I've been saying "this summer", which is still as precise as I can be. At a minimum, the Battleheart update will have the ranger and paladin, though I'd like to add a new zone with a couple new bad guys and some appropriate loot too. We'll see. Zombieville 2 is the "main project" at the moment, since its been overdue for a much longer time, so it takes priority while I work on them in parallel.
Sweet, looking forward to the update. It's a bit hard to tell from the picture, but am I correct to assume that you decided to go with the female paladin?
So. F!@#$%. Cute. Can't wait! Battleheart is probably my very favorite app store game. I'm anxious to give you guys more money for more content! (And I STILL think you need to throw some quick achievements in there, if possible. It seems like such a low-impact, quick way to give players something to do while they wait!)
Well, you won't have to wait real long for the Paladin and Ranger, after talking about it we've decided to just release the two of them as soon as the Paladin is done, rather than waiting until a new map and Zombieville 2 are complete. It just seemed a little silly to sit on stuff that's already done and playable. She's pretty far along, so I think we'll probably submit the update which includes the two of them, and a bunch of revisions to the Barbarian, by the end of this coming week. The barbarian was originally intended to be a high-damage, low-utility class. I think he fit the bill alright, but he had a couple of really stupid abilities (like reckless blow, which more than likely just got him killed) and his total lack of stuns or other crowd controlling moves made him less desirable than, say, a wizard or rogue. So we buffed him in a lot of little ways.
^ glad to hear you're working very diligently! i'm excited for the update. you definitely deserve all the praise that's coming to you for making an awesome game like this
im really glad to see this! this has been my fav game when it came out but sadly got bored of playing it after playing it to the EXTREME! gonna start trying this again when those 2 come out
My guess is that Battleheart needs more than two classes to recapture the interest of many players, and to offer long-term appeal. Good thing for me I have barely begun scratching the surface of this brilliant game, so that I might enjoy it regardless
The design of the game is brilliant, and adding in new classes and tweaking existing ones will go a long way toward extending the existing game for most (since I'd wager most never ground every single class and/or character to max level, max equipment). But, and it's a big one, there is absolutely nothing about the core design that equals long-term, nor is there anything you can logically add to the core design that can equal true long-term. Every map is a single screen "arena" (and then there are the arenas themselves, also just a single endless one screen arena). There is no story and/or campaign per se, and every character and class is unlocked after around 2 hours with the game. One of the things that I've really come to respect about MikaMobile's game designs is that they're not overly complex or extensive, but what there is is impeccably tweaked and balanced to give an uber refined experience. I'd much rather have proper additions and tweaks than just time sinks even if they don't appease the crowd that ground the initial material to 100% months ago. It was $3 tops and nearly perfectly done, just how many hours of that quality were the naysayers expecting?
I'd argue Battleheart already offers long term appeal. Most players tell me it takes them around 10 hours to play through the game already, and a lot of folks have fun going back and playing again with new party combinations, etc. Still, some folks expect $2.99 to buy them a lifetime subscription to fun. Can't please everyone. The idea is to deliver a new map with some new enemies and loot alongside Zombieville 2. Rather than hold the two completed classes until then, we figured we'd just release them asap.
That sounds jolly good Mika. It's been so long since I first saw the picture of the Ranger you released on your Twitter. I was freaking out, ha. If you ever plan on releasing yet -another- new class, I would personally love to see a gunslinger, sort of like a pirate with dual wielding handguns, much like the ones from early 1700s- Cheers!
I've put about 60 hours into Battleheart. I did literally everything there is to do in that game, I think. (okay, okay, I might have missed a handful of weird party combinations) I would absolutely say that's great long-term value. But it could be extended so easily! Achievements! Just...add...friggin'...achievements! Yeah, I'm a damned broken record. So what? Here's the deal: I WANT to play Battleheart. Half the time I skim through my games, my initial instinct (still!) is to crack 'er open. But my second thought is: why? I've done all there is to do. My point? ALL I NEED is the tiniest incentive to play. Just an ITTY BITTY reason is enough to get me slapping that little thief around again. Don't you see? I will play for as long as you give me a reason to do so. And I KNOW I'm not alone in having GC achievements occasionally be the tipping point feature for purchasing a game.
Yea, achievements rules... I remember how people called me in WoW - "Achievement whore" D for I couldn't stop doing my 40 exalted reputations with my freshy death knight ^^ or get these damn 100 mounts... I guess achievements could greatly improve this game... new classes pwns - paladin 'blood elf' for the win!
I'd much rather have the Mika Mobile spend their time on new content (classes and areas) than work on implementing achievements. Not to say achievements are bad because it does add some elements of replayability into a game, I'm just stating where my thoughts lie.