Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. Pr135ty

    Pr135ty Well-Known Member

    Dec 8, 2010
    United Kingdom
    haha can't get past "The Squealing Bog". My team at the moment is:

    Feung - Level 6 Monk - Attack 42, Defense 40
    Baelrosh - Level 8 Barbarian - Attack 56, Defense 27
    Edwardo - Level 8 Bard - Attack 25, Defense 26
    Wynter - Level 9 Witch - Attack 64, Defense 22

    Any help?? Cheers
  2. JaXxXoN

    JaXxXoN New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Level up Feung, which in this case serves as ur tank.

    To be honest, there's no trick with the bog.. Just tank with Feung, use Edwardo and Wynter to heal him. Whenever the bog throws a bomb at one of ur characters, just move him/her to avoid it..

    The golden rule that applies to ANY level is: if u r stucked in a level, go back to previous ones and level ur characters up.. -.-"
  3. JaXxXoN

    JaXxXoN New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    I have a really weird question..

    What'd happen if I already have 20 items (no slots left) and when I beat a level or an arena, will I still get spoils?

    If I do, will it be:
    1. sold automatically so I get more gold;
    2. replace the item in the first slot;
    3. a window popping up asking whether I wanna discard it or replace it with an existing item myself.


    P.s. Please do not tell me to experiment it myself, since I do have all my 20 slots filled with Tier 7 Trinklets and Tier 8 Weapons while all my characters are equipped with Tier 9s. I just can't be arsed getting any one of those again if it is replaced. :(
  4. TiltMyTouch

    TiltMyTouch Well-Known Member

    Jun 10, 2010
    You get a message saying "No slots left" or something like that, and you get no item.
  5. mutisync

    mutisync New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Just beat it with my highest char being 26 and lowest being 24.
    Shepherd Lvl 26 Knight
    Edwardo Lvl 24 Bard
    Gustav Lvl 26 Rogue
    Thistle Lvl 25 Wizard

    Reading about the loot tables, do I need to be a high enough level to use them? I didn't get anything good from the last boss but from reading this thread it seems like I need to be 30-40 before the 'good' stuff starts to drop? Or is that really not the case.
  6. JaXxXoN

    JaXxXoN New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    No, you don't. For example, my secondary Barbarian, Baelrosh, was level 3 when I equipped him with Armageddon Blades (T9), Battlegear of the Blademaster (T9), and two Mystery Eggs (T4). There is no minimal level requirements for characters to be able to equip gears.

    Well, it's better to farm T8 or T9 gears (the unattainable ones from store) in the 3rd Arena. Hence your party needs to be strong enough to ensure 50 or 70 kills for a T8 or a T9 drop respectively. I got my first T9 item, Ivory Staff of the Archmage, almost immediately after I beat the final boss. The levels are irrelevent. However, it is better to take it into consideration, since the higher levels your characters have, the easier it is for you to overcome the 70 kills cap in arena.

  7. Nefretta

    Nefretta Active Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Right behind you...
    #267 Nefretta, Feb 28, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011
    Unpurchasable items

    Tier 8 items can be obtained by getting a score of 50-70 on arena 3, getting a score of 115-140 on arena 2, or by beating the last boss. Two examples of tier 8 items are Pillar of the Venom Lord and Beacon of the Heavens.

    Tier 9 items can be obtained by getting a score of 70+ on the third arena and getting a score of 140+ on arena 2. Three examples of tier 9 items are Ivory Staff of the Archmage, Sanctuary, and Battlegear of the Blademaster.

    I recommend doing the third arena to get some training, and then doing the second arena. The second arena will seem so much easier, but takes more time. If work = force x distance, in battleheart, work = difficulty x time.
  8. Nullroar

    Nullroar Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2010
    Software Rep, Rhyme Guru, Game Editor
    Actually it's very easy to defeat the golem boss at a lower level - just run away when he enrages. His speed is dramatically reduced, so he can't actually catch you. Return to tank+spank when enrage wears off. Takes longer, but it's an infinitely easier strat.
  9. pkt

    pkt Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    I've been running a few tests and it seems that for my level 43 monk it's actually better to equip +speed/%crit trinkets than Eyes/Tomes.

    I've been trying to determing how much damage his Wind Walk and 1000 Palms do against single targets compared to regular punches. I discounted Ki Blast as its damage is just really low anyway (around 1 punch or so). With no trinkets or damage/speed/crit increasing traits, I have about 3.5 punches for 1000 Palms, and 4.5 for WW; decimals might be off a bit but that's the idea.

    That gives me:
    - 1 punch every 0.9 seconds, 1 WW every 40 seconds, 1 1000 Palms every 30 seconds: 1.34 punches per second.
    - With 2 tomes and Solar Strikes: 1.55 pps.
    - With 2 Ninja Gloves (my math checks out at 1 attack every 0.65 seconds) and Solar Strikes: 1.82 pps (without SS: 1.77).
    - Crit% trinkets would give better numbers but less reliability.

    Am I missing something here? Cause the reasoning seems to apply also to other classes...
  10. Kai555

    Kai555 Well-Known Member

    Jul 15, 2010
    What does upgrade in armory means? Not only I have to pay high price for it, it seems to make my character weaker equipped.
  11. tjtoed

    tjtoed Well-Known Member

    Nov 23, 2008
    I think it's actually:
    "Cutoff for T9 in arenas is.... 70 in doomvale, and 140 in brightstone. These numbers were drawn from what we thought was reasonable for most players at fairly high level based on our own testing."
    From the Dev...
  12. trapz123

    trapz123 New Member

    Feb 28, 2011

    The Cleric can't attack right? Then is there a point in upgrading her staff or does upgrading increase her auto healing ability?
  13. mutisync

    mutisync New Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Correct, all magic users spell damage is affected by their weapons attack power.
  14. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    #274 deadclown, Mar 1, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 1, 2011

    those are some interesting numbers. But I don't understand where you're getting the 3.5 and 4.5 from. And is that 4.5 punches per enemy?

    As for item comparisons: Crit % should be the best +damage item for DPS classes, as of the most recent version. Now that specials can crit, it makes their 15% avg increase in dps exactly that. Whereas +15% speed won't boost specials. The +10 attack will only be better than +crit when your attack is lower than 67, if my math is right (and it almost never is).

    That all said: the only reason to go for maximum DPS is boss farming. For Arenas, I'm pretty sure items that increase CCing and/or survivability are what you want. THAT said, if you're farming the Arenas, then DPS becomes important again. :)
  15. pkt

    pkt Member

    Jan 25, 2011
    Oh, well basically, 1 1000 Palms does as much damage to an enemy as 3.5 regular punches to the face. WW does about 4.5 punches' worth (to a single enemy,; it gets spread around when there are multiple around). I figured the numbers out by fighting single orcs on some map - my monk killed them in 6 punches, or WW + 1.5 punches (i.e. 2, but really he had less than a punch's worth in health left before the last hit), or 1000 Palms + 2.5 punches. A bit empirical, but useful.

    My analysis doesn't really change if you take the worst-case estimates of 4 punches for 1000 P and 5 for WW.
  16. Nefretta

    Nefretta Active Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Right behind you...
    Ok thanks I do not have suficient information on brightstone because my scores were always either higher than 150 or lower than 140. I just assumed 150 because it's a landmark number. I edited the numbers.
  17. Dallas

    Dallas New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    #277 Dallas, Mar 2, 2011
    Last edited: Mar 2, 2011
    Hi, all. New member here. Absolutely great game, Mika - you've created an impressively balanced game that has subtleties I'm still discovering after 24+ hours of play.

    One quick question for Mika or anyone else who might know: Do ALL of the T9 items drop (simply determined by a random number generator) in BOTH the Brightstone (140+) and Doomvale (70+) arenas? Or are some T9 items only accessible in one or the other?

    I've farmed Doomvale arena around 40+ times (suicide at 70 kills) and have yet to see the Obsidian Soulcrusher, the Ivory Staff of the Archmage, or the Mantle of the Immortal drop. Meanwhile, I've seen all of the other T9 items drop 3-5 times each. Am I just unlucky on the RNG or do I need to farm Brightstone for them?

    Looking eagerly forward to the next update!
  18. Dallas

    Dallas New Member

    Mar 2, 2011
    Mantle dropped this morning... It appears the RNG just hates me. :)
  19. Nefretta

    Nefretta Active Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Right behind you...
    Wow, the RNG hates you. I've gotten 2 Ivory Staff of the Archmage, 1 Mantle of the Immortal, my brother got 1 Obsidian Soulcrusher, all this was done within 48 hours. I think the RNG is the same for Brightstone and Doomvale. Supposedly 70 on Doomvale is the same difficulty as 140 on Brightstone, but Brightstone is MUCH easier but takes more time.

    P.S. I've been playing for 36 hours.
  20. Hyuga

    Hyuga Member

    Mar 3, 2011
    RNG hates me as well. Got all weapons, but armor hardly drops. Done it maybe 20 times and only got the t9 plate. Guess is the best one to get, since the meat shield takes most hits...

    Have gotten 3 Santuary in a row... Almost threw the iPad out the windows...

    Seriously, awesome game. Best iOS game in my opinion. Can't wait to see what mikamobile has in store next....

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