These guys really know how to tease us. BFBC2 fans already know how amazing the Frostbite engine is, the destruction in that was incredible enough and so far all of the new videos keep cutting out just at the point we're about to see what Frostbite 2.0 can do with large structures.
New video on IGN with earthquake at end makes it look amazing!!! Must have for me-sick of Cod (sad to say but true)
Updated btw, go to their website and Facebook Like to have a new video up
Jets! Finally! I wonder how they will work in multiplayer, never played any other games other than BC2.
Quite difficult for the first time players for Battlefield 2, I tried to get the jet up in the air many many times but utterly failed :\
The wait is getting harder. Pretty much anything I buy from now until BF3 is just to fill up the time... hopefully they'll be good too though.
Watched some youtube videos of it and it looks stressful and hard, which is how it should be based on how powerful they are. Some features I would like is an exploration feature of the maps so you're alone and can learn the layout and how to drive/pilot vehicles. They would be amazing because it's hard to learn how to pilot a heli in BC2 when it's so rare to get one.
To be honest I prefer being thrown in with little knowledge of the area. Soldiers at war tend not to get the chance to stroll around the battlefield before starting the fight Part of the fun for me is reacting to the situation as it happens and having to make uncertain snap decisions. Leads to some nice surprises and a bunch of disappointments too... but you learn from it.
I'm just stoked for a new battlefield, the players from BF2 have really started to disappear over the years and now my favorite pub servers are almost empty! I haven't played a full 64 man match in quite sometime... Also BF3 PC is the way to go for anyone looking to get it. Mainly because they will support the pc version much longer than the console versions and also will allow for certain features you will not ever see on console, such as 64 man servers vs 32 for console...