MikaMobile, I'd like to add a suggestion, if I may. Right now, there's nothing to do with all of the gold that we stockpile. I have ~160k, and I bet the poster whose party is 90+ has a ton more. While adding new items to purchase would be nice, people will buy them quickly and end up in the same situation. Instead, I'd like to suggest that following. The game could offer something like a pet (or an aura or whatever) that provides a stat benefit to the whole party, and this pet would be upgraded using gold. The stat that it gave should be something that be upgraded infinitely and doesn't scale. For example, attack/defense/health/regen would all work, but something like crit/haste/movement would not. I really liked how BH doesn't have a hard cap on characters' levels, and I think it would make sense to apply the same idea to the pet. Say the pet gives +1 attack per level, then the gold cost could be scaled such that maybe we'd upgrade the pet once for every several levels our party earns (so that it's not too powerful). This would give players something to do with their gold, and should take a lot less effort than constantly adding new items to the game. Of course, new items are always welcome too. PS: Have you given any consideration to my suggestion of divvying out the exp based upon level (lowest gets the most), rather than by work done? It would really be a lot more convenient to not have to micromanage your party's exp, and it wouldn't affect the gameplay at all.
this is very good idea, something like a totem, or a pet, this also opens the idea for new kind of campaign missions where you have to defend something, like all the enemies are locked on killing a pillar and you have to stop it before they reach it. some kind of diversity
since the zombieville 2 just came out(i bought it), mika mobile can you give us any more information on the new area for battleheart. i know it is early but any information about the new enemies, gear, bosses, etc. would be greatly appreciated. i have bought every game mika mobile has ever come out with and i always will because they have the best games on the appstore.
With the new iCloud backup APIs, it is supposedly rather simple to add. Here's to the hope Mika implements this in Battleheart in an upcoming upgrade!
Yup I def agree with acheivments.... its just something to shoot for. Like say you are kind of bored but you see you can get an acheivment if you level up one a few more times, that will keep a few more people playing this amazing game!
Do you like the kind of tactical party management often found in AAA RPGs, such as Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age and PlaneScape Torment? Yeah, then you really should But be prepared that there is no pause button... Looking for an action-filled and iPhone-adapted combat-focused RTS? Then you should buy it with equal fervor. You like the look of the little dudes in Zombieville, but would like to see them in fantasy garbs? That's reason enough as well.
It would be very nice to get some snippets of update information since ZV2 is out. We wouldn't want to ruin your celebratory vacation. So, nothing necessarily detailed and complicated, just something general to look forward to (new class? higher level abilities?). Thanks
I am still loving this game even after reaching level 30 with everyone and every character has killed the last boss. Just grinding to get some characters up to higher levels for no particular reason. You should add in-app-purchases .. I'd pay real money to get a ring that gives me both attack speed and damage, or some other double power-up combination.
mika mobile since zombieville 2 has been out for a while can you tell us anything new about the update you are planning for battleheart. thanks for the information about the trinkets but im still hungry for more information. anything you might be able to tell us?
Oooh another thing I'd love to see is: The colour of the heroes life bars should be a slightly different brighness or colour to that of the monsters. Sometimes I lose a character because he is losng life amongst a whole pile of monsters and I can't tell whose life bar is decreasing rapidly. Next thing my hero falls down and I cry a little inside.
The monsters have yellow life bars, and your party has green ones for exactly this reason - to easily tell them apart. I'm not sure that changing their brightness would make much of a difference.
Can someone please explain what the hype on this game is all about? I got it when it was new, and completed in a few day. When I killed the last boss there where nothing left to do really, maybe gain some levels, but for what? I already beat the boss. There is hardly any rare loot, there are not New game+ features and all the stages play EXACTLY the same. Yet people are raging on and on on these forums about how great this ga,e is. Did I miss something? I'm just curious.
The gameplay is about 7-9 hours >_> you didn't enjoy playing through it? And how much replayability were you expecting. I don't think any non-casual app on the appstore goes so far enough to have as much as replability as you're expecting.
I'm not talking about what I was expecting, I expected a simple game. I enjoyed parts of it. However, when a game gets over 2300 posts in its forum here on TA, it's something out of the ordinary, and people obviously have some interesting things to discuss . But I don't see anything interesting to discuss. Play it, kill the boss, try a few party members and them you're done. Where is the magic?
pleased that this thread is yet active, cause Battleheart is one of the game that still stays on my phone
Game Impressions HD Gameplay Trailer (iPad 2/First few Minutes of Gameplay): Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
Well people have trouble on certain levels and there are also survival maps which require optimized parties. I can't tell you for sure. The game is indeed good, but a long thread means that there are things to talk about. Look through the thread