Universal Battleheart (by Mika Mobile)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Haruhi, Feb 1, 2011.

  1. gwet17

    gwet17 Well-Known Member

    Jan 11, 2011
    Just want to confirm, does the new update have two new characters or two new classes?
  2. Guise

    Guise Well-Known Member

    Jul 10, 2009
    I 2nd this 1st post.
  3. Madkipz

    Madkipz Member

    May 12, 2011
    How about a character that uses gunpowder? Such as a Musketeer? With extreme precision, high damage but very low health? :)
    Just to give the game another feel!
  4. Deity X

    Deity X Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2009
    Gota agree on this one. Don't screw with what makes some of the best games on the app store.
  5. meatz666

    meatz666 Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2010
    Software Developer
    Hi Mika!

    I own all of your iPhone games, and I'm really excited about Battleheart update and Z2. Thank you for making such well polished and fun games. My favorites are OMG Pirates and Battleheart.

    So, I have a question, from one developer to another. Maybe you'll not answer since I understand that you need to make a living, but maybe you can help a starting iOS developer. Your graphics and animations are gorgeous and unique, so this is something that nobody can copy. But I really wanted to know which framework and technologies you use to make your games... Do you use Sparrow, Cocos2d or Unity? Did you guys developed a graphic framework using OpenGL from scratch? Being a Java Developer, with a Flash background, I'm really having a hard time on developing directly with OpenGL.

    Can you give your input on that?

    And guys, sorry about this technical question! ;)
  6. MikaMobile

    MikaMobile Well-Known Member

    Feb 14, 2009
    @meatz666 - we use Unity.

    @Madkipz - a gunpowder-based guy could be cool too. Might be tough to make him feel sufficiently different from other existing damage dealers (particularly the Ranger) but I'm sure with some thought it could get there.
  7. Madkipz

    Madkipz Member

    May 12, 2011
    His special abilities could be anything from throwing classic pirate grenades to calling in seagull attacks :)
    ( however that is if he were to be a pirate themed guy )!
  8. SailorSimon

    SailorSimon Active Member

    Dec 15, 2010
    Does the new update have new levels?
  9. makitango

    makitango Well-Known Member

    Feb 6, 2011
    #2209 makitango, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    Apple needs to f***ing get their asses together and approve that update. These apple policies are just sick. -.-

    Besides, I appreciate that you guys do not integrate facebook and twitter stuff as well as avoiding open feint and/or gamecenter (having complaints about this one since it allows multiplayer). It ensures to only have the necessary and good stuff in it and the game works faster, especially at the startup.
  10. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011

    Never again will I wait for a update like this again lol for a week and a half or so now I have been hoping every day that it might show up. Of course it hasnt and it feels like a roller coaster. :(
  11. florhackson

    florhackson Well-Known Member

    Nov 18, 2010
    Have you thought of having the zombieville character as being a usuable character in battleheart? I would love it, and it would bring some cross appeal(not what you are going for, as you go where ever your direction leads you)
  12. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    #2212 Tower Defender, Jul 28, 2011
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2011
    Maybe the gunpowder user can push around a cannon on wheels of some sort.

    Speed would be incredibly slow, since he has to move around a cannon.

    The guy can be extremely muscular to move it and have a lot of health.

    It has no real close range defensive measure except a slow punch or swing of the fist, so this unit has to be defended by other units.

    Otherwise all of his abilities would rely on splash damage and long range bombardment from the cannon. The cannon will fire slowly, but deal extreme damage that affect a vast damage radius.

    Skills can upgrade rate of fire, different type of cannon balls, like a freeze cannon ball, a fire cannon ball, a precision cannon ball (Always hits its mark, even against teleporting enemies, dealing heavy damage, but no splash damage).

    The weapons choice upgrades the cannon type being used.
  13. eflin

    eflin Well-Known Member

    Mar 24, 2011
    An interesting idea with a lot of thought put into it... but unless the cannon magically didn't hit your guys this would be very hard to play around. And if it did magically miss your guys it wouldn't make a ton of sense.

    Either way keep up the great work Mika. I'm going to have to check out zombieville 2 based on my experiences with battleheart!
  14. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Just like how the monks spin move magically misses all of your guys as well? I don't think friendly fire being turned off is a big issue.
  15. jayversuszombies

    jayversuszombies New Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    I can't wait for the two new characters, just looking at their pics gets me all excited! :))
    but Mika, the next time you make new characters again, i think it should be support-oriented characters next like the bard and cleric. It just kills my soul to see my cleric, for example, so high in level in comparison to the other members of the party. Even just a palette swap char for a cleric would do :)

    This game is just fantastic to say the least. also, i love how lots of people are throwing in ideas for new characters. some of them are pretty imaginative. pirates, ninjas and dragoons. i love em all.
  16. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    Well the new paladin class seems like a support type character.
  17. Madkipz

    Madkipz Member

    May 12, 2011
    I support this idea, but the character should still be medieval (somewhat), no modern stuff please :)
  18. Guzzyo

    Guzzyo Well-Known Member

    Sep 30, 2009
    Class Ideas

    - Zombie: As a tribute to zombieville and its sequel, The zombie character is taken directly from the games. This character has slow movement, heavy damage and high health. Special Abilities could include...
    : Braaaaains (Attacks all foes with a munchy brain in them, knocking them backwards and damaging them... This will not harm targets like skeletons)
    : Adrenaline (Gives the zombie glowing red eyes and a darker green skin tone (like the elite zombies from zombieville) this slows movement speed by 50% but a gives 50% attack damage boost for 20 seconds)

    - Ninja: Uses smoke bombs and throwing stars to outmaneuver its targets

    - Pirates: Uses canons and its trusty parrot to attack foes

    - Shapeshifter: Can become different creatures and has a fast movement speed.

    - Ogre: This tank has slow speed and poor accuracy but uses its heavy wooden club to fling enemies across the battlefield, damaging them greatly. Special Abilities can be...
    : Smash (Gives of one hit which damages 500% of a normal hit)
    : Focus (Boosts Accuracy by 50% for 20 seconds)

    More Ideas:
    - More maps
    - More skills for existing characters (maybe up to lv 50?
    - Also, it would be cool if you added more story pieces and small intervals like the beginning piece of the game, where you are introduced to the knight and the cleric.
    - Multiplayer (duh ;) )
  19. Tower Defender

    Tower Defender Well-Known Member

    Apr 2, 2009
    It can be a Asian individual. Gunpowder was invented by the Chinese waaaaay back. Medieval times apply :).
  20. itouchbd

    itouchbd Well-Known Member

    Jun 23, 2011
    class idea

    i think as samurai would be a good asian warrior, possibly a ninja also but the samurai could use the naginata or yari(both polearms) which would allow a more ranged close combat character( the character would be allowed to get in one more hit than usual until the enemy gets close enough) also for skills the samurai could use the yumi longbow for 1 or more skills. In addition another skill could be the use of a chain weapon such as the kusarigama or manriki. the samurai was very well trained and was always ready to die in battle which could be another possible skill. An asian warrior would be very interesting along with all the other ideas you guys have.

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