Just want to chime in and say this would be instabuy for me if you ever bring to iPhone. So much excitement only to see "iPad only". Understand the limitations though. The game looks awesome.
Battle Fleet 2 on Steam Great news! Battle Fleet 2 has just been released on Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/332490
Hello everyone, Battle Fleet 2 is on sale this week as part of the Steam Summer Sale. It is 50% off: http://store.steampowered.com/app/332490/ There's also news about the upcoming Atlantic update: http://steamcommunity.com/games/332490/announcements/detail/118564995854601009
Atlantic Update now available The Atlantic Campaign (1.20) is now available on all platforms as a free update! This massive update includes: Full Atlantic Campaign: play as the Allies or Axis in historical or clean slate modes Troop Transports: required to conquer certain territories, add a whole new layer of strategy 10 New Single Battle and Multiplayer Maps modeled after real world Atlantic locations AI improvements: carriers & transports evade, better campaign AI Russian language added Balance and stat tweaks Ship build limits at shipyards Bug Fixes The iPad and Android Tablet versions will be on sale for the next few days! Steam: http://store.steampowered.com/app/332490 iPad: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/battle-fleet-2-ww2-in-pacific/id892627831?ls=1&mt=8 Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.capitaljmedia.battlefleet2 Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Mythical-City-Games-Inc-Battle/dp/B00RJNLW58 Thanks your everyone's support! -JJ Battle Fleet 2 Developer
Is there a user manual online? I'm struggling to fully understand. I could have used an in depth tutorial. I've made my way through a few battles on my first campaign try but I'm sure I'm missing things. Also what's the best way to save from a campaign? In not sure I did it the way I was supposed to. Think I lost points. Thanks & sorry for basic questions. I've played about 30 mins & want to learn correctly so I enjoy it to fullest.
Hi, there's a few tips on this page: http://www.battlefleetgame.com/help.html To save from a campaign, just select the "gear" icon button in the top right of the campaign map and select Save & Exit. If you have any other questions about gameplay please let me know. -JJ
Great Thank you. I think I quit while in a campaign battle which isn't a good. I'm really enjoying the game. You did a really nice job. Bravo Zulu!
The Empire AirStrikes Back in Battle Fleet 2 Just in time for Star Wars, we've got a little Battle Fleet 2 tribute video:
50% OFF holiday sale! Battle Fleet 2 is 50% OFF on all platforms (iOS, Android, PC/Mac), including the Steam version for the holiday sale. http://store.steampowered.com/app/332490/ http://www.battlefleetgame.com/
50% off Sale and 1.3 Update Released We've released a major update to Battle Fleet 2 that adds new features and most importantly makes it a lot easier to find multiplayer opponents. Check out the details on our Steam page: http://steamcommunity.com/games/332490/announcements/detail/501417515027993927 - New multiplayer challenge system - New aircraft including the torpedo bomber - New weapon - Unlock and level up system - Campaign fleet refit The game is out for PC, Mac, iPad and Android Tablets iPads: https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/apple-store/id892627831?mt=8&ign-mpt=uo%3D8