Universal BattleHand (By Kongregate)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Apr 11, 2015.

  1. stlredbird

    stlredbird Well-Known Member

    May 21, 2009
    Why is this on the best new games list on the app store?
  2. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    #42 S3Styles, Jan 9, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    Been playing the game heavily and want to share some of my thoughts. The game concept is great but the IAP and currency aspect of the game ruins it. I know the company has to make money but this is a bit too much. For anyone interested, I will spoil it for you. Once you hit Fame rank 6, you WILL HIT A PAY WALL. The newer levels, namely later levels in Waterways and Twilight Tomb mobs are insanely powerful. That is coming from a guy who has Rare cards that are doing 300 dmg for 3 turn cost. Leveling your hero at this point will only grant you more HP.. but the cards are what's most important. How do you earn most of the Diamonds? By progressing through the game or spending money. In other words, you're stuck playing the old levels over and over and over.. for no reason really.

    Arena works fine, luckily it doesn't use Dungeon Keys (would have uninstalled if it did) but why have your Heroes go into a fatigue state after each match? You win and begin your win streak which lasts 5 MINUTES!! When have you ever seen a game that has a timer on a win streak? Your Heroes require at least 10 minutes to be playable again. In other words, you need multiple sets of Heroes to even enjoy Arena.

    Timer for Dungeon Keys is also ridiculous.. you have Elite levels that require 9 keys at 5 minute cool down, so that's almost 1 hour per dungeon. Raids, which is essentially auto-battle to earn loot doesn't even seem worth it because they ALSO TAKE UP DUNGEON KEYS. It would have been great if Raids simply rewarded you with loot but did not take up Dungeon Keys.

    Edit: Changing what I had previously said and I will say now that the game, after patches, has cleaned up the crashes for the most part and as the game progresses it does pick up.
  3. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Because Apple doesn't care about quality of apps, they only care about how much money they can get from it. Look at Zodiac Odyssey, a horrible game with a pretty face and it has been on all over the appstore trying to get people to download it. Best game of 2015? Not even close.
  4. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I wonder if the difficulty drops again after fame level 8, as you will be able to upgrade your attack cards.
  5. Amenbrother

    Amenbrother Well-Known Member

    Jun 24, 2011
    This game is awesome just needs the keys to regen faster.
  6. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Now Im into the arena the key regen speed is much less of an issue, as it gives you a second set of keys to work through.
  7. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Just make sure you don't level up your fame cause the extra keys rewarded in Arena will be wasted :(

    And to answer your other question regarding evolving cards, yes it does help but an evolved common card still cant beat an uncommon or rare, which can also be evolved. It feels like a waste upgrading commons cause once you evolve you have to upgrade them again.
  8. ASVPdp

    ASVPdp New Member

    Jan 10, 2016
    You just stated negatives about basically ALL freemium games. Every freemium game is a grind, especially if you want to play for free.
  9. ASVPdp

    ASVPdp New Member

    Jan 10, 2016
    Reach Level 6 & Unlock King's Arena = MORE REGEN KEYS

    This is for whoever is doubting this game due to the regen system:

    - When you reach level 6 and unlock the PVP arena called “King’s Arena”, you are now able to earn Regen Key’s as rewards.
    - Arena Key max is 5 keys with a 5 minute timer. This means more chances to earn regen keys and other goodies throughout the day.
    - The farther you progress in the game, the pace of the battles become longer due to more strategic choices.

    To whoever is giving the game a try, you gotta ride the game out till your level 6 to see it’s full potential. You can constantly play the game for free with how available arena and regular regen keys are thoughout the day. This is a promising game that has beautiful graphics and amazing animations all in a turn based RPG that is uniquely done.

    Great job to the devs for creating an awesome game and to the tech support for being aware / fixing all the crashes going on!
  10. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Really? That sounds like a confident answer. I don't mind grinding if it were a possibility. How about Hearthstone, Magic, Fantasy War Tactics, Heroes Tactics, Lionheart Tactics, Zookeeper Battle or even Angry Birds Fight? It's very easy to see how much every battle costs and when to refill your stamina. Grinding in those games means earning a currency that lets you unlock more items. In this game it just means upgrading existing.. which is not sufficient for later levels, even with evolving cards.

    If anyone believes that Arena grants you keys to continue playing you will be happy to know that later dungeons require 8+ keys. So that kinda offsets the ones you receive for winning in Arena.

    Regardless, it's a great game with a not so great system. Perhaps at much later levels it is better but I will see :)
  11. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I can see some grinding for these apothecary materials. I thought I had plenty, yet all my available evolves want heaps one of material, the sands of time. I dont see much point evolving a card if Im not boosting it with maximum materials, whch means I need to grind them out. Naturally when Im auto battle grinding Im also watching adverts to get bonus materials. They were always going to get paid one way or another, and here it is
  12. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Snotty, do you ever Raid? I find it pointless because you do not get XP.. I can't really find a use for it unless it does not consume Dungeon Keys.
  13. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Ive raided a few times, mostly when I needed to burn keys quickly and didnt have time to autobattle. The impression I got was that you got more loot, although Ive had a few lucky autobattles where I got as many rewards as a raid.

    I hadnt noticed that you dont get xp for it.
  14. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    I ran a few more raids and it looks like the loot has a similar spread to doing auto battles. Some raids are good, some not so good.

    I think they have messed up a quest for one of my characters, the purple archer. Like the others he has a quest to unlock his level 15 active ability, however he unlocks his passive ability at 15, and his active ability at level 30. I hope that bugged quest isnt going to stop my other quests from progressing somehow
  15. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    Good to know, thanks. I hope we can sell the Raid tickets one day cause I find them useless... unless they take out Dungeon Key cost.

    Sucks about the quest. Usually the hero quests simply unlock more hero quests and does not impact the progression. What are your main heroes? Any luck with skills??
  16. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    One of my early uncommons was an impeding arrow. I bought both archers, so Ive got 3 characters that can all use this solid attack card. Ive upgraded it some so now it does 600 damage, 60% chance to interrupt, and takes 3 turns to cast. I see less point upgrading the character specific cards when I could be upgrading a card that benefits 3 characters.

    I opened a number of common booster packs in the hope I would get other useful basic combat cards, but sadly all I got was duplicates of cards I already had. Ive started opening uncommon boosters again and got lucky with a rare healing card for my archers, lentil soup. It was a real headache equiping the card to all 3 characters though. Eventually I found I had to back out of the cards menu and go back in. Only then would it let me equip my second hero with the card.

    Whats your setup?
  17. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    #57 S3Styles, Jan 12, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 13, 2016
    Ya I noticed that bug with the equipping too. Like you my party is based on what card I have to share. My Bree actually has both Impeding and Interrupt Arrow, the rare version of Impeding but she doesn't really fit in my party unless I need strong single target dps but I am leveling her up :) Interrupt Arrow does 934 dmg! and Poisonous Spike does 942!!

    I'm running 2 mages, both with Sleeping Sceptre. It's a 799 dmg, 4 turn to sleep, 30% to slow. When both mages have it I do dmg and control the board, then I have a Stunning Staff which does 547 for 2 turn cost and stuns for 3 turns. Everything else is AOE but I really have no heals.. I either kill mobs without them even reacting or I get rolled. In Arena though..

    What does Lentil do? I'm always curious what kinda support skills there are cause I haven't unlocked them. When the guild system is in, we should start / join one. I see people on the Kongregate forum looking for active players.
  18. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    Was enjoying this enough to buy the Monty and Bree power pack (lol).

    Got it, edited Bree's battle card into her deck, went to do the same for Monty...

    Server reset, game crashed, and the card disappeared (!)

    BIT teed off (!)
  19. Snotty128

    Snotty128 Well-Known Member

    Jul 26, 2013
    Good luck getting that fixed! I'd love to know how that goes for you

    S3Styles, youve got some serious cards there! Thats a great looking combo too.

    Lentil soup is a 1 turn, self heal card, that heals 748hp at evo 0, level 35. It also has 60% chance to increase attack for 2 turns. I think it increases attack by 50%, but I would need to double check it. The attack bonus is quite trickey to use as you need attack cards that take 2 turns or less to resolve. I could see it working well with brees remedy rush ability though.

    Ive been winning most of my arena fights, I assume because my heroes are well leveled for my fame, and I can pick the right element to counter the enemy. Every once in a while I get caught out by the air melee characters doing a critical aoe attack, for example. I fought one team of two wizards who had plenty of powerful 1 turn attacks. They minced me before I could do much to retaliate.
  20. S3Styles

    S3Styles Active Member

    Jul 29, 2015
    That's insane for a healing skill especially since it can buff you as well. But it is SELF healing and I prefer party abilities. I switched over to using Bree as well. I realized one AoEer and another as single target with heals / buffs is the better option later game.

    Quoad, you can definitely contact support, I'm sure they will help you out. They are incredibly active and helpful!

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