Universal Battleheart (by Mika Mobile)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. KeppaNil

    KeppaNil Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    Maybe, just maybe, witch is interchangeable with archer, he can really help with tanking and help w/ kiting. He's good at picking off one person at a time with his skills. although he may not hold up to the CC effectiveness of witch
    do you think bard, paladin and double barbarian is a good team? i lack casting and much CC power, but I'm crazy with dps :D
  2. KeppaNil

    KeppaNil Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    I think it is intended since there is no damage, divine intervention just gives you a little bit of time to sort things out-so you have to aggro manually
  3. Yomi

    Yomi New Member

    Jul 31, 2011
    My bad..

    I have apps from two iTunes accounts on my phone, and apparently I only typed in one of the passwords when updating xD
  4. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    well, the damage is not the problem, so it's just a thing of how to compensate the missing aoe cc. havent figured out yet how to get it with another class... time stop is a valid replacement for horror but i need the damage reducing buff, which can get cast on multiple targets if lucky with eyeballs.

    But two barbarians... are you sure you can perform with this? There's like no support then.
  5. Tojansen

    Tojansen Member

    Aug 1, 2011
    #2305 Tojansen, Aug 1, 2011
    Last edited: Aug 1, 2011
    Hello Mika,

    I just registered here to write down some things regarding Battleheart.
    First off, I downloaded it on Day 1 and it's just the game I always wanted to play. (I had planned to do something like this for like forever, but doing all the code and all the graphics in a timely manner alone is such a tremendous task..besides, i never quite found a starting point to it)

    Being a long-time WoW Player, I adore your boss designs. Really looking forward to upcoming bosses. :) (Its definitly my highlight in this game!)

    The new patch was just plain awesome!
    However, I really like the Paladin but I see him more as a Off-Tank, because of two reasons:
    - No Mass-Taunt
    - The 25% Defense boost screwing aggro calcs

    Both can be fixed rather simply:
    - Radiance does very little damage. This is not a hard taunt but enlists the paladin to the active 'who has the most armor' calcs, just like the monks storm move
    - The 25% defense boost includes the paladin. This makes it more relevant for the tanking and makes sense, being a global aura and all, but most important, armor math is good again.

    I hope these things turn out to be relevant for you, It would make the paladin a better tanking choice without changing very much. :)

    Regarding the Bard Def Boost from his buff, just make it matter for threat if the talent for +def is chosen and ignore it if its counterpart is chosen. Before reaching LVL10, its up to you how to handle it.

    As a general note: Seeing as the game now consists of 3 ranged classes and three tanking classes, the next logical installation would be to add a (main) heal/support class and a new melee class.
    Ideas are everywhere to be found, but here's my take on a melee and healer:

    Druid, able to choose between tank form and melee dps form. talents specialize for one or the other or a hybrid of both. Talents always let you choose between def and off.
    Mechanically, implementing the shapeshift:
    Pressing the Shapeshift-Skill in battle transforms you until pressed again.

    Sample Tree:

    Lvl 0:
    Cat Form (?)
    --> Transforms you into a tiger-esque form.
    (changes attack speed and base damage)

    lvl 5:
    AoE Skill

    Lvl 10:
    armor boost
    power boost

    lvl 15:
    screen-wide aoe (pseudo taunt with high armor)
    CC skill

    lvl 20:
    Speed+haste boost
    Crit boost

    lvl 25:
    bear form
    --> ~30% more armor, less base dmg and possibly alterd atk speed

    lvl 30:
    15% more health in bear form
    stacking bleedings in cat form


    Support Idea:

    Melee / Heal Hybrid

    Think enhancer shaman that heals the group.
    Dual wielder, choices between pure dps and utility //support
    big elememtal theme

    sample tree:
    Lvl 0:
    Stormstrike-esque ability
    Medium melee strike that heals the party slightly.

    lvl 5:
    Buff that lets you heal the group with your basic attacks for 10secs
    slight whole-screen aoe (basically mirrored move) buff

    lvl 10:
    more heal
    more haste

    lvl 15:
    strike that puts a heal-over-time on the whole party for a medium amount
    powerful singletarget attack, possibly little cc like cyclone

    lvl 20:
    heals also place a 5% power buff on the party
    heals place a 10% absorb

    lvl 25:
    ghost wolf
    --> pet that attacks with the shaman

    lvl 30:
    ghost wolf aoe heal
    ghost wolf bigger singletarget damage

    Sorry for the rough sketches, but you get the idea.

    Also, from a personal perspective, I would like to see a boss that disappears to spawn 4 diffrent adds with fairly high hp that go togetger like the slime but defeating an add would remove on of the bosses abilities in the main phase (color-coding the abilities to let the player glimpse at what function the adds fulfill)
    also, 20% execute phases would be sweet, like continous aoe damage or ever-increasing adds that buff each other. The goal is to use all cds to burn the boss down from then on or kite him or run from a big explosion etc etc.

    The biggest wish i have is a boss rush mode, with ever-increasing strength or a heroic boss mode, featuring new dramatic phases but damage and life that scales with your level.

    Looking forward to ZV 2!

    Greetings, keep it up


    NINJA EDIT: and for the love of god, please make the next classes in-apps, The game is such a steal and all ppl here just want to give you something back for the time and immense polish you put into all of your games. :)
    (just please never go down the ridiculous premium currency mode that is abused so much)(then again, reading your blog and all, you probably would implement something in the lines of tiny tower, which is quite perfect.)

    If you seek to explore diffrent revenue options, try the system League of legends uses. :)
  6. Madkipz

    Madkipz Member

    May 12, 2011
    Yes! Zombieville 2 is gonna be so awesome!
  7. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    As I would totally agree with some IAP methods just to thank you, I'd like to suggest integrating a donations button, as maybe 0.99$ may be too much for just one or two heroes, but I would gladly pay something more for the product itself, as a thank you for creating such beautiful stuff. I'm sure many people will be willing to donate you some cashies. ;)
  8. K-Dog

    K-Dog Well-Known Member

    Apr 29, 2011

    Possible idea for a future update - after all the great updates mentioned so far of course! Love this game!

    Create an evil campaign / map world as well. Create evil "heroes" out of the current enemies with their own abilities, items etc.

  9. KeppaNil

    KeppaNil Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    I haven't really been playing the team that long but I see your point about support and also I agree that wizard is a decent solution to your problem if you can use codex
  10. nicoga3000

    nicoga3000 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Structural Engineer
    Indianapolis, IN
    Alright, I'll bite. I'm re-downloading this. :)
  11. GregB

    GregB Well-Known Member

    Sep 4, 2009
    Doubt you will regret it. From the thread you can see the hard-core players are into the game and love it. I'm not hard core and enjoy it very much as a casual player. It's awesome!!!
  12. nicoga3000

    nicoga3000 Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2010
    Structural Engineer
    Indianapolis, IN
    I bought it back when it first came out and loved it, but like everyone else, my backlog started to grow. I guess something came out that stole my attention! :| But here I am started completely fresh - already super <3 the Ranger!
  13. MystikSun

    MystikSun Well-Known Member

    Dec 18, 2009
    With the new update, I'm starting to play this game again ^_^ The Paladin and Ranger are great additions to my party.
  14. KeppaNil

    KeppaNil Member

    Jul 28, 2011

    Hey Mika,

    i found this one glitch where the screen looks like your still activating a skill. it was dark and didn't stop until the end of the game. what happened was that i activated garrick's savage pounce twice(no cooldown) and all of a sudden i couldnt select anyone anymore, i could still move people tho and the game went on going. and the golem wouldnt attack garrick at all :confused:
    I have a screenshot.

    Attached Files:

  15. Guzzyo

    Guzzyo Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    Any Zombieville 2/Battleheart news? :)
  16. MikaMobile

    MikaMobile Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    @KeppaNil - that's an interesting one. I'll see about addressing it in an upcoming bug fix patch. Obviously you're not supposed to be able to cast savage pounce (or anything for that matter) while you're already flying through the air, and doing so would probably cause a freakout like that.

    @Guzzyo - Z2 is cruising along, we just finished the in-game UI (health bar, ammo counter, score, on screen buttons, etc.) and will be adding destructible objects in the environment this week. Rather than acquiring ammo and money from hiding in houses this time, you'll come across stuff to blow up which will leave behind goodies. Trash cans, parking meters, etc.

    If you don't already, you can follow us on twitter @MikaMobile to get regular updates. I check these forums from time to time, but won't be reporting our progress frequently here until we're really close to submission.
  17. FictionalCharacter

    FictionalCharacter Well-Known Member

    Feb 18, 2011
    just wanted to stop by and say thanks for the update. above and beyond the call of duty.
  18. Booch138

    Booch138 Well-Known Member

    Apr 28, 2009
    Data-Entry Operator
    Coolidge, AZ
    Loving BH, but Z2 sounds amazing, and my wife and I thoroughly enjoyed the first. Can't wait!
  19. itouchbd

    itouchbd Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    do you plan on doing any other skins for characters

    mika mobile do you plan on making new skins for characters like how there is the normal knight and the black knight, i would really be interested in a second monk, witch, and archer maybe. you did say zombieville 2 would be done by the summers end right?
  20. J.Leson

    J.Leson Well-Known Member

    Nov 27, 2010
    I want to make sure this gets read. Awesome suggestions!

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