Perhaps I misunderstood and you can clarify. Were you, or were you not, complaining that Battleheart was finite in design and ended?
Not quite sure how I can be any clearer than the original post, or my response to your post. Take what you said to me and reverse the meaning 180 degrees to the polar opposite, and you'll be on the right track. I was no more complaining about its design than I was commenting on The Davinci Code or the Treaty of Versailles. Heck, I wasn't even directly commenting on its design in any way. Your mis-aimed retort at my post couldn't have been more off base if you had deliberately tried to make a non-sequitur response. Is that clear enough?
Mika, I got a quick story to tell you. Saturday night, I had a cook out at my place with a bunch of folks. Most of them Gen Xers, who have, to be clear, seen a video game or two in their lifetimes. One of them, a buddy of mine named Nick, was asking people what their top three favorite video games of all time were. Right off, I named Diablo II and Final Fantasy Tactics. For the third pick, he had to wait a moment, because I was weighing two good options. I ended up not picking World of Warcraft, and instead told Nick my number three is Battleheart. Swear to god, that happened two nights ago. (And part of the reason might have been because I was [and am] anticipating the update. So, once again, great job on producing and supporting such a fantastic game)
No of course not, because you didn't really clear up anything with your reply. You just sassed me instead (although in doing so you at least answered my question so that's a start). After your first reply I did go back and reread your post. I still read it in a similar way, as I did originally, so I asked for clarification. I figured something with the nature of written text had given me a completely different "tone" then you were intending. In any case I'm going to assume I won't get any more clarity from you so I'll just move on. However I do apologize for the misunderstanding and my vented annoyance against you. It seems it was misdirected. Sorry.
I have to agree with C.Hannum. If he criticized anyone, it was people who bought a game for $3, played and enjoyed it for 30 hours, and then started complaining that there's not enough there. No matter how many times I look at his posting, I can't imagine how you can find any criticism of the game, in it. It's hard to know how else to reply.
Ding ding ding, we have a winner It's amazing to me anyone could criticize a game that for $3 captures much of the essence of party creation and tactics of more time consuming, complex endeavors like MMOGs and traditional PC RPGs. People should be thankful to have found and experienced such a polished effort for so little money, not bitching that $3 didn't get them 60 hours of entertainment or that MikaMobile didn't just slap on another 10 character levels without the level of balance so evident in the original game just so they could grind it for the sake of grinding.
*shrug* Fair enough. I obviously just saw something no one else did. Perhaps others have the benefit of following this enough thread, where as I just hop in every so often. Whatever case I am sorry for the misunderstanding and I'm not going to pick apart the post of someone's who's opinion mirrors my own (it seems), in an effort to defend myself. I'm going to go back to lurking now. Take care
Mika, please call me at xxx-xxxx-xxxx when the game is approved. I am THAT EXCITED... Can't wait to see how the integration with the existing characters will work out in terms of level... I hope they dun appear in the tarvern at Level 5.... Any hints on maps, treasures/equipment, monsters?
I would be honest me and mika have clashed heads on developer theories in the past. But if anyone complains about this game they are ultra stupid and crazy. This is a steal at $2.99 its worth $20 bucks at least. You guys are getting too greedy , this is a solid game period.
Still not out yet? Dang. Any word from Mika on any of there other games? Zombieville 2 sounds awesome.
lol Man you guys are jonesing and someone told me to keep my pants on ...... Glad to see I am not the only one wanting this update