Battleheart strategy, tips, & tricks

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by Howlix, Feb 3, 2011.

  1. exomega255

    exomega255 Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2011
    If the knight uses revenge when the final boss does his AoE blast, would that reflect all the damage? that would have been a cool thing to test.
  2. horsebot

    horsebot Member

    Apr 25, 2010
    A tip for quick levelling low characters, use a warrior with revenge and a healer + 2 chars you want to boost with +xp trinkets. Go fight the golem boss and use revenge during enrage. You should get 500xp every 2 mins max this way even with 2 level 1s on board.
  3. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Good trick, thanks!
  4. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    So is there a consensus yet on what the best arena team is?
  5. November's Chopin

    November's Chopin Well-Known Member

    Jul 11, 2010
    Is the new update supposed to increase the range at which player characters auto-attack nearby enemies when standing by? I didn't discover any differences? :confused:
    I tested this by having a witch, monk, and barbarian stand like right next to the slime boss (so close their sprites are touching), and they simply refuse to attack unless the slime hits them.
  6. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    IMO best teams are:

    Bard/knight/2xrogue for quickest 70kills for tier9

    Cleric/2xknight/witch for highest kills- revenge+plus the amount of control is amazing!
  7. tanglefast

    tanglefast New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    i've crashed at the 3rd arena two times, somewhere past 65 or 70.

    i've crashed with different parties.

    this time it was the monk, the original knight, the bard and the wizard.

    last time it was the monk, the rogue, the bard, and the witch (i think. sure about the monk and rogue).

    this time the knight and wizard were dead. and i was click either the monk or the bard (i think the bard).

    hopefully you guys can replicate the error and fix it.

    awesome game. my second 5-star game along with plants vs zombies. i also quickly downloaded mika's other two games, which are fun too.
  8. tanglefast

    tanglefast New Member

    Feb 21, 2011
    i like bard/monk/knight/wizard.

    i find the only things i have trouble with are the slimes. the wizard has 3 crowd controls, and the monk has 1 group one, and the bard can't reset that to make 8.

    i also like that ppl will not agree which makes it show how strategic and balanced the game is already.
  9. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    I was thinking wiz instead of 2 knight since dps is greater and blizz is so good. Tho 2xknight is really good vs full archer group :p

    U shouldn't have any prob with slimes with wiz since u can just taunt and kite with knight while others take them down.

    I find bard healing not adequate in high levels esp with archer rounds as he doesn't have invurn or shield. Vigor ticks just aren't enough at that level. Guess using cleric with bard and 2xknight might work with 4 taunts 8 fears and 8 revenge :D cleric could shield and heal bard while both group heal. Dmg would be very low/slow in-between cds tho :p
  10. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Huh, interesting idea. Cleric / Bard / Knightx2 would probably be the hardest party in the game to kill. And pretty darn easy to operate, since you don't have to do much with bard and cleric.

    The downside is that like you said, it would take FOREVER to kill stuff. OMG getting to 70 arena kills would be like over an hour.
  11. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    I love that second composition. Sounds vicious. Do you have one of the knights specced for defense and the other offense?

    Wonder what's better overall...that, or this:

    Cleric / Knight / Monk / Witch
  12. fillie

    fillie Active Member

    Feb 4, 2010
    Both knights spec same defensively, tbh their offensive spec isnt worth using anyway. You want as much cc and survival as possible in high levels You pingpong focus to other tank with full cds ready in tight situation - revenge being your main source of dmg.

    Fights are long tho - like using wiz/knight/cleric/bard pre revenge fix.

    I use Witch cause zone wide horror is awesome while assisting healing and dmg reduction. I use 2xlodestone on knights while 2xcodex on cleric and witch.

    Using monk would increase your dps greatly when focus firing and is easier to target mobs knocked down from Kai blast, tho I find the longer duration knight fear easier for me to top off injured characters and plan next action.

    Only class I wouldn't take into arena is barbarian. Dmg is same if not lower than rogue and they are glass cannons itching to die. Their abilities don't really have much synergy with other classes unless paired with rogue and their cc is ok but not worth the bigger risk of insta dying during enrage.
  13. Nefretta

    Nefretta Active Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Right behind you...
    #213 Nefretta, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2011
    If anyone wants to know how to kill the last boss, this is how:
    You will need a non-melee fighter such as Bromswell, Wynter, or Thistle. I use Bromswell because he can teleport.
    You will need two melee fighters: one with balanced power and armor (tank), and one with much more power than armor. I use Feung and Robin because they look cool.
    You will also need Lucille the cleric.
    All of them should be at least level 30 and have the best weapons that you can get from upgrading (there are also awesome weapons that you cant get from upgrading or the merchant)
    In the keep, they should be in order: Feung, Robin, Lucille, Bromswell
    Feung's moves should be Wind Walk, Ki Blast, and 1000 palms. Robin's moves should be Sneak Attack, Poisoned Knife, and Shadowstep. Lucille's moves should be Group Heal, Shield, and Vengeful Angel. Bromswell's moves should be Meteor, Time Stop, and Thunderbolt.
    When you begin, make Feung in attacking in the front of the boss and Robin in the back. Teleport Bromswell to the botton left hand corner. Walk Lucille to the top right hand corner. Lucille should be continuosly healing Feung under normal conditions. Because they are all spread out, it ensures that a meteor wont blow up two people at the same time. When the boss stars shaking and flashing and making noises you have to move Robin and Feung away or it's a one-hit KO. When the boss disappears, you have to kill the skeletons before the boss comes back out. Use Vengeful Angel on Lucille, and Time Stop on Bromswell, it will help a ton. Use group heal as much as possible.
    Pause and retreat if Lucille dies, or if both Feung and Robin die.
    You can get some of those unpurchasable and almost unacessable items from farming the Throne of Ruin.

    P.S. I got Gloves of Long Death and Echoes of Love Lost

    Attached Files:

  14. Socamonk

    Socamonk New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    I have been playing battle heart a lot and I have been trying to find a good party and I decided Bard,Knight,Wizard,and Barbarian.. What trinkets should I use and skill tree? And is this a good party?
  15. Nefretta

    Nefretta Active Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Right behind you...
    Yes, Socamonk that is a good party. I think you should use 2 Kaimani's bloodstone if you have unlocked it for the wizard, 1 Zara's Signet and 1 Ancient Dragon Tooth (if you have unlocked them) for the knight and barbarian. You can always switch them for your changing needs.
  16. deadclown

    deadclown Well-Known Member

    Apr 13, 2009
    Nice write-up, Nefretta! And welcome to touchArcade :)
  17. towel

    towel New Member

    Jun 1, 2010
    #217 towel, Feb 23, 2011
    Last edited: Feb 23, 2011
    First of all, great game! Really nailed the group RPG in it's most simple form.

    My only complaint is that I find it difficult targeting mobs that are grouped up. For instance, if I group up my squishies for various strategic reasons and a large number of mobs enter the zone, it can be very difficult to target those mobs if they have reached the squishies. Perhaps if I select a dps/tank character that my allies becomes transparent?

    Additionally I don't see why the Knight has his taunt (War Cry) at level 15, when the Monk effectively has it from the get go. To me it means the Monk was more useful and I hardly played the Knight until my other characters were higher level and it mattered less that his taunt came late.

    My strategy for the final boss is a simple one, it is:

    Monk with the 2x30% life stealing trinket
    Cleric with the haste trinkets
    Bard with the no cd trinkets
    Wizard with 2x6second cd reduction

    Cleric heals Monk, Bard buffs Wizard.

    Monk basically stands and tanks, hitting 100 plams when he can, with the Wizard dropping meteor and the ignite spell. Buff the Monk or Wizard with the power buff from the cleric. Then once you have burned all your cooldowns you hit the reset cd ability on the bard and repeat.

    If you are lucky you get a chain of cd resets and you burn down the boss quickly.

    Possible bug/exploit - If you drop an ability on the monk right when the boss does his insta-Kill AOE, the monk is immune.

    When/If the boss splits, use the Monks Wind Fury (is that it?) to hit them all and then focus fire them down. You can use Time stop, but it doesn't matter. Don't use any abilities unless you need to heal but, save them for the boss.

    I'm going to try and drop the cleric and have the Monk fight without healing, his life stealing trinkets should work. If I replace the Cleric with a Witch then their life stealing should also compensate. I'll then switch the Bard to have his basic song heal the whole group and I should be able to burn the boss in seconds.
  18. Benjidatramp

    Benjidatramp New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    I beat the last boss before any of my party turned level 30 - here is how I did it

    Party - Knight, rogue, witch, bard

    Knight level 24 - intimidate, chivalry, warcry, sunder
    Bard level 28 - vigor, gusto, inspiration, healing chords, prestissimo
    witch level 26 - debilitate, life leech, horror, terrifing presence, prey
    Rogue level 27 - expose, critical strikes, shadowstep, pursuit, envenomed

    Bard focus on knight who tanks while witch debuffs with enfeeble and lifedrain. cast inspiration when possible and use rogue skills. Heal through the AOE and move knight and rogue when he does the power up. On adds cast horror with witch and burn. once horror wears off use warcry and shield wall. Adds should just about be finished when boss comes back. Rinse, repeat profit
  19. Socamonk

    Socamonk New Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Ok thanks ya got my wiz to 30 and the rest a little behind because I kept changing my party so yes I can get any of those trinkets... Should i use those trinkets for the arena too? And would this party work to get ~70 in doomvale?
  20. Nefretta

    Nefretta Active Member

    Feb 23, 2011
    Right behind you...
    I suggest doing the "Oozing Dark" level in Brightstone for EXP.

    I don't think the level of your guys affects what you can get. I think the map you are on affects it. That means you should be in Doomvale. Tell me if I'm wrong.

    I'm a boss specialist, not an arena specialist, the only thing I do in the arena is go in with one bard and die on purpose to get items to sell.

    Your party is fine, you have a mage, a healer, a tank, and an melee attacker.

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