Easy way to make gold. In case you're like me, and constantly trying to better equip your party members, there is an easy way to get gold. Simply have your single lowest stat character (spell casters with no armor) enter the arena and die. No matter your score you will get an item worth anywhere from 18 to 38 gold. After about 30 minutes of this I have just over 1000 gold.
Ah but that takes more time. I just spent 1200 gold upgrading my knight and rogue. Now to take on the slimes...
Not to be the bearer of bad news, but I just had the boar stage crash when I activated the defense skill on my black knight.
Also now am beginning to experience crashes --- mostly on the boar level, which I have yet to get past. Ipod 2G, iOS 4.1. Hope there's a fix soon as I really love the game!
Right right, just that I have just now gotten past the bug boar stage so don't know exactly what is coming next. Just when I "resigned" myself to getting all the characters as leveled up as I could waiting for a patch. Its ok I can still do that.
I've found that keeping your healer at the top or bottom of the screen, your caster at the top or bottom and the melee somewhat in the middle alleviates the problem I had selecting them with a lot of mobs on screen. I just continue to alternate top to bottom with my healer/caster and draw aggro with my melee back to the middle.
@squarezero Might still be related to the same issue, it could also be possible for the reverse to happen - a damage dealer could accidentally target an ally for an instant and lead to a similar crash. I'm pretty sure what we've discovered is the root of most if not all issues people are reporting.
Leaderboards and Achievements would be significant. Have you played a modern video game system? Maybe Steam?
Significant is highly varied / relative depending on the person. Personally, I would like additional content, such as levels, classes, ui tweaks, etc, as opposed to achievements. But, no reason why these two are mutually exclusives (assuming the budget allows for it).
For whatever reason I can't help but think jack black when I hear battleheart. It seriously sounds like something he would say haha.
I hope you're right. All in all the game is great -- best you guys have ever done. I look forward to the update.
I don't care for leadboarders and achievements either...I'd rather more content. Achievements to me are just a way of squeezing the life out of a game rather then add more stuff. "Oh...you got 50 head shots, here's a fake trophy to add to your profile, now try for 100 head shots, that way we won't have to add anymore content"...no thanks.
Do more characters continue to become available at the tavern? The last one I got was the black knight and I haven't seen a new one in quite some time.
I don't think so. MikaMobile plans to add new characters that they always wanted to put in but didn't have time to.
Necromancers? Will they be added to this game? Basically, a sole dark malevolent based wizard type with the ability to summon his own fighters of many and varied types. Kinda like Pokemon with the different summon types! Please?.....erm pretty please? Thanks!