or 4x defense of the paladin. will similar levels, it is close to the same, and because of sentinel the partycan take more hits, plus the bard has the song of vigor which will heal over time.
    scrapping the knight is the only real reason i made it through doomvale, and with him i dont think i could get past 50 in arena 3 without a lot of luck and at least lv55.

    sorry mikkel for making you read so much, i tend to be very detailed :)
    Actually, while im posting, has anybody found a real use for Mortal Shots? theres only one healing enemy and he rarely heals others, or even appears in the arena. compared to 15% chance of double damage, it seems quite lackluster.
  11. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    #451 mikkel1977, Aug 4, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2011
    Hehehe no problem I love reading! Agree with you but I recall at level 100 or so, no tank can withstand the damage and there's no way you can deal enough damage to kill them or crowd control them enough. Of course there's the 2X wizards blizzard trick but the micro management is tedious.

    Oh well, I'll just farm a bit more for the 1 armor, 1 bow, and 1 sword and that's it. Already have all tier 9 weapons for everyone before the update came along.

    Edit: the monsters shouldn't go after your most armored char. E.g the goblins etc will randomly attack anyone unless your tank hits them, then they will start attacking your tank. Warcry brings everyone to the tank except the archers. Confirmed...

    Was easy for me to take side with blacky partly becoz he's level 91... :D
  12. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    With mortal shots, the effect is for those who have trouble with the healers. In Arena 3, I ran into 3 healers and a slime. This was before the ranger. It took a while to kill them all but I did it. The ranger is to help with situations like that I guess. The ranger has a good stun attack as well, where as the other stun attacks and knock downs don't last as long.

    The ranger is more of a support and can be left out, but has its uses
  13. knighthalo123

    knighthalo123 Well-Known Member

    Feb 9, 2011
    :DDDD i GOT HURRICANE :D woot :p from the last boss D: lost my tank (palidien) heres my strategy, archer immediatley sets up with the critical shot and the burning thing, then my tank(pali) goes up with cleric healing (no group heal) and has the shield form cleric on, and uses the eye thingie and the thunder sword thing. then my last character is the wizard dude, he uses al skils on the boss D: when things go bad use timestop, pali died int he end D: but my wizard and archer owned him :D
  14. FlaminglyBoss

    FlaminglyBoss Active Member

    Dec 22, 2010
    I'm running with the monk, pally, bard, and ranger. Is this good, or should I change before it's too late?
  15. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    I dont think you should keep the monk unless you plan on him tanking. The barbarians or Rouges do more dps. The palidan is for tanking, so all you have to do is replace the monk for a better dps. If you choose to, you could replace the paladin for a dps, but then the cleric will have to replace the bard.

    So in my opinion, you should stick with everything but the monk.
  16. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    i'm very much aware of that. but i think in order for it to equal the worth of Sniper's Sense, it needs to do something else. its nice to have an ability like that, but note that healers cannot heal while stunned, even if the stun is short like Radiance. when i come near healers, i use any of the monks abilities; if no monk, the wizard's incinerate or the witchs horror; IF STILL none of those, apollo strike of the ranger, or even as i have recently found out, the incendiary arrow; though the healers can teleport, they seem to do it randomly, and as such, staying in the fire will cause it to heal slower and take damage MUCH faster. ive found that even the slime boss while not being attacked will, if it stays in the fire, lose almost half its hp(the first time around of course). and i definitely feel bad for you about 3 healers, but im sure if you focus on one at a time and try to stun them a lot, it shouldnt take long depending on how far in the arena and your party's levels. personally i've found that when you really need an enemy destroyed fast when they have very high hp, use all the rangers abilities while staying the enemy with a melee attacker, then use the bard's song of inspiration. you cant do it often but as it turns out the Incendiary arrow seems to stack (i used it twice through song of inspiration, putting both in the same spot using it against a boss. i'm not positive, but it seemed to do much more damage.

    i think overall an ability i'd need is something that Cripples foes more than 10 or 15%. maybe for a short duration or while attacking as a passive skill, but the big problem with arenas is that the damage becomes greater than the healing, so the characters die from just a few hits; if the monster damage could go down by 50 or 75% healing would be possible and one might last in arena 3 up to 150, versus, say, 115 which i think is the forum record right now.
    Also, i recently realized that the bard's Stoicism on the paladin seems to increase the effect of Sentinel, so if you guys can wait a little for less damage, im sure you could survive much longer.

    Now, does anybody know why the dog disappears? im pretty sure that he cant be attacked, but he definitely disappears after 2 or 3 minutes. im wondering if there is a time limit, he takes damage, or if he only attacks so many times. due to a need to focus on the other aspects of the battles, i have yet to see the dog just run off or if he simply goes poof.
    i would really like to know how that works, because i'd love to have him there longer.
  17. Grassmelody

    Grassmelody Member

    Aug 5, 2011
    Is the ranger a good party member? He doesn't have specific skill sets but they are still decent. The hurricane is a very high attack value for a tier 9 weapon and his attack value and speed are very high and good, not to mention a low damage dog companion. The only thing bothering me is that people say the ranger underwhelming even though the base Dps is very good. Is it that the skills are less useful then almost all of the other characters?
  18. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    What exactly is the rate of attack (Ranger)? Attacks every... seconds

    Example: Rouge is every 0.9 seconds
  19. fma_lvr

    fma_lvr Active Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    obviously you havent used the monk enough; the barbarians and rogues die too easily, despite high damage. the paladin can replace the monk but the main advantage comes when you badly need more healing or defense. the Monk doesnt have extreme defense or attack power, but his real power is the fact that 2 abilities and a passive 5% knock his enemies down for a significant amount of time, while wind walk can slow them down. in other words, if you need time to heal, to deal more damage, or to cool down a bit, the monk is the best one for the job by far. the only real downside is that he is nearly useless against all bosses except the slime boss, but extremely effective against him.
    however, his wind walk ability is unique in that it deals more hits on fewer enemies; if there are only 2, he hits them bith once, and if there is only one, such as a boss, he hits the one three times. if using Solar Strikes this will do a huge amount of damage.
    Using the monk is overall better than a rogue or a barbarian because of defensive boosts and because of general helping in the battle besides damage. if you arent playing the arena and you are just looking for high damage in a very short amount of time, use the rogue or barbarian. but dont scrap something just because it isnt damaging enough; i wouldnt even tank a monk if doing the arena, i would give him azamoths eyes and hope for the 30% so i can continuously knock enemies down. in theory, you could actually combine the effects of ranger's Misdirection and Ki blast to knock down every foe no matter how many there are, and if using the eyes, perhaps spam this technique in order to deal tons of damage while keeping every character invincible and cooling down. using the monk was the only way a slacker like me could make it to 82 in the arena with the cleric, witch, and wizard, because damage isnt a problem when everything is knocked down repeatedly.
    granted my party may not have been the best, but nobody can question whether this works for obtaining tier 9 items.
  20. GamingGuy99

    GamingGuy99 Active Member

    Aug 2, 2011
    Yes, I agree. That was not the point though. Besides, even if its well byond "Okay", it can be improved. You said it MAY not be the best, but if it isnt, then progress will be much faster.

    Anyways, you have a point, but more DPS can serve alot more later in the game. A paladin and a cleric will tank anything. 2 slots for Heavy DPS dealers can serve more productive time.

    You could also try that vampiring technique I mentioned to keep the rouge or barbarian alive. The clerics healing ability and the Paladin's wave thing can heal quite a bit. BTW, the paladin's level 25 skill helps with that problem.

    And yeah, I havn't used the monk too much :p

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