Hey, Mika ! Once Again, a word to say : Great Job , this game is still by far my favourite on iOS - Very Cute graphics (i love when the characters jumps or when they are eye blinking , too cute ! ) , powers GFX are very well done too. - Ranger & Valkyrie err Female paladin are a very nice threat for us , thanks a lot for the update My request, if i should suggest one is to add more ennemies / boss maybe ? well a new map :b (but this is requiring a lot more work probably than adding character classes.) And sorry for my bad english i hope you'll continue to support Battleheart *thumbs up* (as some people suggested don't hesitate to add IAP content , like 0.99$ for a new character class or 1.99$ for a new map )
For the suggestion of adding a Cannon Shooter. First of all, the class could be: Cannoneer~ Default ability: "Blazing Bullet": Fires a Cannon Ball that's lit on fire dealing 170% damage to 1 enemy. All enemies close by will recieve some damage, aswell. Level 5 abilities: "Ensnare": Throws a net over an enemy, making it unable to move & attack for 5 seconds. 30 seconds cooldown. (Does not work on boss-mobs) "Poison Dart": Fires a huge poisoned dart at a single target, dealing damage over time and decreasing it's speed. Level 10 abilities: "Haste": Increases the Cannoneer's movement speed by 25%. "Speed reload": Increases the Cannoneer's firing rate by 20%. Level 15 abilities: "Blast": Pushes a single-target enemy backwards (pretty far), and stunning him for 2 seconds. Disabling it's movement. 25 second cooldown. (Couldn't think of a name for this skill, and since this character would have no melee attacks, this skill could be used to push close-by enemies away from the Cannoneer!) "Triple Shot": Fires 3 consecutive cannon balls at a single-target enemy. Each projectile deals 90% damage. (Fires 3 bullets -really- quickly.) 30 second cooldown. (No splash damage.) Level 20 abilities: "Cannon Mastery": All basic cannon shots deal 15% more damage. "Marksman": Blazing Bullet deals 40% more damage. (Total 210%) Level 25 ability: "Swiftness": Both movement speed and firing rate increases by 10%. Level 30 abilities: "Eagle Eye": Gives the Cannoneer a 40% chance to deal critical damage. "Paralyze": Increases the stun effect of Blast even further more, the enemy will remained stunned for an additional 2 seconds (total 4 seconds). ___________________________________ This was just my take on the "Cannon Shooter", suggested by Tower Defender. ^ Original post.
Lost all my saves... Really crossing my fingers Apple expands Gamecenter's functionality to store your progress in the "cloud."
hmm that's odd... mine were kept in tact when i updated =\ i guess the only way to back up saves is to jaibreak. honestly, it's stupid how apple is doing that because if people could backup saves, they'd buy more games since they can delete games. now people won't delete their games because they're afraid of losing their data..
No. I ran into that once or twice while playing, thought I found the reason and fixed it... I guess his attention span needs a little more work.
darn that slime I can't get past that damn slime boss...! After each battle I always feel like I wanted to collect more gold so I can be more active in the shop/upgrade screen. Very nice game though
boss ideas though many great new class ideas have been made, what about potential new bosses for the game. i think an ogre type monster with a two handed club/sword could be a good boss a demon(don't have any idea on moves or anything but a possibility) a dragon, typical fire breathing no other ideas for it a picture i found gave me some inspiration it was death on a ghostly/skeleton horse http://cache2.artprintimages.com/p/LRG/8/807/CUNI000Z/art-print/fourth-horseman.jpg
Best iOS Game! Definitely favourite game on iOS. Would happily pay for further content, look forward to whatever comes next! Here's some good (!) and some obvious ideas for updates - including shamelessly mentioning great ideas from elsewhere in this forum : - More levels, or at least a scaled-up difficulty for repeat playthroughs. - More bosses. - More items, weapons etc. and abilities for original cast. - Customisable appearances, naming of characters. - More efficient inventory / character management. - Co-op. - Classes, classes, classes - such as....(just ideas, excuse unimaginative names!) = Shapeshifter - uses barefists, changes into fantasy-ish creatures - dragon, minotaur, serpent etc. for various abilities/buffs. = Animal person - uses whips, can call on animal buddies for one-off strikes/defense/other assistance - wolf, bear, tiger, eagle etc. = Tribesman - uses spear, can call on a spirit-double to attack. Magicky-type class, can use voodoo buffs. Decent range with spear, but weak armour. = Trickster/Harlequin/Jester person - uses throwing knives, specialises in counter attacks, traps and decoys. Weak power, but can escape/evade quickly. = Gunslinger - uses one-shot reload pistol, other abilites brings out shotgun blast, dual pistols, gatling cannon etc (ye olde style guns). Powerful ranged class, but slow reload and weak up close. If dual-wielding ability, auto-aims at nearest second target. = Mounted class - uses joust - rides a [horse]. Quick, heavy-armoured, but has slow turning circle and can get knocked off. Jousty-abilities are more powerful with longer run-up. = Strongman - uses chained mace, a huge guy, very slow rate of attack and movement but very powerful and weapon can hit multiple enemies in same swing. A high level ability could be to pick up an enemy and throw it at another enemy. = Amazonian - uses twin daggers, acrobatic and super quick. Up-close fighter. = Engineer - has a primitive mechanical arm and leg. Uses bombs and gadgets. = Ninja or Samurai - uses katana, ninja stars or nunchuks, close and ranged attack options. All-rounder. That's it for now, hopefully some of these sound ok as initial ideas. LOVE....THIS....GAME!
Update didn't install properly. Opened up the app after updating it, and went to the tavern. Empty. Did a battle and checked again, still empty. Closed app and checked again, nope. I want the ranger :< P.S.: Exp table for level-ups would be nice. I stopped playing after hitting 50... Maybe arena matches should give exp?
Mini-guide to arena farmin' (or stage completing) The classes/items/skills I find that best help to win arenas for teh itemz: Rogue with two lifesteal items. Skills don't matter too much, but note the armor-decreasing one isn't much of a help, and you probably want one of the dagger throws for increased crowd control. Cleric with two attack speed items. Heals like a mofo. However, two magic power items works if you don't have a good staff. Combined with the rogue's lifesteal, more tanky than a knight and more damage. Just requires more moving (no taunt). Two mages/wizards with cool-down ignore items. Concussive shockwave, time stop, conflagrate. Kill before killed. Be quick with abilities and aggro-ing. Spam away with the wizards (save one time stop for emergencies). Target archers first, then healers. And kite kite kite those dang slimes (rogue can NOT take two hits in a row). Tweak the items/skills for normal stages.
class ideas for a spearman i think you could do it but also have two different skins for it to be more content, i think a spartan and a zulu warrior could both be spearmen with shields. they would have upper average defence not quite tanks though above average attack and used range well. both use shields for offence as well as defence. both use short swords for improvised weapon if and when you use the skill to throw spear( you pick the spear up after the enemy is dead and it is sticking out of the dead body of your enemy) spear can go through the enemy for a late skill and cause heavy bleedout but also takes a while to rip the spear out of the enemies body. both are very good leaders and could cause your allies to raise attack. a polearm warrior could be the samurai and some sort of special guard. defence is not very high but the range would allow hits to get in before the enemy closes the distance. one special would be to use a bow to get an extremely accurate shot in the shoulders to decrease the attack speed of the enemy(yumi bow for samurai) both would use chains kusarigama for samurai and ball and chain for guard. the samurai would use the kanabo for an skill while the guard used a warhammer. another class i think would be good is a gladiator type warrior also mika mobile tell us of any of these class ideas that spark interest to you i would gladly pay for an iap for this game, keep up the good work the content is worth it and can't wait fo the new area and the enemies and boss(es)
Just wanted to thank you guys for making such a beautiful game. Even after playing for hours and being struck in the wiki, Battleheart is like the heart of my Games homescreen, alongside OMG! Pirates, Tilt to Live and GloBall. Seems to me that Indie developers understand more of how to develop a game suited for a mobile device rather than the big publishers do (always converting title 1, title 2 and just trying to get a 3D experience... at all costs). Keep doing what you're doing, your games have a very personal and sympathetic signature. It's rare to find apps which can live without facebook and twitter stuff (but I guess you guys know that most of us know where to find you).
Have you tried making a new save and playing a couple levels? They should both appear in the tavern if someone in your roster is level 3 or higher. Over 150,000 people grabbed the update in it's first two days, and you're the first to mention such a problem, so I'm not sure what's up.
Brightstone Arena Challenge Can anyone beat my best of 217 at Brightstone? Team is Lvl 55 Monk, Lvl 53 Cleric, Lvl 52 Bard and Lvl 30 Ranger
i got 210 with ~30 toons, but my save is gone with that count. however, my setup was knight (full def), bard (perma-songs), witch (horror/eyeball-proc-action!) and monk (offensive but with crowd control skills). above 170 i nearly kited everything, archers were chainfeared and cc'd to the ground and some slimes killed themselves with shield wall reflection (only one at once above 150). but i have problems integrating one of the two new classes in my arena build since i need my knight for taunt, kite and tank/reflect stuff, my witch for fear(and -procs, repositioning archers)/dmg debuff, my bard for tank survivability and automatic group heal/dmg buffs and my monk for those 3 cc's (aoe snare, close range aoe knockback and single target knockdown) and dps.
I was just reading through and I've noticed a few things that trigger the Terrier to run away: While playing on the side of the screen, the Terrier will sometimes move to attack behind the mob and start attacking it out of the screen. When this happened, he ran away. (this happens more frequently than the latter) When the Terrier was running towards a mob and that mob died, he kept running (assuming the Ranger was not attacking anything else) I had move my Ranger so he would follow me again. It happened while using Aimed Shot to finish off a skeleton warrior. As far as future updates: I'd be more than happy to pay for a future update. This game is wonderful and if there was Co-Op or online multiplayer...of if this was somehow an MMO, I'd be sure to check it out. Other than more levels/worlds and a "hard-mode," I think another pure-healing class like the cleric would be cool. Maybe like a druid or a shaman? The Paladin is great, but is meant to tank/do damage and support with healing. The druid could be like a cleric/bard mix (in the sense of heal-over-time on a CD and the "attack" is the heal). The shaman could be like the cleric with Totem cooldowns that do different things to provide buffs. I dunno; just spitballin'. Either way, keep up the great work, Mika! Love the game and can't wait to see what more you have in store for us
Possible paladin bug. Idle ranged units normally respond to skeleton archers when shot. However, divine intervention stops wizard/archer from agroing when attacked, as the damage is redirected and they don't feel a thing. Can't tell if bug or intended. -_-