Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. HadToDoItToEm

    HadToDoItToEm Well-Known Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    Software Engineer
    Melbourne, FL
    Any news on an update? I haven't played in a while because I've completed the game. Would love some new content
  2. Mav

    Mav Member

    May 5, 2011
    Yea my strategy has been;

    Knight, Barb and Wizard focus firing one small blob while I keep my Healer roaming around to avoid the DoT from the ground slime. If I time it right I can knock off a small blob before they reform.

    The hard part is repeating it over and over, I usually get out dps'd and my healer can't compensate from the constant movement to avoid DoT's and dish out heals while my dps is trying to focus a single small blob before they reform. It turns in this wacky micromanagement dance of move, heal heal, move, heal heal, scatter for big blob, repeat.

    I'll keep trying it, I may make a new party and see how well the Kung Fu guy and Bard do against them.
  3. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Yes, I had stopped playing since I had reached level 90th for my knight, with the rests at 70-80+ level. I need to have something else to kill apart from the lich. I feels so sorry for him after killing him for the xxxxx time...

    Suggestions: Dragons, Beholders, Demons, etc?
  4. Madkipz

    Madkipz Member

    May 12, 2011
    I'd love to see some new levels (maps) with new unique monsters such as Devils/Demons, Ghosts etc, etc.

    Also, I just recently got my Barbarian to level 65! :D
    It's HORRIBLY slow now though.. keep killing the final boss using only my Barbarian and Cleric.. I'm so excited for the new Ranger unit coming,, growing tired of the Barbarian.
  5. mariyar

    mariyar New Member

    May 20, 2011
    I've not seen upgrading explained anywhere else, and it is costly to do, many people may not have used it. ........:)
  6. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    #406 mikkel1977, May 20, 2011
    Last edited: May 20, 2011
    Upgrading is just improving your weapons or armours directly without having the need to farm for them. All can be upgraded up to a Tier 7... E.g. if you pay to upgrade a Cotton Cloak (Level 1, Armor 8), you will get a Elven Cloak (Level 3, Armor 11, there is no Level 2 for Cloaks)...

    Don't worry about costs, you will reach a stage where gold doesn't have any meaning to you... But by then, you won't need to upgrade anyway coz you'd already have Tier 8-9 stuff (not upgrade-able). Kekeke...

    For more details, you may like to read up on wikia on the armours/weapons section:
  7. kingston123

    kingston123 New Member

    Mar 21, 2011
    Texoma Enterprise

    i like your post you do good effort to make it more valuable.
    thanks for sharing.
    Texoma Enterprise
  8. jflad

    jflad New Member

    Jun 2, 2011
    #408 jflad, Jun 2, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2011
    My Arena Strategy

    I have a real simple strategy for getting 70+ kills every time in the 3rd arena. I was able to do with with characters between levels 38-45 with only tier 7 weapons (which you can uprgrade to).

    I use Monk, Bard & 2 Witches.

    Monk is equipped with 2 choker of the red feast. Uses evasion, tiger claw, 1000 palms, dragon style and solar strikes.

    Bard is equiped with 2 codex of jabe. Uses song of vigor, gusto, song of inspiration, healing chords, and echo of renewal.

    Wizards both have azmaoth's cursed eyeball (2 each), and use time stop, enveloping flames, thunderbolt, fire shield, and flaming meteor.

    The strategy is simple. The bard buffs the monk. The monk fights everything in sight while the wizards teleport around and snipe the targets. The bard also kites so as not to be attacked.

    Crowd control is simple. Time stop with a wizard. there's a 30% chance for no cool down. If no cool down, time stop again after 5 seconds. If there is a cool down, time stop with the other wizard after the first wizard's time stop wears off. Again, this wizard also has a 30% chance for no cool down on time stop.

    However, if both have a cool down after one time stop, and you need to stop time AGAIN, use the bard's song of inspiration, then each wizard will immediately get their time stop back and can do it again.

    BARE minimum you will get 20 seconds of time stop with this technique (in a row if you wish!). this is especially good for taking out archers and repositioning your characters.

    Meanwhile, the bard can almost constantly heal the group, rotating between song of vigor and echo's of renewal if equipped with 2 codex of jabe. Song of vigor has only an 18 second cool down with this set up, not sure what the cool down of echo of renewal is, but with switching back and forth between the two and the time stops, it seems like I'm constantly healing the group.

    If you feel like you need to, kill all but 1 enemy and then kite around (real easy with 2 wizards) until all your special attacks are replenished.

    I have gotten to over 100 kills with this set up, though I haven't really tried to push it to top score as I often intentionally die after 70 kills because I'm still trying to get all the tier 9 items.
  9. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple

    Sigh... When is the update coming? I'd stopped playing for a month... Really wish there are more things to do... Hope the new update will have the archer, more skills to play around with, more treasures, more monsters (and bosses) and maps of course... :D
  10. Koppartikus

    Koppartikus New Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    #410 Koppartikus, Jun 8, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 8, 2011
    Just went through the game with a Knight-Rogue-Witch-Bard composition and was very pleased with the results. My main goals for the build were to see how well the Bard could go through the game as a solo healer and to see how effective the Rogue and Witch classes are, as they are two classes I did not play with much in my first run through (Knight-Wizard-Bard-Cleric). I re-ran a few boards in world 1, but afterwards ran arenas a fair bit to obtain loot to use/sell to prepare myself for later levels. This was done mainly to see how far I could push the envelope when it came to testing the party's performance - too many levels has potential to skew my experience.

    Overall Strategy:
    • Knight specializes in mitigation and aggro
    • Rogue specializes in CC for normal boards, DPS for bosses
    • Witch specializes in CC
    • Bard specializes in healing traits, Stoicism to buff the Knight, and Song of War to buff the Rogue/Witch

    To ensure healing was sufficient, particularly in World 1, I went with the following trinket choices:
    • Knight: Health Regen
    • Rogue: Health Regen/Life Leech
    • Witch: Cooldown Reset
    • Bard: +XP, Health Regen

    I found the combined Heath regen of the bard's Song of Vigor and trinkets to give me incredible lasting power. In conjunction with the bard buffing my knight, I found I rarely needed to even use Shield Wall, let alone use the bard's Song of Renewal. World 1 was largely uneventful, and I beat it with all of my characters at level 11 or 10. After beating the spider boss I was able to get a score of 86 in the first arena (characters were 10-11).

    World 2 Setup:
    • Knight: Health Regen (rank 2 trinkets)
    • Rogue: Cooldown Reset
    • Witch: Cooldown Reset
    • Bard: +XP (he falls too far behind w/o them)

    World 2 was fun because it allowed me to experiment with trinket selection and had two bosses with dramatically differnt mechanics to test the team out against. With the excpetion of bosses, I again found that with the health regen trinkets and the bard's buff and Song of Vigor the Knight really didn't lose much HP at all. I used Shield Wall a bit more, but seldom needed it as a panic button. I feel part of my success in this world was due to the witch's Drain Life effect and the witch's and rogue's fantastic CC abilities. I was able to find 4 Monkey's Paws for my rogue and witch, and their ability to liberally chain certain abilities offered phenomenal control over the battlefield past level 15 (when they get Paralytic Knife and Horror, respectively.) Being able to Debilitate two ogres/slimes/bats also helped significantly during certain levels.

    The slime boss was relatively simple, though a bit longer than I expected due to the lack of good area damage from this composition. The bard and witch were able to keep people topped off with their abilities and I focused down slimes 1 at a time. The golem boss was the one I was particularly worried about, but ended up being a complete non-issue. I specced my knight for Shield Rush instead oF war Cry which allowed him to chase the golem after the aggro dump ability, and I simply ran him across the board when the Golem enraged - I didn't realize he moved so slowly on his own as the first time I played through the game I had blizzard to slow him down. The rogue and witch took him down quickly as the rogue simply chained Expose Weakness when it was off cooldown.

    I'm pretty sure my charaters were around 17 at this point. I was debating going to 20, but realized that most of the abilities wouldn't have tipped the battle in my favor and just went ahead to the golem. I went into the world 2 arena at 16-17 and was able to get about 85-90 kills at my level.

    World 3 Setup:
    • Knight: Evasion (2 Warding Amulets for 20%)
    • Rogue: Cooldown Reset for levels, Critical Strike for Boss
    • Witch: Cooldown Reset
    • +XP, Health Regen

    World 3 was a solid challenge throughout. There were times where I wasn't paying complete attention and ended up losing a member or two, on which I promptly retreated to restart the level. HP regen on my Knight was proving to be insufficient, as the enemies were doing significantly more damage. Shield Wall became more of a staple than a luxury, and my bard finally started to use his Song of Renewal on a regular basis. The biggest threats to my team where when I had to deal with a slime/ogre/bat combination. I had to ensure the slimes died first while chain CCing them (as they often went after my rogue) and had my Knight take care of the rest of the aggro, using my Shield Wall/Horror/Debilitate spells back to back to ensure maximum mitigation while my DPS was busy killing bigger threats. Horror was fantastic for big packs of archers or the aformentioned monster combination, and at this point it was starting to reliably kill one of the monsters if I positioned her well prior to casting. Back-to-back Paralytic Knives from the rogue made dealing with slimes, archer packs or healers much easier.

    I went into the final boss at levels 21-22. The only change I made was a shift in my rogue's specializations to go from CC/Poison Knife to crit-based DPS. I ended up using a lot of the money I accrued and couldn't spend due to bad shop inventory to upgrade some of my gear prior to the battle.

    The boss wasn't able to really hurt my knight too much so long as I was smart with my Debilitate and Shield Wall coodlowns. Avoiding the AoE blast with my melee characters was simple, and good use of Horror and War Cry allowed me to deal with the archer/warrior packs easily. I believe I had to kill 2 packs of skeletons before I took him down.

    Current Party Status (after beating final boss):

    The Black Knight - Level 22 Knight
    • Shield Wall, Cleave, Chivalry, War Cry, Sunder Armor
    • Jade Edge, Valiant Plate, Warding Amulet x2

    Gustav - Level 23 Rogue
    • Sneak Attack, Expose Weakness, Critical Strikes, Shadowstep, Pursuit
    • The Red Fang, Berserker's Tunic, Truestrike Monocle x2

    Wynter - Level 22 Witch
    • Drain Life, Debilitate, Piercing Shadow, Horror, Sudden Doom
    • Ill Omen (was Elementalist's Sceptre), Crystalweave Cloak, Monkey's Paw x2

    Edwardo (love the FF4 reference!) - Level 22 Bard
    • Song of Renewal, Song of Vigor, Stoicism, Song of War, Healing Chords
    • Dragon Sinew, Berserker's Tunic, Mystic Journal, Trollskin Amulet

    I was very pleased with this composition. It's more micro intensive than a lot of other builds, but it has the capability to handle more or less anything. A few notes on what I thought was particularly effective:

    • Bard/Witch combo for healing/utility. I'm not entirely sure the bard could have healed everything alone if the witch was not around to supplement with spot heals though Drain Life (often several back to back, thanks to cooldown resetting trinkets).
    • Health Regeneration is a fantastic early game statistic, and should not be overlooked.
    • Cooldown resetting trinkets are fantastic on the Rogue for normal level skirmishing - the ability to use CC abilities back to back on occasion is fantastic. Would not invest in these until I was able to acquire Monkey's Paws, however.
    • Song of Inspiration was not as useful as I thought it would be. Since I had a solid amount of cooldown resetting from trinkets on my witch and rogue, I found that the ability to reset them again after a minute was a bit superfluous - the consistent damage boost from the Song of War was much better.
    • Rogue is an incredibly versatile class. Its only real weakness is the melee requirement - I found he had to chase a good bit in several situations, whereas my Witch didn't have that issue. This is what made me choose Poison Dagger in level skirmishes, as it's a ranged ability.
    • Plague was lackluster. If you were able to bunch of units effectively it was a bit better, but I think the radius is a bit too small. Debilitate was much more useful in mitigating big threats on the field and for boss battles.
    • Surprisingly good arena combo due to the ridiculous amounts of CC at the composition's disposal.
    • Main weakness of this composition is the lack of good area damage.

    Lengthy, I know, but I figured I'd post this to show people that you don't necessarily need a cleric to go though the game, and to talk about how much fun the party compisition was to play with.
  11. Andiron

    Andiron Well-Known Member

    Oct 14, 2010
    What a cool post Koppartikus. Thanks for sharing - was a good read.
  12. Cuthbert

    Cuthbert New Member

    Jun 9, 2011
    #412 Cuthbert, Jun 9, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
    Hey there,I do agree with MikaMobile that the game mechanics and navigation is controlled by the developer when developing the game and many times players have to select themselves,this is the thrilling way.
    Chandler Homes for Sale
  13. Geewizz420

    Geewizz420 Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    Is there ever gonna be an update?
  14. koyut

    koyut Well-Known Member

    Jan 18, 2010
    I hear you in this one. Burned through the game in a single week. I was expecting incremental updates. Not often but some small additions would be nice. The dev's did excellent work but did not follow through. The last few updates were for bug fixes and then nothing more.
  15. Geewizz420

    Geewizz420 Member

    Feb 24, 2011

    So true it saddens me :( this game is far one of the best games I have played since having an iPhone this game could be so much better but it is wicked but there needs to be some updates :(
  16. Raztog

    Raztog Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
    Do a search, within the last two weeks, in another thread, the developer mika stated he was finishing his zombie sequel first. He did state though that the ranger class is finished and even has a pet!
  17. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Hopefully that will come soon?

    *Sprinkle some healing potion on this thread*

    Ranger Class... Hmmm...
  18. bigtfatty

    bigtfatty New Member

    Jul 10, 2011
    I think this game has alot of different stages of development, and I just cruised through the phase where I had my chars lvl30-35 and only tier 7 weapons. My goal at this point was to get higher tier weapons before farming xp any further. This setup was very quick and reliable when trying to get to the 70 kill count tier of Doomvale Arena.

    Bard - Vigor, Gusto, Song of War, Chords, Echo x2Codex
    Monk - Evasion, Tiger Claw, 1000 fist, Dragon, Sweep x2Stones
    Rogue - Exposed, Crits, Para Knife(synergy with Pray on the Weak), Pursuit, Aggression x1Eye x1Ninja Glove
    Witch - Debilitate, Leech, Horror, Presence, Crushing Despair x2Eye

    It was very sustainable with healing from Witch to lowest member, leech for herself, and all-party heals combining with the high DPS of three chars instead of the typical Tank/Support + x2DPS. I really like how there is a decently strong all-party fully sustainable regen with bursts coming from offensive strikes from Drain Life.

    I had just one question about certain mechanics of critical strikes that I may mess around with concerning items builds. I think it would be worth losing the single target cc of para knife if Sneak Attack and Shadowstep, switching to Lethality, and using x2Crit trinks or Crit/Ninja. This only works if those skills can crit though, so can they?(If this is answered somewhere else, I couldn't find it so if you could copy/paste the answer or gimme a link that would be awesome)
  19. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    #419 makitango, Jul 18, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 21, 2011
    As for Mikas Twitter account, both paladin and ranger are finished, feature-related. They are testing them as of now.

    [Update] Submitted as of now.
  20. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Wow, that is cool. I can't wait to extend my 71:33:53 playing time.

    Wonders if there will be new items? And how will the new characters be integrated to your existing team? I hope they can be incorporated at the same average level of your team, or the most suffer a -5 to -10 level.

    I cannot imagine having to grind them from level 5 to level 50+....

    Hopefully they will have the following:
    Paladin - Healing, aura of goodness (reduce enemy's attack/speed/etc), etc
    Ranger - Dual weld weapons? A bit of a rogue + fighter style mix, but not a tank yet.

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