i had one crash on the boar. he keeps whipping me tho. i think i need a few more levels before i try him again. when i was entering my name the first time playing i got a freeze to the point i had to restart my ipad. ipad 3.2.2 loving this game! This is what games on IOS should be like!!!
I've put in 2 hours and 12 minutes without a hitch. This is on an up to date iPad. I'm well past the area where people seem to be crashing.
Hmm, I wonder if the iPad doesn't have the same problems. Those of you that are crashing, post what kind of device and what OS you're running. I want to post about this game today, but would like to at least have a somewhat authoritative answer for what's going on with these crashes.
Love this game, well worth the price. Finally a game that is tailored for iOS instead of the other way around. About Gamecenter... I really couldn't care less about it. That being said it might be a good thing since non customers can see that someone is playing/ really likes this game. Kinda another way to promote I guess. Crash Report: I am running an iPod Touch 4th Gen with 4.2.1 I did crash out once, though it wasn't at the boar boss. I have beat him and am merrily on my way. I hope this bug is found quickly, I don't want it to ruin the rep of this awesome game.
@Hodapp -- 4.2, so far haven't made it past the boar. I have an older device with 4.1 but even though it claims to be incompatible with that device people have been playing on it. I am almost to the point of installing on that one to see how far I get but it pains me to lose all the guys I unlocked and gear (that is randomly dropped and I got some good stuff so there is no guarantee I will get it again) and leveled up great and WOULD beat the stupid running boar if it didn't crash. Like I said I have tried lots of combinations of scenarios - characters, spells, quit all multitasking, multiple reboots, a reinstall, etc - all to no avail. A game of this caliber shouldn't be having crashing of any sort on any device.
No crashes at all on my 3GS. Must be one of the lucky ones-- I've clocked about 3 hours already. @New England Gamer It happens unfortunately to the biggest and best out there, and will only get worse as Apple adds more products to its lines. You can tell, even by the small snapshot of the last bunch of posters, people's experiences on even the same model can be wildly different.
Game Impressions If I had only two words to describe this game it would be "It works!". With four I'd say "it works really well." It's a perfect blend of arcade action and final fantasy tactics. Just amazing. New favorite iPad game. A few comments: 1 crash on my iPad. I was using the boar boss to grind levels and on my 6th or so battle after losing my monk I crashed. I'd love it if you could tell in the keep what level the party members were. It's kinda annoying I have to go to the academy to check levels. I'm using Cleric, monk, rogue, knight. It'd have been good to know what the bard did as it's likely my team would have used him. Even with those comments, it's a fine game. Last wish: cloud based saves so that I could use my party on my iPod while I'm out and about today.
My game was crashing on boar boss. i have 3gs 4.2. turned it on airplane mode and it played no prob. Forgot to say great game completely original
Yeah my expectations are too perfect I realize. Probably because I love the game so much! (and waited with high anticipation) I mean no disrespect to the game or to Mika Mobile - it's the frustration talking.
iPhone 4, 4.2, clear memory before playing, and I crash on the boar stage about half the time. Regardless of crashes, that is clearly a poorly balanced stage; I find it hard to understand how it made it past resting as is. I've been grinding over and over on previous stages (my party is levels 6-7) and the closest I've come to beating him is 1/4 health (and then the game crashed). It's a very cool game, but I'm putting it aside until Mika deals with the crashes and hopefully rebalanced the boss fights.
Was under my radar and I didn't realize the game was already out! I see the usual 'suspects' on this thread too (suspects=people I always found on threads about game I follow/buy/enjoy). One question before pressing the buy button...is there any type of story-dialogues-quests? I see 'campaign' in the description, probably referring to a series of battles but...is there any story about it, even if minimal or banal? Dialogues? Cutscens? Many thanks!
No story, no quests, but the battles have a logical sequence (from minions to boss) and there is a bit of back story to set the action.
I keep thinking if I level up more and kill him faster it won't crash! But it crashes with about 1/4 or little less health no matter how fast I get there. My guys are now up to 9-10. Great stuff on them too. Nice Mythril armor. Liking some of the drops I get replaying levels. And to make it clear I am replaying them not to grind but to hopefully pass this crash. It's clearly not working and I probably set myself up for the rest of the levels but oh well, it's fun to play. Add - I agree about the balancing too - the first time I got to that level I was like whoa how the heck are we to beat THAT.