It might also be a case of players of either franchise just having a hard time getting used to the opposite; for example I did try to play Battlefield 2 but I really didnt like that you couldnt go prone... seemed like a huge disadvantage to me. Aside from that, I will give both games a chance and I'll post about it then I guess. :]
me to so i suggest we create a TA cross-clan: we chose when we play CoD and BF3 but i think multi of CoD will beat BF3's cause they're much more ppl so its faster to find and join a fight... BF3 has yet to prove itself contrarily to MW3
I have to admit, I've always liked the ability to go prone in CoD. It's one of the few things I miss when playing other games, but luckily it's been reintroduced to Battlefield 3
If that's the case then I will be playing both games just based on that alone! Also anyone here (Ap0calypse) feel free to add me on PSN, name is thechaplow yadig