Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Stan

    Stan Well-Known Member

    Feb 15, 2010
    is a knight, female healer, rogue and the orange magician a good team?

    KAELAND Member

    Apr 9, 2011
    yea any team with a tank and healer is good. I use that team too, though with bard more than often.
  3. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Nah don't feel that way. My highest character is level 38. My main party are all basically around 35, and all the other characters are below that. I can't be bothered to grind. I basically just leveled up til around 35 and then started farming Doomvale arena using Knight (36), Bard (38), Wizard (35), and Witch (34).

    I used to use a Rogue (34) and Cleric (35) instead of Bard and Witch, but I've found that I'm nearly invincible up til around monster number 50+. There's so many CC possibilities that it's just so easy to farm using this group. I imagine that a level 30 group could farm the place relatively easily with this party makeup.
  4. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    First of all, any party makeup can work. That's part of the charm of this game. It's simple, enjoyable, and you can choose any party makeup and can still beat the game (even without a tank or healer, if you're that badass and/or high enough levels).

    That said.....

    I prefer the bard over cleric for a few reasons:
    1. He has two spells that heal the whole party (one instant, and one over time)
    2. He has a spell that resets everyone's cooldowns for that oh-$#!t moment.
    3. He gives +atk or +def bonus which is great.

    To clarify: the cleric auto-heals one character, and also has an instant party-heal. I prefer the party auto-heal over the singular character auto-heal. On top of that, the bard also gives +atk or +def bonus.

    The knight is great because he can bring aggro to himself. Rogue is good as a damage dealer, but the casters (wizard or witch) are better in comparison. The casters deal less damage, but they can CC (crowd control), and they don't need to move around to catch up to the enemy just to attack.
  5. superzarop

    superzarop Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    I think that the rogue is a great class. Ever since I have leveled him up, he is the one character that I always have in my group. The longest single target cc combined with the arguably best dps in the game is invaluable. But I agree with the part of Bard being a better healer, although using both healers is really great.
    With 2 healers, I've got a ton of survivability. Then I can decide who to buff with the bard, if I choose a tank, I will have a invincible wall of death (shield block, armor buff from bard, protect and heals from cleric, revenge). If I choose to buff a rogue or barbarian, he will nuke down enemies faster than what your eyes can see.

    This is also the first group I have succeeded in killing the last boss before he summons. The cleric have 100% damage bonus buff as well as the vengeful angel, making her extremel useful dps-wise. The bard has reset colldown, giving you another round of relentless assault. The knight has revenge which does huge amounts of damage, and the rogue has break armor.
  6. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    #386 fillie, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
    You should then try solo killing last boss :p

    So far I've done with lvl55 knights (both) 56cleric 57monk 70witch. Levelling up my rogues some more to be able to do them :) currently 61 isn't enough.

    The knights and cleric I could've done them early 40s if I thought about attempting it back then monk and witch particularly needed a lot more lvls.
  7. superzarop

    superzarop Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    That's because most of those classes all have high survivability or can heal. The rogue cant solo stuff but his dps really makes up for it. A full survivability group, IMO, isn't as good as a group with a rogue and a bard buffing him. He will do the damage equivalent to 2 characters, as well as being real tough to beat down.
  8. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    Solo last boss wasn't really a walk in the park. you combine high survivability and dmg else you would get quickly overwhelmed with adds. Boss is a lot more deadly when lacking support characters. I'm not saying rogue is bad character at all, only proving a little tough to juggle cds at current level to survive 3+ add waves. witch has lots of survivability and a damage/heal but still takes too much dmg in lower levels.

    For arena, it depends on the wave in high level arenas. Once at 170+ archer control is imperative else 2 shot any unbuffed character. Rogue can cut them down one at a time faster than all bar the lucky horror insta death, but with low survivability and cc it can go wrong very fast. The great thing about the comp is you can speed through waves really quickly though.

    The best success I had before was cleric/bard/2xknight revenge combo and cleric/bard/knight/witch. Can't remember which got furthest but at 191. Revenge duo can take on archer combos all night - tho it's very very very slow vs any other combo. Witch horror combo is heavy control with horror nuking,but again waves are a bit on the slow side.
  9. Mafarazzo

    Mafarazzo New Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    Hi, it seems I found a trick in this game. If you command a mage to attack, it will do so with some intervals. However, if you command him to move, and just after to attack again, you can shorten this delay.

    In other words, quickly order a mage to attack, move, attack, move, attack... This will cause him to do tremendous dps without delay between attacks.

    Is this a known trick?
  10. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    #390 fillie, Apr 21, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2011
    Interesting find, though the time takes to execute /move/attack is only marginally faster than waiting for internal cd. It is easiest to execute vs stationary opponents like some bosses. Unless you solo boss/mobs, it's not worth the effort - solo last boss using witch using 2xleech trinkets saw only a very minor increase in benefit but still not sufficient to survive.

    Edit: Wizard teleport actually makes it not possible to reset cast most of the time.
  11. The_Gooboo

    The_Gooboo New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    This is such a sick game!!! For the first part I used the standard Sheperd, Cleric, Rogue, Witch(Dark Purple). Recently I switched to a second Rogue for the Witch. Think that was a good idea? Oh and does anyone think I should try the bard?
  12. MystikSun

    MystikSun Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    The bard works similarly to the Cleric, but has more "features". However, it doesn't heal as well as the Cleric. It does give a considerable boost to your other teammates though.
  13. stopsignhank

    stopsignhank Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Everyone says the bard is good, but I have never gotten the hang of it. I like the cleric's healing powers because you can kind of let your guys have at it and heal them up if when they get low.

    I am so glad I got by the golem boss though. Just did it yesterday and I will tell you it was a bitch! Now on to the rest!!!!
  14. The_Gooboo

    The_Gooboo New Member

    Apr 26, 2011
    Hey does anyone have a strategy for the doomvale boss? Would be greatly appreciated.
  15. JRDH

    JRDH New Member

    Apr 30, 2011
    I've been searching for some strategies for this amazing game. Thing is, I had the same party throughout the whole game (Cleric, Knight, Monk, and Witch) and I ignored the other characters, until I got stuck on the level before the final boss. I found that the Bard was a better option than the Cleric. So I XP farmed with two Mystery eggs and now my Bard is a level 26. Then I read that the Rogue is a great option for a melee DPS (pretty much my Monk's occupation).

    But in order to put it in my party, I'd have to take out either the Monk or the Knight, and I just gotta love the Knight's War Cry and it's high resistance, as well as the Monk's invulnerability skill and his buffed 1000 palms. But the idea of a buffed Shadowstep and Sneak attack is just amazing (I haven't used the Rogue yet, he is still a level 1, but BUFFED 250% and 350% damage attacks looks like a lot).
    Also, the Witch's Debilitate-Horror-Drain Life combo is epic, but I read that Wizards can teleport and have some sick T4 attacks, so perhaps I should switch to a Wizard.

    Could someone with more experience please help me decide? :confused:
  16. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    You can try out knight rogue bard + anyone combo. Start of round, use your rogue to lower defense and bards song of something to increase damage done. After that, repeat.
  17. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Hi all, I had just bought an ipad 2, and copied Battlehard into it. But my save game did not show in the ipad 2!

    Please tell me there IS a way to port from my iphone saved game to ipad... My Knight is level 90!
  18. Mav

    Mav Member

    May 5, 2011
    The first big slime boss (cant check my phone atm to find the boss name) that is one huge green jello looking thing, is there any way to actually beat that thing?

    You wear its health down to zero and it divides into like a dozen smaller slime things, which all just move back to each other and reform into the bigger one. Its like next to impossible to kill them individually before they reform :(

  19. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Yes you can kill slimy by repeatedly attacking the small bobs... Good crowd control spells like blizzard, time freeze, fear works if I recall. Just focus your attack quickly on one or two of them, then every time when they regroup big bob will get weaker and weaker.

    Answering my own question, restore from iPhone works in iPad. Managed to have my 72hrs of saved game back.

    They look even more adorable on the big screen!
  20. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Oh forgot to add, if your cleric has the Angel of Vengence spell, move him to the place where the small slimes are gathering/meeting, then activate. They will keep moving towards your cleric and suffer huge damage!

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