Hi guys, I'm the designer of Battle Fleet 2, a WW2 naval strategy game for iPad, Android, Mac & PC. The Mac version is now available from the Mac App Store and the Mac Game Store: http://www.macgamestore.com/product/3440/Battle-Fleet-2/ It's currently in the top 10 games on the Mac Game Store and has received some great press so far: "Battle Fleet 2 stacks up very nicely." 8/10 - Pocket Gamer "I could get on board with this" - Rock, Paper, Shotgun "Naval Combat Simulator with Depth" - IGM "Overall, this is a great app" 4.5/5 - AppAdvice "impressed with the surprisingly diverse gameplay" - Mouse n Joypad "best naval combat game on the market" 9.2/10 - Game Players Review Here's a trailer if you haven't heard about Battle Fleet 2 yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xd9bzXFANgs Find out more about the game and get the links to the iPad, Android, PC versions at: http://www.battlefleetgame.com/
Thanks! It's had a lot of great reviews over the past few weeks and I really appreciate all the support from players. The submarine update is coming soon, so that should be pretty awesome!
Battle Fleet 2 updated with Submarines! We've just released an update to Battle Fleet 2 that includes Submarines, anti-sub warfare, destructible terrain and new translations (French, German, Polish). iPad, Android and Mac players can get the update directly from the respective app stores. For PC players you'll have to download the game using your original download link/receipt email. Let me know what you think of the new features and if you have any questions about subs, you can check out the details in our help page: http://www.battlefleetgame.com/help.html
Great, glad to hear it's working Let me know what you think of the game or if you have any questions about how to play.
Thanks, hope you like it After getting a lot of great feedback on the recent submarine update and hearing the new feature requests, I have setup a crowdfunding campaign to create expansions for BF2, starting with an Atlantic campaign. Check it out and if you like the game please share the campaign: http://igg.me/at/bf2expansions
Hi everyone, Battle Fleet 2 is on sale this week as part of the Steam Summer Sale. It is 50% off: http://store.steampowered.com/app/332490/ There's also news about the upcoming Atlantic update: http://steamcommunity.com/games/332490/announcements/detail/118564995854601009