Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    For me, on every round after 120, I kite the last mob and pre-cast abilities so cooldowns are ready when next round pops up.
    -meteor knockdown largest clump of archers while sending in knight with shield wall on and witch.
    -use horror to kill grouped up archers
    -focus fire on one of grouped archers (close range horror mostly paralyse them)
    -single target CC on archers far away from group like conflag or even debilitate.
    -intimidate group after horror worn off
    -warcry>shield wall and clerics shield on either witch or wizard depending on who needs it most - usually wizard if you use splash healing.
    -could either timelapse or another intimidate.
    -long CDs should be up again to repeat process till one archer left to prep for next round. Good luck!
  2. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    Oh and switch main healing to witch and use drain life for wizard - switch to wizard if he is getting targeted a lot.
  3. Geewizz420

    Geewizz420 Member

    Feb 24, 2011
    I tend to use barb knight rogue and bard all 40+ they take down the last boss fast before he gets time to spawn some mobs :D arena 3 can get lvl 100+ quick time.
  4. Meta Knight

    Meta Knight Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2010
    Hey I have a team which are Shepard,male rouge,cleric,and monk all in there early thirtys(in level). Should I replace the monk with the male wizard the one with the book what do you guys think?
  5. KellokzYumYum

    KellokzYumYum Member

    Mar 14, 2011
    I'd say that there are almost infinite possibilities of playable comps as long as you got at least one tank and healer. I think any further thoughts are just a matter of personal preference and / or playstyle.
  6. ak47killa

    ak47killa Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    I just started playing a couple of days ago. I cannot beat Cho'yuk ravine level. those red bats just attack lucille and shes dead so quick. Can someone give me some tips or pointers on this?
  7. dinoeggs777

    dinoeggs777 Well-Known Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    war cry?

    KAELAND Member

    Apr 9, 2011
    #368 KAELAND, Apr 9, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2011
    This game is hella addictive and so fun, just started 2 days ago. I totally forgotten that mikamobile made omg pirates, which i used to love, until i saw this thread. No wonder when i started playing it, the graphic looks pretty similar.

    Anyway my setup for the last boss is Cleric, Bard, Knight, Mage, all my characters are level 21 and using tier 5 weapons 6 armors. Focus cleric and bard on knight while mage attack from a distance. I set them up where knight is attacking the boss and other three characters are placed in each different corner. When the boss splits, knight uses warcry and lure to cleric, cleric uses vengeful angel to take them out. Party heal with bard or cleric when needed. Just repeat this process and its done :)
  9. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Man, I've gotten every tier 9 item except for the Bard weapon. I'm also missing 4 leather armors to equip my two rogues and two barbarians (got 1 that my bard's using). Aside from that, I got everyone equipped with tier 9 weapons/armors. I'm so sick of seeing the Monk weapon and armor drop. Same with the barbarian weapon. Why can't the bard weapon just droppppppppppppppppppp......... whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
  10. Raztog

    Raztog Well-Known Member

    Apr 11, 2011
    Ill trade you 4 bard weapons for a Monk weapon and armor. I have not seen them at all.
  11. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Lvl 100?

    Hi anyone with char at lvl 100 can post a screenshot so I can be motivated?

    My dark knight is at lvl 89 and I am grinding so slowly there... I'd 69hrs of gameplay already... zzzzz....

  12. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Oh man, you're having similar bad luck as me :( I've had at least 6 monk weapons and armors dropped each. Sigh. Yesterday I finally got the cleric weapon, first time ever, and then it dropped again a couple games later. I guess sooner or later that bard weapon will drop. Tried 3 times today, got the knight armor, and rogue weapon twice.

    I do wish an online trade was possible. Would make it so much easier.
  13. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Good grief, why even bother going that high? Can you pretty much one-shot any monster now?
  14. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    At earlier stages is possible... I am just trying to see if I can kill the lich before he does his lightning AOE... Without depending on the Eyes + Song of Inspiration combo... Wants a straight melee win...

    Oh well, back to grinding haha...
  15. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Today's loot: Barbarian weapon, mage armor, mage weapon.

    Sigh, until tomorrow I guess.....
  16. grifter730

    grifter730 Active Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    I feel so beaten that I can't even get excited that I finally got this item. I've gotten every Tier 9 item now. Missing 4 of the leather armors, but my bard's wearing one, which is good enough for me. I don't use the rogues anyway. Finally, now I can just wait for the next upgrade.
  17. mikkel1977

    mikkel1977 Well-Known Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Deserted Temple
    Just keep doing it... you should get the blademaster armours in 2-3 days... That's what happened to me... It comes 2-3 times in a day! Just purely random...
  18. superzarop

    superzarop Well-Known Member

    Apr 15, 2011
    I reached 186 in Doomvale today with my knight rogue bard cleric team, all at 55-60.

    Knight: intimidate, chivalry, war cry, sunder armor, revenge. 2 lodestones.
    Rogue: expose weakness, flurry, paralytic knife combat tactics and aggression. Equipped with ninja gloves.
    Bard: vigor, gusto, song of inspiration, healing chords, echo of renewal. 2 codexes.
    Cleric: shield, passion, guardian angel, holy embrace, desperate prayer. 2 codexes.

    The knight together with the clerics heals and buffs can tank pretty well up to around the 100s, then I start kiting. The rogue with bard buffs serves pretty well as an off tank as well as destroys the enemies in blinding speed.
    When I get to the archer group, I have the knight pop shield, so he'll be safe. The cleric will use guardian angel for immunity as well as insane healing powers. Then she casts protection on the bard so that he will be safe. The rogue has the bards buff so he won't take too much damage. This way, all character will have moderately high defense and I've got 2 healers to heal through the damage. The knight will have 2 fears to fear the targets I'm not attacking and the rogue will have a paralytic knife. After around 15 seconds, I restart the process with the bard spell.
    This group works extremely well for me, and I hope some of you will try it out as well. I was pretty lucky to get that high though, once my characters were almost all below 1/4 hp before I popped the 2 group heals and saved them.
  19. Xyo

    Xyo Well-Known Member

    Apr 16, 2011
    Just started the game, seems that alot of you are really high up their!
    Time to begin the long process of grinding.
  20. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    *leaves thread feeling like a noob*

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